Rise From the Humble

Chapter 831: Become famous once cooked (Part 2)

Chapter 831 One Boil to Become Famous (Part 2)

  As time goes by, the scorching sun in the sky is more and more deflected overhead, the sun is scorching hot, the heat wave is boiling, the street is like a steamer, and the earth is also steamed hot, only under the shade of the trees is there a trace of coolness.

  There are two ancient trees in front of Zhuji Fast Food, with luxuriant branches and leaves, like umbrellas, covering patches of shade. Dozens of people are squatting or standing under the shade, chatting and paying attention to Zhuji Fast Food.

   The most mentioned Zhuji fast food is free for everyone to try at noon.

  A unloading worker passed by here. After hearing about it, he couldn\'t wait to go back and share the matter with his workers. Soon, there were seven or eight more men in short shirts under the shade of the tree.

   "Princess, can Zhu Ping\'an really clean up that smelly pig\'s offal? He said there is a secret recipe passed down from his ancestors."

  In the sparsely populated Meimeiju pastry shop, the court lady Xi\'er fanned Princess Ning\'an while curiously looking at the people waiting in front of Zhuji fast food.

"Listen to him fooling around. Even the imperial chefs in the palace can\'t do it, how could he do it. Returning the secret recipe passed down from the ancestors, hmph, just cheating those shallow-sighted people outside. Look, how many people outside are now? Looking forward to it, I will be so disappointed when the time comes, hehe, there will be a good show later, a pot of stinky pigs will go into the water"

Princess Ning\'an rolled her eyes, she was very disdainful of everything on the opposite side, thinking of the time when the opposite side brought out a pot of stinky pigs into the water at noon, Princess Ning\'an couldn\'t help covering her small mouth and giggling stop.

  As for what Zhu Pingan said about the ancestral secret recipe, Princess Ning\'an didn\'t believe it at all.

  What ancestral recipe? !

  How to do it in the countryside.

  Hmph, can you believe the local methods in the country? I heard that when the country people are hungry, they still eat tree leaves and gnaw Guanyin soil. Their taste, haha.

  As time goes by, noon is getting closer and closer.

  Princess Ning\'an looked at the other side with more and more playful eyes, as if she was waiting for a good show to start.

  In fact, not only Princess Ning\'an, but also many people on this street are paying attention to Zhu\'s fast food, waiting for the good show of Zhu\'s fast food at noon.

  Of course, the earliest and most caring people are colleagues, such as "Sihai Restaurant" not far away, "Shilixiang" a little further away, and "Cyclamen".

  When I heard that there was a restaurant on this street under renovation, these restaurants of different sizes and grades began to pay attention.

  At the beginning, they were quite worried. After all, they were colleagues or enemies. If one more restaurant opened on this street, they would take away a little more traffic from them and a share of the pie that originally belonged to them.

  However, when they heard that the shopkeeper of Zhuji Fast Food came back with two sets of pigs and threatened to focus on pigs, their worries were swept away.

Ha ha

Zhu Ji fast food actually focuses on pig offal, pig offal, who doesn\'t know, it\'s dirty and smelly, no matter how you deal with it, it can\'t be cleaned, and the taste of cooking with pig offal can be imagined, hehe, Zhu Ji didn\'t make it himself die.

  At first, I thought I had a bad heart, but I didn’t expect that the shopkeeper of Zhu Ji’s fast food was even darker, and he wanted to make money by cooking the same pigs for free.



   I heard that the shopkeeper of Zhuji Fast Food is a petty official, hehe, it is true that this official has a darker heart.

  Hehe, do you think that if you become an official, you will start a business? There are many ways in this business.

  It is much more difficult to do business than to be an official.

If you don’t believe me, you can see that Lu Buwei, a big businessman in the Spring and Autumn Period, had a lot of goods and could easily become a great prime minister who was under one person and above ten thousand; .

Ha ha

   Only a nerd can come up with such "amazing" ideas about using pig offal to cook.

  In the eyes of colleagues such as Sihai Restaurant, Shilixiang, and Cyclamen, Zhuji Fast Food is a joke.

   "Hey, old Qian, have you heard that Zhuji fast food over there is cooking pigs for people to eat at noon."

   "Hehehe, I just heard that too. I thought there was an opponent worth looking forward to, but I didn\'t expect that I would kill myself"

   "Maybe they can really make pig offal into delicious dishes, um, it\'s possible, hahaha."

   "Delicious food?! If he cooks the pig\'s offal so that everyone can eat it, I will eat this swill as a meal at noon today."

   "Hehe, that\'s what you said."

   "I said it, let\'s leave it at that."

So now they are not only not worried, but their mood has also improved inexplicably. They moved a stool to sit at the door of the store, poured a cup of tea, grabbed a handful of peanuts and melon seeds, and joked with the nearby shopkeeper Zhuji Fast Food, while enjoying themselves Leisurely waiting for the "good show" at noon to play.

  As early as when they were waiting to see the "good show", the backyard of Zhuji Fast Food was busy in an orderly manner.

  Zhu Ping\'an was on the sidelines to guide. Uncle Liu and Liu Daqiang were in charge of simply cutting the pigs into the water, while Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were in charge of lighting the fire.

   "My lord, do you think this bone soup can be boiled?" Liu Dadao asked.

   "Well, it\'s fine." Zhu Pingan looked at the bone soup tumbling in the pot and nodded.

  There is no old brine, so the only way to make bone soup is to use pig bones first, so that the brine will be more fragrant.

In the future, just like those centuries-old braised stewed restaurants in modern Beijing, the old soup will be kept, so that the stewed stew will become more and more fragrant and delicious. Even if some people make pigs in the water later, they are guaranteed not to be as delicious as Zhu Ji\'s. .

  Put the pig into the water, add the seasoning, and start cooking.

   It is worth mentioning that Zhu Pingan prepared this condiment according to the recipe of a well-known modern stewed restaurant. Back then, Zhu Pingan knew that this recipe was also a coincidence.

  The firewood is licking the bottom of the pot, and the soup in the pot is gurgling and rolling

   "It\'s almost noon, why hasn\'t Zhuji fast food moved yet?"

   "Yeah, didn\'t the little shopkeeper just say that Zhuji Fast Food is famous for its fast food, how long has it been, why is it still not good?"

   "Could it be that the little shopkeeper coaxed us?"

   "That won\'t work, how can we be fooled, if he doesn\'t keep his word, we\'ll smash his shop and it\'s reasonable"

   "Wait a little longer, people just install the store, if you can\'t keep the pot, you have to set it up first, wait and see"

  The people waiting outside Zhuji Fast Food, waited and waited for a long time without seeing any movement, and they all became impatient.


   As he was talking, someone suddenly gave a yell, then closed his eyes, and sniffed his nose intoxicated against the direction of the wind.

   "Hey, what smells so fragrant, have you smelled it? Where did this smell come from?"

   After taking a sniff, the man was even more sure that it was correct, and he couldn\'t help admiring in a drooling voice.

   "Hey? Don\'t say it, it really has a very fragrant fragrance. Just smelling it, the saliva can\'t help but want to flow down."

   Immediately afterwards, there was another person who also smelled the fragrance, and couldn\'t help but exclaimed.

   "Gudong. Damn it, no, I can\'t take it anymore, smelling this scent, the glutton in my stomach can\'t help but want to come out, I want to eat meat"

   Soon, more and more people also smelled this increasingly strong fragrance.

   Someone sniffed, swallowed dryly, patted his stomach hard, and cursed.

  (end of this chapter)