Rise From the Humble

Chapter 864: Zhuji opened

Chapter 864 Zhu Ji Opened

  Green Ruo Li, green coir raincoat, no need to return in slanting wind and drizzle.

  In the middle of the morning, the hazy drizzle slowly stopped without people noticing. After receiving the blessing of rain and dew for half a day, the flowers in the capital became more mangrove and the trees were greener, and the weather became rarer.

  The capital is back to busy again, the inner canal is full of boats, the pier is crowded with people, and the streets are full of pedestrians...

   Located near Qihuamen, Meimeiju Pastry Shop opened for business as soon as the rain stopped, and put the newly baked pastries outside the shop.

  “If I put the pastry in a cute heart shape, it will surely attract many people.”

  The little court lady Xi\'er held a food box and said to herself. The food box contained steaming hot cakes newly baked by the royal chef in the palace.

Looking at the pastries in the food box, the little court lady Xi\'er couldn\'t help sticking out her pink tongue and licking her cherry lips, a stream of body fluid formed on her lips, she glanced at the passers-by who were scared away by the price, and couldn\'t help but purse her small mouth and mutter Get up: "Everyone who knows the goods all over the street, these pastries are all made by the royal chef in the palace..."

Xi\'er, the little maid who just took out a pastry to make a heart shape, suddenly smelled a gluttonous smell of meat. The delicious smell seemed to grow little hands, and couldn\'t help twitching Xi\'er\'s internal organs, making her suddenly pause. Lived in place.


  What does it smell like? It smells so good? !

  Xi’er, the little maid, sniffed Qiong’s nose, closed her eyes and indulged in the smell of meat, the body fluid in her little mouth was much more than before, and almost flowed down.

  Who is cooking the meat?

  The little court lady Xi\'er opened her big eyes, while sniffing her small nose, she stretched her neck to find the source of the smell of meat.

  The fragrance is right ahead.

  Xi\'er, who has a good nose, immediately identified the source of the meaty smell, and looked up at the baby\'s fat little face.

ah? !

  Zhu Ji opened the door.

  Xi\'er, who followed the scent, opened her mouth wide, stared blankly at the other side, and didn\'t move.

   "Xi\'er~! I\'m getting fat, this princess can\'t order you anymore, can I?!"

The business has been worsening day by day in the past few days. Princess Ning\'an has been on fire for a long time. Seeing Xi\'er standing there in a daze without moving, she didn\'t even put the cakes on the table, the anger broke out in her heart .

   "No. No, princess..."

  Princess Ning\'an roared, scaring Xi\'er\'s little head like a rattle, and her little face turned pale.

"No?! I asked you to set up a pastry, but you stood there for a long time without moving a hand, how dare you say no!" Princess Ning\'an became even more angry when she heard this, with one hand on her hip and the other holding on to Xi\'er\'s nose, followed by Like a kitten whose tail was stepped on.

   "Grand...princess, it was I who was stunned when I saw Zhu Ji opened the door opposite..."

  Xi\'er shrank her neck under the powerful aura of Princess Ning\'an, stretched out her little finger and pointed to the Zhuji fast food restaurant opposite.

   "What? Zhu Ji Fast Food is open?"

  Princess Ning\'an got angry when she heard that Zhuji Fast Food was open. She came to the door in three steps and looked opposite.

   Sure enough, Zhuji Fast Food, which was usually closed for a few days, opened its door at this moment.

  The windows are bright and clean, and the tables and chairs are neatly arranged.

  A few waiters who are tall and thick, with big arms and round waists, but uniformly dressed, clean and tidy, are busy in the shop.

not only that.

  Princess Ning\'an also smelled an irresistible sultry fragrance, which was slowly spreading from the opposite shop.

   Is this going to open? !

  Princess Ning\'an couldn\'t help opening her mouth wide

  In the following time, Princess Ning\'an was sitting in the pastry shop, looking through the window at Zhuji Fast Food opposite.

  Zhu Ji Fast Food opened quietly, without publicity or selling, just simply opened the door.

  But not long after, everyone in the street knew that Zhuji Fast Food had opened.

  No notice required.

  Zhu Ji Fast Food\'s stewed pork aroma slowly filling the whole street is the best opening announcement.

  The fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, drifting farther and farther away.

  The dock area was busy, and a cargo ship full of goods was dragged by the tracker, and it stopped firmly at the dock.

   Seeing another cargo ship coming, the laborers who had just finished moving a cargo on the pier, in order to earn more wages, regardless of rest, swarmed up shirtless, their muscles dripping with sweat.

"Listen, all of you, be careful. The goods on Mr. Zhang\'s ship are thin-bodied blue-and-white porcelain shipped from Jingdezhen. It\'s just one broken, which is more than your wages. It\'s all for nothing."

  The foreman on the pier jumped onto the side of the ship, shouting at the top of his voice to the rushing forcemen.

   "Brother Liu, don\'t worry, we\'ve been carrying on for so many years, when did we lose the chain for you?"

   "That\'s right, brother Liu, put your heart in your stomach, and make sure you do a good job."

   "There will be absolutely no problems with the goods that pass through our hands."

  The Lifus patted their chests and said in a hurry.

"Hahaha, okay, I heard that you are guaranteed tickets. Get up your spirits. After fighting the cargo, I invite you to go to the Four Seas Restaurant for a drink. Of course, the old rule is that everyone will share the meal and the wine. I’m going out alone.” The foreman surnamed Liu grinned.

"it is good."


  As soon as they heard that the foreman invited them to drink, the Lifus were all excited, and they seemed to have inexhaustible strength.

   "Then start working."

  The foreman waved his hand, and the Lifus began to resist the goods in a messy but not chaotic manner.



A chubby Lifu suddenly smelled a tantalizing smell of meat, he was not sure at first, he thought it was the feast of the Four Seas restaurant promised by the foreman, and had hallucinations, but he sniffed again and again, The smell of meat became stronger and clearer, and it was definitely not a hallucination.

  My mother, what kind of meat is it, why is it so delicious.

  Just smelling it, his saliva was about to flow out, and the fat-headed and big-eared Lifu couldn\'t help being stunned. He stretched his neck vigorously along the source of the fragrance, swallowed hard, and talked to himself.

   "Idiot, what are you doing standing there? I\'m bored, hahaha, you look so big and thick, so you\'re a pewter."

  A stout Lifu passed the fat-headed Lifu with his load on his shoulders. Seeing him standing there, he thought he was bored, so he couldn\'t help laughing.

   "Bah, you bastard, a dog can\'t spit out ivory. Is it a silver-like wax gun head? Ask your wife to try it."

  The chubby Lifu turned his head and stared at Er Niu.

   "Hahaha, if you can find me a wife, then I would like to thank you. I am now eating enough for one person, and the whole family is not hungry." Er Niu was not angry at all, but excited.

   "Damn!" The second fool cursed with a smile, and then bumped Er Niu with his shoulder, "You don\'t smell a smell of meat."

   "What, you can smell it too? I thought I was hallucinating." Er Niu scratched his head.


  More and more people smelled this fragrance, and the sound of swallowing saliva seemed to be contagious.

   "This scent is a bit familiar, I\'m afraid Zhu Ji has opened?!" One person thought of something, and his eyes suddenly widened.

   "Hi. When you said that, I remembered it too. This scent is the smell of Zhu Ji." Another person couldn\'t help but speak.

   "Yeah, yes, this is the taste of Zhu Ji."

   "Zhu Ji is open."

The few Lifu who had tasted the marinated pig\'s water in Zhuji last time reacted quickly, and then their eyes lit up, like wild wolves who had been hungry for ten days and a half months, and their eyes were green Light.

  (end of this chapter)