Rise From the Humble

Chapter 733: Gudao Zangyin

Chapter 733 Tani Road Zangyin

   "Zihou, our Taicang bank is in front of us. Slow down and be careful of the steps." Jia Langzhong led Zhu Pingan to the bank, and turned his head to remind Zhu Pingan to pay attention to his feet when going up the steps.

  The position of the silver warehouse is about 50 cm higher than the ground. This is for the sake of waterproofing. On the other hand, it is also to make the silver warehouse have a wider view and facilitate monitoring.

  It is said that it is a bank treasury, but it is actually divided into two parts: the treasury and the silver treasury.

  Outside the gates of the treasury and the silver treasury, there are plaques with the words "Daming Jiajing Treasury" and "Daming Jiajing Bank" respectively.

  Heavily guarded.

  You can see naked soldiers in the warehouse, coming in and out, carrying silver.

"This bank and the bank are the most heavily guarded places in Taicang. In Taicang, only the treasury soldiers can touch the gold and silver. Others, even Zhang Guanku, are not allowed to touch even a tael of silver. The emperor decreed \'allocate funds The 200,000 taels ordered Tao Tianshi to perform the ceremony of calming the gods at Jianyuan Mountain in Wudang Mountain, and they were transporting the 200,000 taels of silver, and loaded them into the inner palace."

  Walking onto the platform and standing outside the gate of the Taicang Bank, Jia Langzhong pointed to the soldiers coming in and out, and said to Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded and looked at the Taicang Bank.

  The hall official guarding the Kubing inside the gate saw Jia Langzhong and Zhu Ping\'an, and hurried over to salute.

"In Taicang, it is your hall officials who have the most important responsibilities. You must not relax in the slightest. You are busy with your work and don\'t worry about us." Jia Langzhong waved his hands with a serious face, indicating that the hall officials don\'t need to salute, and hurry back to his own Go up to work.

   "Resign from a humble position."

  The hall official heard the words, bowed his hands and resigned, and returned to the gate to inspect.

"Zihou, please don\'t blame me." Jia Langzhong watched the hall official return to his post, then turned to explain to Zhu Pingan, "The hall official is responsible for supervising the warehouse soldiers, strictly preventing the library soldiers from entraining and hiding them, which is related to Taicang. The safety of the treasury is in jeopardy, and nothing can be sloppy."

   "How can it be that Mr. Jia is loyal and strict to his duties, and it is too late for Ping An to admire, so how can he blame him?" Zhu Pingan shook his head and twitched the corners of his lips slightly.

   "If everyone understands us like Mr. Zhu, then our errands in Taicang will be easy to handle." Jia Langzhong said with emotion, listening to the words.

   "Where is it?" Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth.

At this time, about 20 treasury soldiers, under the supervision of the hall officials, carried the Taicang silver warehouse in and out, busy moving the silver from the silver warehouse to the outside of the warehouse, weighing, packing, sealing, and then loading it to the escort. to the vehicle in the warehouse.

   There are some spicy eyes at the scene.

  The Ku soldiers are all young and strong men, about 20 or 30 years old, and they all wear silver treasury clothes and pants. The top is a sleeveless gown with the word "Taicang" written on it, and the bottom is simple crotch pants.

  Two treasury soldiers worked together to remove a box of silver from the silver treasury, weighed and recorded it under the supervision of the hall official, and then moved it out of the treasury, affixed a seal, and placed it in a fixed position outside the treasury.

  After moving this box of silver, the warehouse soldiers returned to the bank to move the next box of silver.

   Returning to the bank again, they have to be inspected again, just like they just entered the bank.

  Outside the gate of the silver warehouse, the soldiers in the warehouse took off their clothes, and went to the hall naked to be inspected by the hall officials.


  Ku Bing stood naked in front of the hall official, squatted down, stretched his hands, exposing his ribs, then jumped up and down twice with his legs slightly bent, clapped his hands on top of his head, and quacked loudly like a duck.

  After these actions are done.

  Going forward one by one, there is a long bench in front of them, and the soldiers step over the bench one by one, shouting "come out" at the same time.

  Through the above behaviors, you can prove that you do not carry silver in your body, armpits, mouth, or hands.

   After completing such a series, you can get permission from the hall official to enter the bank.

   Entering the treasury, they change into the uniform clothes and trousers of the treasury, move the silver again, and return to the treasury after carrying, and go through the above-mentioned series of inspections.

   That is to say, every time they leave the silver vault, they have to go through the above inspections. After they have moved the silver, they can put on their own clothes and go home after get off work.

   "In Taicang, only Kubing can touch Kuyin. This way of undressing, shouting, stretching, clapping, squatting and jumping is to prevent Kubing from entraining silver taels, and to ensure that Taicang Yinkuo does not lose a cent of silver taels."

  Jia Langzhong explained to Zhu Pingan from the side.

  Zhu Pingan nodded when he heard the words.

  In fact, I don’t think so in my heart.

  If this can ensure that the treasury does not lose a penny or a dime of silver, then the largest theft of the Qing Dynasty\'s treasury hundreds of years later will not happen.

  In modern times, out of curiosity, Zhu Pingan carefully studied the theft of the treasury in the Qing Dynasty. Let alone other tricks, there are many tricks in the item of treasury soldiers alone.

   It seems that the above-mentioned inspection process of the warehouse soldiers is seamless, and there is no loophole to exploit, but in fact?

  If these soldiers really can’t get any money, then why do hundreds of related households break their heads, sharpen their heads, and send a large amount of money to compete for a position as a soldier? Obviously there is something wrong with it.

   There are fifty soldiers in each phase of the warehouse, and a group of soldiers must be rotated every five years.

   These Kubing are basically hereditary, and they have always been vying for and spreading in the circle of this certain hereditary Kubing family.

And there is a very interesting thing is that when the Kubing is rotated, whenever someone secretly decides a Kubing position by giving gifts, fighting for relationships, etc., they will spend a lot of money to hire several Wulin Masters act as bodyguards, inseparable, defending them for a short time.

Because every rotation of warehouse soldiers has to go through a check-in process. The Ministry of Accounts will write a letter or the highest leader of Taicang-the minister of treasury will conduct check-outs in the Ministry of Accounts. The position is finalized.

  If anyone is late or fails to arrive at the time of o\'clock, then the position of the warehouse soldier will be replaced.

   As for the relationship and money you fought before, sorry, it can only be regarded as being blown away by the strong wind.

  So, at this time, if there is a soldier who does not hire a bodyguard to ensure that he clicks the urn smoothly, if someone else finds out, he will be kidnapped or imprisoned, making you unable to click the urn, and then taking your place.

  So, under such fierce competition, the position of Kurdish soldiers must be lucrative.


There are policies and measures to counter.

It seems that the Taicang Bank has strict inspections on the entry and exit of the warehouse soldiers, but for the warehouse soldiers who have been replaced by generations, it does not prevent them from stealing the warehouse silver. step forward.

  Actually, they stole Kuyin mainly through human entrainment.

  Ku Bing has been passed down from generation to generation, and these children of the Ku Bing family have practiced a set of unique skills of stealing money from the library—"Gu Dao Zang Yin" since childhood.

That is to say, through the chrysanthemum treasury silver, they have practiced this skill since they were young. First, they smeared oil on the eggs, stuffed them with chrysanthemums, and performed running, walking and jumping exercises. It is 10 double iron pellets. Of course, a prop called pig bladder is needed at this time.

   It is said that if the "Gu Dao Zangyin" is practiced to a high level, you can carry ten smooth and edgeless silver ingots each time, which adds up to one hundred taels of silver.

  Zhu Pingan stood there and watched for a while, and found that at least two of the soldiers had bulging abdomens and some strange walking postures. They were probably the masters of "Gu Dao Zangyin".

  However, Zhu Ping\'an\'s face remained unchanged and he didn\'t make a sound.

  Compared to the officials in charge of the warehouse in Taicang, these warehouse soldiers who stole silver through their bodies are really insignificant. At best, they are little ants stealing wheat, which is not worth mentioning.

  Throwing grass will startle the snake.

   Zhu Pingan would never make such a small mistake.

  (end of this chapter)