Rise From the Humble

Chapter 811: hit the headlines

Chapter 811 hit the headlines

Originally, Zhu Ping\'an was going to give the poem "Three Lotus Roots Floating Bichon" to the troubled girl, but firstly, the words in this poem are a bit too much, and secondly, it is estimated that no one in the Ming Dynasty will understand it in a hundred years. Therefore, Zhu Pingan chose this poem "Wai Chun" adapted from Han Han\'s Sanchongmen "Wai Shi". Could not be newer.

  It must be very interesting when the troubled girl exhausts all her efforts and exhausts her means to finally decipher the true meaning of "Wai Chun".

  Zhu Ping\'an thought about the scene where someone went crazy, and couldn\'t help but hooked the corners of his lips, and walked out of the backyard of the pastry shop with his hands behind his back.

  As soon as he walked out of the shop, Zhu Pingan found a familiar figure on the opposite side, um, it was the bun-faced girl who turned around clumsily and covered her face with half a pancake.

  I recognized it at a glance, this girl is Li Shu\'s personal wench.

"Bless you, grandpa, you can\'t see me, bless you, grandpa, you can\'t see me..." Hua\'er stretched out her chubby hands nervously and squeezed half of a pancake, trying hard to hide the fat baby bun full of collagen Behind the half pancake, the eyelashes of the closed eyes trembled, and the small mouth kept praying.

   This scene reminded Zhu Pingan of ostriches who buried their heads in the sand to avoid danger in later generations.

  You are really talented.

  The sesame cake is only as big as a palm, let alone half a sheet.

  Half a sesame cake can\'t even cover half of your face, and you still want to hide your whole face behind the cake? !


   "What are you doing here?"

  Zhu Pingan stepped forward with a smile, stretched out his hand and pushed aside the half cake in front of Hua\'er\'s small face, and asked with a smile.

   "I, my lord, did you recognize the wrong person?" Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er\'s acting skills have been on the line for a while.

  It\'s a pity that the IQ is not online, and the little mouth is clearly calling uncle, and pretends not to know him, saying that he has admitted the wrong person.

   "Oh, I\'ve got the wrong person." Zhu Pingan let out a sigh, then nodded, as if he didn\'t see through the little maid of Baozi.

Hearing this, the little girl Baozi thought she had deceived Zhu Pingan about her acting skills, and she was so excited that she didn’t want to. Thank God and thank the gods from all walks of life for hearing her prayers. The servant girl nodded like a chicken eating rice with a small face in a hurry, expressing agreement, um, you just admitted the wrong person.

   "Hey, what did you call me just now?" Zhu Pingan asked casually as if nothing had happened.

   "Uncle." The little maid of Baozi blurted out without even thinking about it.

   Then Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly and looked at Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er.

   one second

   two seconds


Under Zhu Pingan\'s gaze, the little maid of Baozi slowly reacted after two seconds, and then said ah, a baby\'s fat face was instantly red like a monkey\'s buttocks, flushed red, and her little face was ashamed It\'s hot.

   "Hehehe, so it\'s my uncle"

Baozi\'s little girl\'s face was flushed, she lowered her head in embarrassment, stuck out her pink tongue in embarrassment, put her little hands in front of her abdomen with no place to rest, and twisted her little buttocks, she elongated her voice shyly .

  Don\'t want to be ashamed.

  Xu Zhimo said "the most is the gentleness of bowing his head, like the shyness of a water lotus flower that cannot withstand the cool wind", probably this kind of shyness is described.

  Zhu Pingan smiled speechlessly when he saw this, "Now I recognize me."

   "Hehe, of course Hua\'er recognizes my uncle." The little maid of Baozi stretched out her chubby hands and rubbed the back of her head, blushing.

   "What are you doing here?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"I\'m here. What am I doing here? Cakes, yes, I\'m here to buy some cakes." The little maid of Baozi thought as she spoke, and then saw the cakes in her hand, then raised the cakes in her hand, followed by a Like a medal.

   "Going so far to buy cakes?" Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help laughing after hearing the reason that the bun girl had been thinking about for a long time.

"Yeah, the pancakes here are delicious. I like them the most." The little maid of Baozi said, in order to prove that she likes to eat, she stuffed the pancakes in her hand into her mouth, just like a rabbit eating a radish. stuffed in.


   He choked in embarrassment, patting his sizeable chest with his small hands, and took a while to swallow.

   "Miss, miss, you haven\'t paid yet." The shopkeeper beside him couldn\'t help reminding.

   Another blushing.

  The little maid of Baozi wanted to find a hole to get in, it was too embarrassing, and she was still in front of my uncle.

   "Well, I followed you because I was afraid that my uncle didn\'t bring a purse." The little maid of Baozi lowered her head and added, "I didn\'t follow you."

   "Didn\'t you just talk about buying cakes?" Zhu Ping\'an smiled.

   "Uh, I bought pancakes along the way." The little bun girl lowered her head even lower, almost buried in her chest, and her voice was so small that it was like a mosquito buzzing, and she couldn\'t hear clearly.

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled without saying a word.

   "Oh, I know I can\'t hide it from my aunt, I followed here secretly." Baozi\'s little maid seemed to feel that her excuse was too naive, and she didn\'t even believe her, so she confessed with a blushing face.

   "Next time you want to come, just follow along." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

"Really." Baozi\'s little maid smiled happily when she heard the words, her two dimples were exposed, and she thought she would be scolded by my uncle, but I didn\'t expect that my uncle not only didn\'t scold me, but also let me follow her next time. It\'s like a child scribbling on the wall. Instead of blaming, the parents praised the painting for its artistic talent.

   "Grandpa, we don\'t need to rent the shop of that impolite lady with her eyes on top of her head just now."

   On the way back, Baozi\'s little maid was holding a bag of sesame cakes in her hand, shaking her little hand, and said something without thinking.

   "Well, we don\'t rent." Zhu Ping\'an nodded.

   "No need to rent." Baozi\'s little maid corrected.

   "Oh, why?" Zhu Pingan asked casually.

"Because we have shops on this street. Just a few days ago, the lady took over a few shops. I remember that one of them was on this street. The shop is still empty now. The lady was still there yesterday. What kind of business do you want to do?" The little maid of Baozi nodded her head and said seriously, "That shop seems to be quite big."

  Uh, is this the mountain and the river with no way out, and another village with dark willows and flowers? !

   Zhu Ping\'an felt as if he was dozing off and sent him a pillow.

   Slowly, the two figures, one tall and one short, disappeared into the crowd.

  On this day, although Zhu Ping\'an did not rent a house with the help of Fang Ya, the news of Zhu Ping\'s renting a house for business was spread by Fang Ya\'s mouth.

  Zhu Ping\'an was fined and bankrupt, and has been forced to start a business to subsidize his family.

   It was a joke for a while.

Many officials in the yamen gossip about the hottest topics. Apart from Yan Song and Xu Jie\'s pawnbrokers paying fines, Zhu Pingan\'s bankruptcy is the hottest topic in business. It is several times hotter.

   It can be called the number one hot search list in ancient times. If it is modern, it will be on the headlines.

A certain official who was fined with silver and was depressed for several days without thinking about food and drink, after hearing the news, happily ate five more bowls of rice. rice.

  (end of this chapter)