Rise From the Humble

Chapter 830: Ichini Seimei (medium)

Chapter 830 One Boil and Become Famous (Part 2)

"Pork liver is also easy to handle, and you can eat it after washing the blood, but if you want to eat it healthier and more delicious, you have to soak it in light salt water to wash it, change the water repeatedly, and when the water becomes clear, add white vinegar, which is about a catty of pork liver Just add such a spoonful of white vinegar, soak for two quarters of an hour, take it out, slice it and clean it.”

  Zhu Pingan sat aside and watched Uncle Liu and Liu Daqiang handle pig offal while continuing to instruct them on how to handle pig liver and pig large intestine.

   "Actually, among pig offal, pig large intestine is the most difficult to deal with, and it also has the strongest smell. Most people can\'t clean it." Zhu Pingan pointed to pig large intestine and said.

"Young master said that the pig\'s large intestine is the most smelly and the most difficult to deal with. People still eat pork heart and liver, but almost no one eats this pig\'s large intestine. No matter how you handle it, it won\'t be clean." Liu Daqiang picked it up from the basin. Li picked up the pig\'s large intestine, frowned and said.

   "Just like sheep intestines, this pig large intestine has been processed cleanly, and it tastes the best in the water." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

   "What should we do with the pig\'s large intestine? We couldn\'t wash it clean before." Liu Daqiang asked.

   "It\'s more troublesome to deal with the pig\'s large intestine. First find a few scissors." Zhu Pingan explained.

   "There are scissors, we just bought five pairs of scissors." Liu Daqiang said, and took five pairs of scissors from the well.

"Use scissors to cut off the fat and dirt outside the fat intestines. This step is the most critical. If the fat cannot be removed, the fat intestines will never be cleaned. After removing the fat, first fill the large intestine with clean water. Then Turn the fat sausage like a sleeve, turn the fat sausage inside out, then control the water and put it in the basin."

  Zhu Pingan turned over while talking, and was stopped by Mr. Liu after turning over.

  Liu Mu also brought out the allusion that the gentleman is far away from the kitchen.

   "Hehe, in fact, the gentleman is far away from the kitchen. At first, he said that King Liang Hui couldn\'t bear to kill. Mencius took the opportunity to persuade King Xuan of Qi to practice benevolence."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said, but seeing that Liu Mu and the others were determined, Zhu Pingan had no choice but to follow suit and continue to guide: "After controlling the water, add flour and salt to the basin, and you can add more as appropriate." Some, adding salt and flour is not for the taste, but for cleaning the fat intestines. With the flour and salt, rub the pig large intestine vigorously repeatedly until a large amount of intestinal juice is produced, that is, the hands are greasy, rub it again It’s enough, you can wash it with clean water at this time. After washing it, add white vinegar and a little water, well, it’s best to add some cooking wine, then rub it aside, and finally wash it off. "

  After explaining how to clean the pig\'s intestines, Zhu Ping\'an sat and watched Liu Daqiang and the others clean the pig\'s large intestine, occasionally saying something.

  Uncle Liu has always been an experienced cook, and he quickly grasped the essence, and Liu Daqiang and the others were also quick to learn.

   It took more than half an hour, and the two pig large intestines have been cleaned and processed.

   "Hey, really, if we deal with the pig\'s water according to the son\'s method, it really doesn\'t taste like it."

After cleaning and treating the pig into the water, Liu Daqiang took a piece of fat sausage under his nose and sniffed it vigorously. He found that apart from the smell of the pork itself, the strong stench before was no longer smelt at all. , said in surprise.

   "Well, I didn\'t expect this method passed down by the son\'s family to work."

  Old man Liu sniffed the pig\'s large intestine and then the pig\'s lungs. The wrinkles on his forehead could not help but stretched out. His weather-beaten face looked like an old tree had blossomed. From his forehead to the corners of his mouth, a simple smile gradually bloomed.

  For the old man, it is more joyful to know and practice a method of dealing with pig offal than to get a treasure.

Uncle Liu turned his head to look at Liu Daqiang, Liu Dadao and the others as he said that, his face full of smiles became serious, "Dadao, you all remember, this is the ancestral secret recipe of the son\'s family, you have to take care of it." Just keep your mouth shut and don\'t grumble outside, or don\'t blame the old man for not recognizing you nephews."

   "Uncle, don\'t worry, we know the seriousness." Liu Mu and the others promised that they would keep their mouths shut.

"Actually, it\'s nothing. It\'s nothing to spread the method of cleaning pig offal. There is a lot of pig offal. If everyone learns it, it will save waste. In addition, it takes a lot of time to deal with pig offal, and most people don\'t bother to deal with it." .Besides, it’s one thing to clean it up, but another thing to cook the pigs into the water.”

Zhu Pingan smiled indifferently. In modern times, almost everyone knows how to deal with pig offal, but most families buy ready-made pig offal cooked food outside. Basically, few families buy raw pig offal and go home. Handle the cooking by yourself.

  It is very troublesome to deal with pig offal, and it has to be washed several times with water, rubbed with flour and salt several times, and soaked in vinegar for more than half an hour.

  Most people don’t have the effort and perseverance, and more people would rather eat cooked food, or not eat it at all, rather than take so much effort.

"Young master is kind, but you have to beware of villains. You must know that you must not have the intention of harming others, but you must guard against others. There are many restaurants nearby. Now the pig is cheap, and it is hard to guarantee that they will be jealous. At least , during the first two years of the store’s opening, it must not be rumored.”

   Liu Mu tried his best to dissuade him.

  Liu Mu has been investigating and observing the surrounding market for the past few days, and has learned a lot of inside information. Although there are a few simple streets in this neighborhood, there are no less than ten restaurants, and the forces behind many restaurants are not simple.

  I heard that the master behind a restaurant is an **** in the palace. I heard that his status in the palace is not low.

   There are several other companies that also have official character backgrounds.

   There are several others that I haven\'t found out, but those who can open a store on the street must have a difficult background.

"It\'s my son, you are kind, and you are afraid of villains. After a few years, our shop will be established on this street, and it will not be too late for you to show kindness again." Liu Dadao and the others hurried forward to persuade him Zhu Pingan.

   Liu Dadao and the others didn\'t feel relieved until they saw Zhu Ping\'an nodded in response.

  After the pigs were cleaned up, Liu Dachui and his team also built a stove, which is a double stove. Two stoves are built together, one is a large stove and the other is a small stove.

  When I first dealt with pig lungs, I simply set up a few bricks in the yard, set up a small pot of boiling water, and gurgled pig lungs.

  After the stove was built, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui put a large iron pot with a diameter of more than one meter on the big stove, and put a two-size iron pot on the small stove.

  Can be steamed, boiled or fried.

   Wait until the kitchen decoration is done, add two pots in the kitchen, so there will be four pots, which is guaranteed to meet business needs.

  (end of this chapter)