Rise From the Humble

Chapter 732: hypocrisy

Chapter 732 False and Snake

   "It\'s a pity, there are so many uneaten."

  Zhu Ping\'an burped, touched his full belly, glanced at the food on the table, then stared at Taicang doctor Zhao Dingtian, and said with regret.

What the **** are you looking at me for? Why are you staring at me? You can’t change someone else. I’ve just stuffed seven or eight big slices of fat meat and two bowls of pimple soup. What the **** was I before? Already full, I will vomit if I eat again.

  When Zhao Dingtian saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes, his stomach felt nauseated.

  But Zhu Ping\'an is still so enthusiastic, it\'s all in his eyes, it seems that Zhao Dingtian is so big, how can he eat so little.

   Jia Langzhong on the side under the table quietly kicked Zhao Dingtian and gave Zhao Dingtian a look.

   Zhang Guanku, who was in the first place, also looked at Zhao Dingtian "kindly".

   Still eating?

  Zhao Dingtian was about to cry, but his face still had a "moved" and "I can still eat" expression on his face, and he continued to pick up the dishes on the table, which were called "fragrant".

   At the end of the meal, covering his mouth, he left the table and ran out of the dining room, bent over to a remote corner, and vomited heavily.

  Of course, this scene cannot be seen or heard in the dining room.

  After Zhao Dingtian left the table, Zhu Pingan turned his enthusiastic gaze to Jia Langzhong.

Don\'t look at me, don\'t look at me. The other people at the table are afraid that Zhu Ping\'an will look at them with "enthusiastic" eyes, as if Zhu Ping\'an is a broom star. As spectators, they all felt the "tragedy" of Mr. Zhao just now. Stomach hurts badly.

  They have just been full of delicacies in the "Late Night Canteen", and they are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas. To them, these cabbage tofu tastes like noble wax. You must know that "it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality".

   Fortunately, Zhu Ping\'an\'s "enthusiasm" came to an end after Jia Langzhong, which made other people at the table breathe a sigh of relief.

  After lunch, Zhang Guanku ordered someone to clean up a room for Zhu Pingan, and asked Zhu Pingan to rest for a while and take a nap.

   Zhu Pingan naturally rejected Zhang Guanku\'s kindness. I came to inspect the Taicang Bank. If I want to sleep, I can\'t sleep. Why should I sleep in the Taicang Bank? In case it gets out, he inspects the Taicang bank by himself, the first thing is to eat, and the second thing is to sleep. Then what will happen to him, he will be ridiculed behind his back as a pig.

  A pig, inspecting the Taicang Bank?

   What a joke.

  After all, people are preconceived. If this kind of talk spreads outside, no matter how I inspect the Taicang Bank, it will be in vain. Who will believe the inspection results of a pig?

  A matter of principle, Zhu Ping\'an has always liked to take the initiative, draw a line between right and wrong, and never go beyond the threshold.

  A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, this is what he said.

"Today\'s young officials, there are too few young officials who are as focused on their errands as Zihou. You, you should learn a lot from Zihou, put more heart into your errands, and do your errands well." Zhang Guanku highly He praised Zhu Ping\'an, and took the opportunity to speak to the subordinate officials in Taicang.

  In the beginning, Zhang Guanku called Zhu Pingan Master Zhu, but now after a meal, he calls Zhu Pingan by Zihou.

  Although it is just a change of name, the relationship has indeed improved a lot.

   "Definitely." Everyone nodded in agreement, showing a positive image of being united.

"How about this, let Jia Langzhong take a walk in Taicang first, get a general understanding of Taicang, and then start the inspection work, what do you think of Zihou?" Zhang Guanku smiled slightly, looked at Zhu Ping\'an, asked.

   "Everything is arranged by Mr. Zhang."

  Zhu Pingan curled his lips and answered with cupped hands.

  Zhu Ping\'an is so knowledgeable, everyone in Taicang is naturally very satisfied.

   "If that\'s the case, then please trouble Jia Langzhong." Zhang Guanku nodded with a slight smile, and then looked at Jia Langzhong.

"Mr. Zhang\'s words are wrong. What\'s the trouble? I\'ve heard about Zihou\'s number one scholar for a long time, but I haven\'t had the chance to meet him. Today, Mr. Zhang and Zihou gave me this opportunity. I\'m so happy that it\'s too late. Hehe, Mr. Zhu Please come with me, this Taicang Bank, I am very familiar with it, I must show Lord Zhu to take a good look, and make sure you don’t miss a single corner.”

  Jia Langzhong invited Ying with a smile, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation to Zhu Pingan.

   "This will trouble Jia Langzhong." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to thank Jia Langzhong, and then cupped his hands to bid farewell to Zhang Guanku and others.

   "No trouble, no trouble." Jia Langzhong replied with a smile, leading the way, "Zihou, this way please."

  The Taicang bank warehouse area covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, which is about 3/4 of the size of an ordinary university campus, and the area is very large.

  Of course, this is only the bank depot area. The Taicang grain depot is even bigger, dozens or even hundreds of times the size of the silver depot. There are more than 700 Taicang grain depots in Tongzhou alone.

  The warehouse area of ​​Taicang Silver Depot is separated from the warehouse area of ​​Taicang Grain Depot, Armor Warehouse, Cotton Linen, Paint, Banknotes, etc., based on safety considerations.

"Zi Hou, the Taicang Bank of the Ministry of Households was established in the seventh year of Zhengtong to reserve gold and silver. It is jointly composed of the Changying Treasury of Taipu Temple, the Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Industry, and the silver treasury of Guanglu Temple. Of course, the Taicang Bank of our household department is the most important. When it was established, the Taicang Bank was mainly responsible for military expenditures. Of course, it is different now. Distributing Taicang silver to help the nine sides, this item alone is not a small amount. During the Zhengtong and Jingtai years, it was only more than 100,000 taels, and it increased to more than 400,000 taels in the Hongzhi and Zhengde years. Now, at least 10,000 taels a year It is more than 600,000 to 700,000 taels, and sometimes it is more than a million taels. In addition to the additional compensation from Nine Sides, it is hundreds of thousands of taels. Last year, but in Datong Town, it cost more than 700,000 taels two!"

  Jia Langzhong led Zhu Pingan around the Taicang bank warehouse area, and at the same time told Zhu Pingan about the beginning and current situation of the Taicang bank bank.

  Zhu Ping\'an made a good listener, listened attentively, and replied "um", "ah", etc. from time to time, with an appearance of listening carefully.

   "Secondly, there are official salaries and military salaries. The so-called \'Grand Duke Bolumi is converted into silver, and the salaries of the civil and military officials in Beijing and the officers and soldiers of the guards inside and outside the capital\'. This item is now about 700,000 taels per year, and it is increasing."

"There is also the supply of the inner government. Since the Holy One took the throne, not counting the decree of the previous day\'s Holy One to allocate 200,000 taels of Tao Tianshi to build Yuanyue in Wudang Mountain to perform the ceremony of calming the gods", one hundred silver has been taken from Taicang. Yu Wanliang has entered the treasury."

When Jia Langzhong talked about supplying the inner government, he was very cautious and his voice was much softer. After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Ping\'an and said with emotion, "So up to now, the family property of our Taicang bank is getting better and better. Thin"

  (end of this chapter)