Rise From the Humble

Chapter 852: Dr. Yang's desperate fight

Chapter 852 Dr. Yang\'s desperate fight

   A slow word resounded through the audience.

   It\'s like a thunder!

   is just one word, but it has the majestic momentum like thousands of troops and horses. It seems that a group of righteous teachers descended from the sky, galloping their horses, roaring, and shocked the audience at the teacher appreciation banquet.

  Including at the banquet, Zhu Pingan who had put the teacup to his lips, opened his mouth, and was about to drink tea.

   was also shocked.

  Maintaining the movement of serving tea, he paused, unable to drink a drop of tea into his mouth.

  Who shouted "slow"?

   Everyone followed the sound and saw that Yang Guoliang was looking at Zhu Ping\'an in his sight, and the mouth shape of the slow character was not yet closed.

   Obviously, it was Yang Guoliang who called.

  Zhu Ping\'an held the teacup and slowly turned to look at Yang Guoliang.

   In sight.

  Yang Guoliang was looking at him excitedly, the flames of revenge danced in his eyes, and the muscles on his face seemed to be shaking with excitement.

   "Hehe, Master Zhu, wait a minute."

  Yang Guoliang looked at Zhu Ping\'an, and tried his best to put on a calm and gentle smile. Unfortunately, the muscles on his face were shaking too much due to excitement, which made his calm and gentle smile look a little excited and ferocious.

Ha ha

   Can you not be excited? !

  To tell the truth, when Zhu Pingan made the couplet just now, Yang Guoliang felt that the sky was turning dark, and the sun and the moon were splitting.

  I wrote the first couplet, but I couldn’t come up with the second couplet after thinking hard for a year. I thought it could be listed as an absolute couplet for a century. As a result, Zhu Pingan, who only knows how to eat, came up with the second couplet without even thinking about it! How can I keep myself from despairing? !


Ha ha

   Heaven pays off.

   In desperation, Yang Guoliang did not give up, his brain turned fast, and he was more awake and active than ever before.

  Take Erchuan, arrange eight formations, six out and seven captures, and forty-nine bright lights in Wuzhangyuan, with one heart only to repay the three wishes;

   Ping Xishu, Ding Nanman, East and North refusal, the Chinese army\'s account changed, civil and golden lines, the water surface can be attacked with fire.

   This seemingly perfect couplet was still caught by Yang Guoliang, a fatal flaw.

  A flaw that is enough to destroy Zhu Ping\'an!


   Jedi fight back!

Ha ha

   How can you not be excited?

   At this time, Yang Guoliang looked up to the sky and laughed without being excited, it was already the result of restraint and restraint.

   "What does Dr. Hiccup Yang teach you?"

   Zhu Pingan held a teacup, hiccupped, frowned slightly, and asked in a neutral tone.

   Hemp eggs.

  I can\'t even drink tea!

  Zhu Ping\'an warmly greeted Yang Guoliang in his heart.

   "I can\'t talk about teaching, I just have some immature ideas, just ask Zhu Ping\'an for advice." Yang Guoliang smiled, and deliberately said to Zhu Ping\'an in the same tone that Zhu Ping\'an asked him for advice in the morning.

   Treat the person in the same way as the person.

   Sure enough, this kind of revenge is more comfortable, as if every pore is crying out for comfort.

  This is sour.

  Yang Guoliang\'s excited and comfortable voice was a little hoarse, like a drake whose neck was strangled, with its own BGM.

   "Please speak, Dr. Yang." Zhu Pingan looked at Yang Guoliang, nodded slightly, and said flatly.

Ha ha

   Lost face?

   Can\'t take it anymore?

  Believe it or not, your expression will look better later? !

  Yang Guoliang looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a smile, as if seeing the scene where Zhu Ping\'an was stunned and defeated after he pointed out Zhu Ping\'s famous flaw, so the smile on his face became more gentle.

"My first couplet is \'Collect Erchuan, line up eight formations, six out and seven captures, Wuzhangyuan has forty-nine bright lights, and one heart is only for rewarding three visits\'. Master Zhu, the second couplet you are right is \'Pingxishu, Dingnanman, Donghe Rejection from the north, the Chinese army\'s tent has changed, and the water surface can be attacked with fire, isn\'t it?" Yang Guoliang asked Zhu Pingan with a smile.

   "Of course." Zhu Ping\'an nodded.

   "Hehe, then here comes the problem." Hearing Zhu Pingan\'s answer yes, Yang Guoliang\'s smile was even brighter.

   Smiling with an unfathomable face.

  It was as if if you gave him a fan, he would be able to fan the feathers. While chatting and laughing, it was as if the mast and scull were wiped out in ashes.

   "Which one is better at learning excavators?" Zhu Pingan twitched his lips slightly.

  Mainly because of Yang Guoliang\'s question, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but say it, just like Hong Qi couldn\'t help kicking Ouyang Feng because of his handsome position in "East and West".


  Zhu Ping\'an\'s unrestrained solitaire made Yang Guoliang stunned, what the hell, who is better at learning excavators, are you sick, what is an excavator? !

   "Ahem, what\'s the problem?" Zhu Pingan coughed and explained with a slight smile.


  Yang Guoliang glanced at Zhu Pingan, thinking that he was about to break through the fatal flaw in Zhu Pingan\'s couplet, and his mood immediately improved again.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhu, please be safe and don\'t be impatient. Please listen to me slowly. My first couplet was written to Wuhou Zhuge Liang, and your second couplet, Mr. Zhu, is also to Wuhou Zhuge Liang. There is no problem in the meaning of the couplet." "Erchuan\' vs. \'Ping Xishu\', \'Packing Eight Arrays\' vs. \'Ding Nanman\', \'Six Out and Seven Captures\' vs. \'East and North Rejection\'. These are all fine."

  Yang Guoliang said with a slight smile, and then changed the subject, his laughter was murderous, and his words were filled with guns and sticks, and thousands of arrows were fired:

   "However, huh, huh, Mr. Zhu is going to say \'there are forty-nine bright lights in Wuzhangyuan, all for the purpose of rewarding the three visits\'. There is a problem here."

   "Oh, dare to ask Dr. Yang, where is the problem?" Zhu Ping\'an twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and asked with cupped hands.

"Where is the problem? Hehe, Master Zhu hasn\'t figured it out yet? Your \'China Military Tent Changing Hexagrams, Civil and Golden Lines\' obviously doesn\'t match my \'Forty-nine Lights in Wuzhangyuan\', and the \'Water Surface\' behind it is more usable." The same is true for \'Huo Gong\'. My Shanghai couplet implies \'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety\'. You are correct with the five orientation words "east, west, south, north, and middle" in front, but then you use \' Isn\'t it ridiculous that the five elements are right? I have a unified ten numbers, but you use five directions plus five five-element words. The location words and five-element words are completely irrelevant. You use this Wouldn’t it be absurd and ridiculous to use non-unified location words and my five-element words to match my unified numbers?!”

  When Yang Guoliang said this, his voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, and his tone was so impassioned, every word was like a sharp arrow, swishing, overwhelming, piercing Zhu Pingan\'s heart.

   "Well, Dr. Yang has a point."

   "Yes, Dr. Yang\'s Shanglian is ten numbers, but Zhu Ping\'an used five location words and five five-element words to correct it. It is not correct at all."

   "That\'s right, after Dr. Yang said that, I finally understood why something was wrong when I heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s pair of couplets just now. It turned out that this is the second couplet that Mr. Zhu is right. It\'s not right, it can\'t be done."

  When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, and the scene of the teacher appreciation banquet became lively.

Ha ha


  Looking at the suddenly enlightened expressions of everyone, and listening to everyone\'s down-to-earth comments, the arc of Yang Guoliang\'s mouth became wider and wider.

This feeling is really hard to describe in words, like the feeling when I was trembling with my wife Dun Lun on the wedding night, every pore in the whole body is stretched comfortably, how can it be a "cool" Words can describe it.

   so cool

  Too exciting

   It\'s so enjoyable.

  Hehe, Zhu Pingan, do you feel hopeless?

  PS: In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Chang\'an is snowing, and the scales are broken. Xiaosheng lives in a mud-tiled house, and it is difficult to cover his body with a three-foot cloak, and the calamus on his head is better than enjoying the coolness. The cold wind blows my bones, the severe frost cuts my muscles, I drink porridge in the morning and evening, and drink soup at noon. Hope you guys, go to the starting point, read the original version, give a reward of three or five taels, the kindness of life-saving will never be forgotten.

"speak English!"

   "Pocket money is restricted by the tigress, but I ask for a revised version, free silver rewards, Chinese New Year is coming, I will save some private money..."

  (end of this chapter)