Rise From the Humble

Chapter 851: slow

Chapter 851 Slow

  Wine is the same, tea is the same, the old man is the commander, the old man has the final say.

  Master Liu\'s words, like a sweet and cool wind, swept over Yang Guoliang\'s heart!

   "Old Liu is wise."

  After listening to Mr. Liu\'s words, Yang Guoliang almost couldn\'t help applauding Mrs. Liu. To Yang Guoliang, Mr. Liu\'s words were like rain in the drought and a lighthouse in the sea of ​​fog. Yang Guoliang listened to it and enjoyed it in his heart.

   If you are really sleepy, you can give me a pillow.

  Yang Guoliang\'s heart was full of uncontrollable excitement and joy, and suddenly surged up. His heart was as excited as a mad cow. It couldn\'t stop beating, and he couldn\'t control it no matter what.



   Taking a deep breath, Yang Guoliang calmed down his excitement a little bit, and turned his head to look at Zhu Pingan in a leisurely manner.

  Seeing Zhu Pingan\'s stunned expression, the mad cow in Yang Guoliang\'s heart began to jump uncontrollably again.


   It\'s really a turn of wind and water, come to my house today. You held me back this morning, now it\'s your turn.

   "Take two rivers, line up eight formations, capture six out of seven, and light up forty-nine lanterns in Wuzhangyuan, all for three vows."

I did not say this couplet casually, but when I was studying "Three Kingdoms" last year, I was inspired by reading fifteen volumes of "Book of Shu", and it took ten days to come up with it. The Union.

  This is my originality, and it is unique and insurmountable originality.

  After I came up with this upper couplet, I also tried to match the second couplet, but since I came up with the first couplet last year, a year has passed, and I haven’t come up with a suitable second couplet.

  Because my own Shanglian is simply absolute.

  I don’t think I’m an eternal absolute, but also a century-old absolute that few people can come out against in tens or hundreds of years.

  After I absolutely thought of this, I kept it in my heart all the time, thinking that it would be a blockbuster at a critical moment.

   Today is the critical time!

  I got wind when I received the decree in the morning, and I got a letter of approval from Ma Huating in the morning. Today is obviously a lecture, but in fact, it is the Holy Majesty who chooses the servants of the two princes to give a lecture! The prince attendant said, this is a legitimate emperor\'s teacher, not a day\'s emperor\'s teacher who lectures on sutras today.

  Once ordered by the Holy Master to serve as a lecturer for the prince, the future fame and fortune will be nothing but money!

   Good steel should be used on the blade!

  So, today Yang Guoliang did not hesitate to take out the unique couplet at the bottom of the box that he had treasured for a year.

  The effect is ideal.

  As soon as Yang Guoliang\'s unique couplet came out, the audience was shocked, everyone frowned, and began to think hard.

Ha ha

  As for Zhu Ping\'an, it was a complete surprise to Yang Guoliang.

  Thank you Mr. Liu!

  Yang Guoliang calmed down his excitement again, and looked at Zhu Pingan with great interest.


  At this moment, Zhu Pingan hiccupped.

Ha ha

   Deserved it! Choke you to death! Let you be like a pig just now, eating like a rice bucket, choking on it! Take it upon yourself!

   Want some tea?

  Dream you!

  My couplet is not right, not to mention today, even this year, I guess you are out of the game.

  Yang Guoliang looked at the hiccupping Zhu Pingan, as if he had seen the funniest scene in the world, he couldn\'t help but squinted his eyes, and the creases in the corners of his eyes were full of smiles.

   "Hehe, Zihou, take the order." Elder Liu looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and joked.

   "Hic, Mr. Liu, can you discuss it, let the boy have a sip of tea first, and then receive the military order." After hiccupping, Zhu Pingan held a teacup and discussed with Mr. Li with an embarrassed smile.

   "The military order is like a mountain, and there is no time to delay." Elder Liu smiled and shook his head.

   Everyone also laughed and looked at Zhu Ping\'an with great interest.

   "Uh, all right, take orders safely."

  Zhu Ping\'an held the teacup in one hand, clasped the other hand, and answered with arched hands.

  Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an had accepted the order, the corners of Yang Guoliang\'s mouth couldn\'t help curling up, as if he had won a big prize, and he couldn\'t close his mouth for a long time.


  Before Zhu Pingan received the order, he hiccupped again.

Ha ha.

  Everyone couldn\'t help laughing, among which Yang Guoliang smiled the brightest.

"Maybe Mr. Zhu was too busy savoring the delicious food just now, so I didn\'t hear my Shanglian clearly, so I\'ll repeat it again. My Shanglian is \'Take Erchuan, line up eight formations, six out and seven captures, Wuzhangyuan\'s bright lights are forty-nine , just to pay for the three wishes\'." Yang Guoliang looked at Zhu Ping\'an kindly, and repeated the upper couplet with a smile.

   "Busy tasting delicious food? Hehe, Dr. Yang\'s words are really funny." Ma Huating followed with a smile.

   "Oh" Zhu Pingan let out a sigh and nodded.

  Oh, oh, oh, you are so big, it seems like you can match it, Yang Guoliang twitched his mouth in disdain.

   However, the next second, the corners of Yang Guoliang\'s mouth twitched.

   "Oh, I\'m really thirsty, please forgive me, let me make a fool of myself and ask for a cup of tea." Zhu Pingan said softly, holding the teacup and bowing his hands politely to everyone.


   This requires a second line first?

   Don\'t you have to think about it? !

  Everyone was stunned. Yang Guoliang\'s couplet was very difficult. They just thought about it for a while, but they still don\'t have a clue. Can Zhu Pingan come up with the next couplet? !

impossible? !

  Yang Guoliang\'s eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched in shock. After I came up with the first couplet, I didn\'t think about the second one after thinking about it for a year. Now that you heard the first couplet, you can come up with the second one? ! impossible! I do not believe!

  My couplet not only contains the numbers one to ten, but also contains the life story of Wuhou Zhuge Kongming.

Ha ha.

  You must have not even figured out the hidden traps in my couplets. You thought it was an ordinary couplet, so you just corrected a second couplet that is actually not at all antithetical!

  Yes, it must be so.

  Yang Guoliang nodded, convinced of his guess.

   "Hi my second line is \'Ping Xishu, Ding Nanman, East and North reject, the Chinese army\'s account changes, civil and golden lines, the water surface can be attacked with fire.\'"

  Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Zhu Pingan hiccupped, then spoke slowly and calmly, and uttered a couplet.

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an\'s second couplet came out, everyone heard thunder, and the teacher\'s thank you banquet was quiet, and needles could be heard.

  Yang Guoliang was completely stunned, as if he had lost his soul, and looked at Zhu Pingan blankly like a log.

"Okay! Take Erchuan, line up eight formations, capture six times and capture seven times. There are forty-nine bright lights in Wuzhangyuan. You only want to pay three wishes; Pingxishu, Ding Nanman, rejecting East and North, changing the tent of the Chinese army, building trees and golden lines, and the water surface is biased. Can attack with fire."

King Yu\'s applause broke the tranquility of the teacher appreciation banquet. After listening to Zhu Ping\'an\'s second couplet, King Yu couldn\'t help but praise it, then repeated the couplet softly, and couldn\'t help but nodded again. .

  Yang Guoliang’s upper couplet is Zhuge Kongming’s lifetime achievement, and Zhu Ping’s second couplet is also Zhuge Kongming’s lifetime achievement. Yang Guoliang’s upper couplet is wonderful, and Zhu Ping’s second couplet is ingenious.

  Gao Gong looked at Zhu Ping\'an with radiance in his eyes, as if he really looked at Zhu Ping\'an seriously at this moment.

   "Yeah." Elder Liu also smiled slightly, looked at Zhu Ping\'an and nodded.

   "You\'re showing your ugliness." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to the crowd, and then put the teacup to his mouth, and then put it to his mouth, not yet drinking.


  At this moment, a hurried and excited voice sounded.

  (end of this chapter)