Rise From the Humble

Chapter 863: Suddenly

Chapter 863 Mao Sai suddenly opened

  After breakfast, it was still drizzling outside with the sound of frogs.

   "Sima Yi~~"

  Li Shu giggled, and called Zhu Pingan, who was about to go to work with an umbrella, in a charming voice.

   Come again? !

   This little goblin...

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but grit his teeth when he heard Li Shu calling him Sima Yi again. Although he still hasn\'t figured out the connotation of Sima Yi, judging from Li Shu, the little goblin\'s trembling smile, it\'s not a good name to call him.

   "Are you going to ride a horse with an umbrella? Not to mention it\'s inconvenient, and it can\'t block the wind or rain. You should change into a raincoat before going out."

  Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a flirtatious glance with her watery eyes, and her rosy cherry mouth pouted, and she said in a charming voice, which was so bright and beautiful.

   Well, it makes sense.

  Zhu Pingan nodded when he heard the words, and his teeth did not itch anymore.

   What Li Shu said makes sense. It is really inconvenient to hold an umbrella when riding a horse. If the horse is running, it really cannot protect you from the wind and rain.

   But, did raincoats exist in ancient times? Isn\'t the raincoat a modern product?

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help being curious. In his previous understanding, he had always felt that there were only coir raincoats and umbrellas in ancient times.

   "Miss, the raincoat is here." Soon a little girl brought the raincoat.

  Seeing the raincoat brought by the little girl, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help refreshing his understanding that there were raincoats in ancient times.

   "It\'s also made by someone new, I don\'t know if it fits my husband\'s body." Li Shu stretched out her small hand to take the raincoat, moved lightly, and came to Zhu Pingan\'s side, tiptoed to unfold the raincoat and waited for Zhu Pingan to put it on.

   This is a blue water ripple feather gauze raincoat, with a round neck and double breasted placket style, with flat sleeves, skirts open in four directions, and a cap attached to the back ingeniously. The collar is lined with white lining, and the edge of the collar is rolled with bronzing thread to a narrow edge, and there are six black cloth buttons.

   "I\'ll do it myself." Zhu Pingan was not used to it, so he smiled slightly and wanted to put on the raincoat by himself.

   "Stretch out your hand." Li Shu pouted her small mouth and bulged her cheeks.

All right

  Zhu Ping\'an had no choice but to extend his hand out of kindness and enjoy Li Shu\'s caring service.

  Seeing Li Shu, a young lady with ten fingers who doesn\'t touch the spring water, serving around her, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but feel a rush of heat in his heart.


  Especially when Li Shu bent down to arrange Zhu Pingan\'s raincoat, Zhu Pingan\'s heart felt even more hot.

  Summer clothing is light and light.

  When Li Shu bent down, the shallow career line was looming from the neckline, and the outline of the little **** under the phoenix-tailed skirt was round and round, which was very seductive.

   "Bad guy! Sima Yi alone, not honest"

When Li Shu was tidying the front of Zhu Ping\'s raincoat, she noticed the natural reaction of Zhu Ping\'an\'s body. She couldn\'t help but spat with a blushing face, got up quickly, gave Zhu Ping\'an a hard look, and refused to tidy up Zhu Ping\'s raincoat again. .


  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but blush.

  Of course, the raincoats are also tidied up at this time.

   Not too big not too small is just right.

   It must be not too big or too small. This raincoat was specially made by Li Shu according to Zhu Ping\'an\'s figure, so how could it not fit well?

   "It looks thick, but I didn\'t expect it to be so light."

  After Zhu Pingan changed his raincoat, he turned around and felt the weight of the raincoat, half to relieve the embarrassment just now, and half to say in real surprise.

   "Of course it\'s light. It\'s made of plain feather yarn."

   Li Shu gave Zhu Ping an annoyed look, apparently still holding grudges against Zhu Ping\'s natural reaction just now.

   "Ahem, what is plain feather yarn?" Zhu Ping\'an heard the term plain feather yarn with a question mark on his face, and the standard Zhanger monk was puzzled.

   "My lord, plain feather yarn is a kind of precious fabric, and only the Cao family, an imperial weaving merchant in Jinling, can make this kind of fabric."

Qin\'er on the side explained softly, "Plain feather yarn is woven from otter down and goose feathers. The otter\'s down is not only light and easy to color, but also thick and soft, so it won\'t be soaked by water. Although the goose\'s feathers Rough, but the most lightweight and waterproof, it is the best choice for making waterproof fabrics. The soft down of otters can neutralize the roughness of wild goose feathers. This plain weave feather yarn, the surface of the feather yarn has rolling water ripples, and the rainwater falls on it and can slide off naturally without soaking in, so it is the best material for making raincoats."

  After hearing what Qin\'er said, Zhu Ping\'an stretched out his sleeves to observe, and it was indeed as Qin\'er said.

  There are rolling water ripples on the surface of the raincoat. If you look closely, you can also find traces of feathers.

   No wonder it\'s as light as a feather.

  Water ripples, feathers This is probably the origin of its name.

   "How much is a piece of plain feather yarn?" Zhu Ping\'an asked casually.

  Qin\'er didn\'t speak, stretched out two small hands, stretched out ten fingers, and swayed in front of Zhu Ping\'an.

   "A piece of ten taels of silver is really expensive." Zhu Pingan sighed with emotion.

  Qin\'er shook her head when she heard the words, and corrected her solemnly: "Master, it\'s not ten taels of silver for a horse, but ten taels of silver for a foot."

What? !

  Ten taels of silver a foot? !

  Then no matter how you wear this raincoat, you must not use a few feet of cloth!

  At this time, one tael of silver is roughly equivalent to RMB 600, and ten taels of silver is less than one thousand.

   Plus manual fees or something.

  For a while, Zhu Ping\'an suddenly felt that the raincoat on his body was shining with gold. This is not a raincoat, it is simply a golden coat. A limited edition handmade Armani is nothing compared to this raincoat.

  After changing into a raincoat, Zhu Pingan bid farewell to Li Shu and others, went out to the stables in the front yard, joined Liu Dadao, and rode to Xiyuan Sizhi.

   "Congratulations to Mr. Sima."

   When Zhu Ping\'an went out, Li Shu intentionally and playfully said goodbye.

   Come again? !

  Zhu Ping\'an staggered when he heard the words.

   It caused giggling and coquettish laughter in the room behind him.

  What the **** is Sima Yi? !

   On the way to Xiyuan, Zhu Ping\'an was frowning and thinking about this question all the way, and he was still puzzled when he reached Wuyi Hall.

   This morning is relatively free. Zhu Pingan just drafted an official document, and there is nothing else to do.

   Nothing to do.

  Seeing a copy of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on Li Chunfang\'s desk next door, and thinking of Li Shu\'s "Sima Yi" stalk, I borrowed it from Li Chunfang to read it.

  Zhu Ping\'an turned it over casually, and it happened that after the Jieting was lost, Sima Yi\'s troops approached the west city. Zhuge Liang, who had no soldiers to defend, made an empty city plan. Facing the empty city, Sima Yi turned his head and ran to this chapter.

   Sima Yi

   Empty city plan

  Mose suddenly realized.

   "So that\'s how it is." Zhu Pingan had an epiphany, and then the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, "Good girl, wait until your relatives are gone, and see if I don\'t drive straight into Huanglong."

  (end of this chapter)