Rise From the Humble

Chapter 810: parting poem

Chapter 810 Parting Poem

Although the girl with problems has eyes and noses for Zhu Ping\'an, and those who can roll their eyes don\'t look directly at them, and those who can snort coldly don\'t speak well, but under the enthusiastic atmosphere of the young man who claims to be Huang San, the atmosphere of negotiation in the backyard of the pastry shop is still good. It is harmonious.

  A brain-dead problematic girl, what to care about with her, Zhu Pingan automatically ignored the problematic girl, and had a good chat with Huang San.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Zhu wants to lease this shop, right? No problem, we can sign the contract right now. I can decide the rent, and the rent will be reduced by one or two taels of silver every month." After the greetings, Huang San boy So said to Zhu Ping\'an.

   "How embarrassing." Zhu Pingan declined politely.

   "I\'m sorry you\'re still standing here? If you\'re sorry, then go, no one is forcing you to rent." The girl in question sneered, mocking Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Ahem." Zhu Pingan coughed, choking on the words of the troubled girl.

"Royal sister!" Huang San looked helplessly at the girl in question, and then cupped his hands to apologize to Zhu Ping\'an, "Ahem, I\'m sorry, brother Zhu, my sister just likes to joke, brother Zhu, please forgive me, don\'t take it to heart .”

   "Brother Huang! I\'m not joking. Why do you have to apologize to him!" The girl in question puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, and then turned her anger on Zhu Pingan, glaring at Zhu Pingan fiercely with her big eyes.

   "It\'s okay, it\'s okay, a child." Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and glanced at the troubled girl.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s contempt deeply hurt the troubled girl\'s heart.

  From childhood, I have always been coaxed, coaxed, respected and feared by others. I have never heard a harsh word, and no one has ever dared to look at me with such contemptuous eyes!

  But Zhu Pingan, an exhibitionist, this dog slave, dared to look down on himself, said that he was sick, and mocked himself as a child!

  It is tolerable, which is unbearable.

"Presumptuous, Zhu Ping\'an! If you look at me like that again, believe it or not, I\'ve got your eyes gouged out!" The troubled girl pointed at Zhu Ping\'an angrily. He stared at Zhu Ping\'an fiercely, as if he had been humiliated by Zhu Ping\'an.

   Uh, here we go again!

  Zhu Ping\'an feels that he has a good temper, but he still can\'t help but feel angry when he is repeatedly pointed at his nose by the problem girl.

   It seems that for your brother\'s sake, I don\'t have the same knowledge as a troubled girl like you, but you haven\'t finished yet.

   There is a very classic saying in modern times:

   If you are bitten by a mad dog,

   Are you going to bite it back?

  Yes, don\'t bite back.

   But what if the dog bites endlessly, bite after bite, without a break in between? !

   "Did you not brush your teeth in the morning?"

  Zhu Ping\'an turned his head to look at the girl in question, and smiled brightly, with eight white teeth gleaming in the sun.

   "What do you mean?" The girl in question was dazzled by Zhu Pingan\'s white teeth, and she didn\'t react for a while.

   After being stunned for a second, the girl in question finally realized that Zhu Pingan was mocking her for speaking impolitely and having bad breath.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you are presumptuous..."

  After realizing it, the girl in question almost went mad with anger, and she was ridiculed by others for her bad breath.

   There was another burst of chicken and dog jumping.

  Three-year-old Huang took great pains to stabilize the situation, but the problem girl didn\'t cooperate even more.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you go, you are not welcome here." The girl in question stared at Zhu Ping\'an coldly, and stretched out her little finger to point in the direction of the door.

   "Emperor sister..." Huang San looked helpless, and put his hand on the shoulder of the troubled girl.

"Brother Huang, I don\'t care. This shop also has my share. I don\'t want to rent it to him. Even if I rent it to a dog, I won\'t rent it to Zhu Pingan." He glared at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Imperial sister, since the store opened, it has been losing money every day..." the young man Huang San persuaded earnestly.

"Brother Huang, I don\'t rent it, I\'m sure I can earn money... Just let me drive it, Brother Huang, please..." The troubled girl pulled Huang San by the sleeve and acted coquettishly, compared to her domineering Time, much cuter.

   "This..." Huang San looked helplessly at the girl in question, "Didn\'t you also agree to rent it yesterday?"

   "I just want to wait for him to come, and then tell him in person that I won\'t rent it to him." The girl in question pointed at Zhu Ping\'an with her pink little finger.


   Trick me!

  Do I have any grudge against you?

  Zhu Ping\'an was speechless to the girl in question. This little girl deserves a beating for her film. It turned out that she didn\'t want to rent it to herself in the first place. She agreed to rent it out yesterday so that when she came to sign the contract, she said in person that she would not rent it to herself.

   "Brother Zhu, I\'m really sorry, I didn\'t expect this to happen..."

  The young man Huang San repeatedly tried to persuade the problem girl to no avail, so he looked at Zhu Pingan with an embarrassed face, not knowing how to explain.

   "Brother Huang doesn\'t have to be like this, the transaction is inherently uncertain." Zhu Pingan waved his hand indifferently and smiled slightly.

   "Brother Huang, why are you apologizing to him?" The troubled girl rolled her eyes and muttered softly.

  The young man Huang San took a look at the problem girl. The problem girl stopped her mouth, but her rolled eyes didn\'t mean to fall down.

   "Zhu still has to find a shop, so don\'t bother me, I\'m leaving." Zhu Pingan ignored the girl in question, bid farewell to the young man Huang San, and turned to leave.

   "Fortunately, you still have a bit of winking, knowing that you are an eyesore... I have already said goodbye and left, I want to be rejected."

Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s farewell, the troubled girl had a smug look on her face, like a little hen that had won a battle, she walked forward two steps with her head held high, chasing after Zhu Ping\'an\'s back, and said in a long voice in a strange way .

The figure of Zhu Pingan going out paused, then stopped and turned around, looked at the problem girl with a smile on his face, Ruo Qianqian gentleman, "Business is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness, meeting is fate, the girl is so innocent, Zhu has a head Poems for girls."

   As he spoke, without waiting for the girl in question to refuse, Zhu Pingan walked back to the table in the courtyard where the contract was prepared, picked up a brush, and wrote a poem in a fluttering motion:

   "Walking Spring"

  The dark plum smells the flowers quietly, lying on the branches and hurting the bottom.

  It is heard from a distance that it is lying like water, and it is easy to reach spring green.

  The shore is like green, the shore is like translucent green, and the shore is like translucent black green.

  The text is completed overnight without any additions, and the whole poem takes less than a minute.

   "Who cares about your broken poems."

  By the time the girl in question reacted, Zhu Ping\'an had already disappeared at the door.

  (end of this chapter)