Rise From the Humble

Chapter 704: donate

Chapter 704 Gift Words

   "The case of Zhao Daying\'s murder of a good man and false meritorious service, thanks to Zihou\'s exposure and prosecution, helped the old man make up for the lack of strict censorship. Otherwise, the old man would have no face to face the Holy One and the people of the world."

"At the beginning, the northern barbarians and the Khan bandits harassed the capital, and the world was terrified. In order to stabilize the country and wipe out the barbarians, His Majesty issued the "Rewards", rewarding the soldiers and civilians without hesitation. At that time, the northern barbarians were in a hurry. To encourage the soldiers and civilians to serve their orders to expel the northern barbarians, Zhao Daying took advantage of the loophole by neglecting the review. The old man did not expect that Zhao Daying, as an officer and soldier of the Ming Dynasty, was favored by the emperor. The desire for profit has reached the point of killing the good and making meritorious deeds. Fortunately, Zihou saved the old man from his mistakes. Otherwise, the old man will not be saved at the end of the festival. I don’t know how many people have been murdered by Zhao Daying. Tell me, should I tell you Thank you."

  Yan Song looked at Zhu Ping\'an solemnly, and said slowly, his words were firm, he was heartbroken for Zhao Daying\'s murder of a good man, and he appreciated and thanked Zhu Ping\'an for impeaching Zhao Daying.

  Just now when Yan Song said that he wanted to thank him, Zhu Pingan was a little surprised. Now after hearing the reason for Yan Song\'s thanks, he understands in his heart.

   This scene seems familiar, it seems to be a scene in a popular modern anti-corruption drama.

"How can Ping\'an deserve the thanks of Lord Shoufu? When Ping\'an learned that Zhao Daying had killed a good man for his meritorious service, he was so indignant that he wrote a letter to impeach Zhao thief. Later, when he learned that Zhao Daying was nominated by Mr. Shoufu for the reward, Ping\'an couldn\'t help worrying, fearing that Shoufu would be the one who committed the crime, but he didn\'t expect Shoufu to be so profoundly righteous and selfless, it\'s Ping\'an\'s villain\'s heart, and he hoped that Shoufu would make amends."

  Even though he understood what was going on, Zhu Pingan didn\'t dare to take it too seriously in the face of Yan Song\'s thanks. With an expression of surprise, fear and emotion on his face, he got up and left his seat.

"What\'s the crime of Zihou? What\'s the matter with the nomination of the old man? The nomination of the old man is not outside the law. Even if the emperor breaks the law, he is the same as the common people. Let alone a thousand households nominated by the old man, even if it is the old man\'s own son. If you broke the law, then you should be punished as it should be." Yan Song waved his hand and said righteously.

  Zhu Ping\'an naturally showed an appearance of being moved by Yan Song\'s selflessness.

"Zihou, Wenhua, remember both of you. From now on, no matter who you are, as long as you violate the laws of my Ming Dynasty, you will be brought to justice. You too, if you dare to violate the laws and regulations, don\'t blame me for being ruthless. "

  Yan Song\'s eyes were sharp, shining with a sharp light, and with the majesty of a superior, he swept past Zhu Ping\'an and Zhao Wenhua.

  Just being glanced at by Yan Song, the goosebumps on Zhu Ping\'an\'s back rose again.

Yan Song deserves to be a big tiger who has been in a high position for many years. Just one look puts such pressure on people. Zhu Pingan is even more jealous of Yan Song in his heart. He made up his mind that he must be more careful and cautious in front of Yan Song in the future. Be self-reliant and smart, know the course of history, but underestimate the ancients and get carried away with complacency, otherwise, the only one who will fall will be yourself.

   Yan Song is powerful and has many party members, and he is favored by Emperor Jiajing. This is the time when Yan Song is at the peak of his career, not the time to fight for the top.

  Yan Song is like a towering mountain, and he is nothing more than an ant at the foot of the mountain. If he wants to shake the mountain, he has to do it slowly.

   Didn’t you see the old driver of the officialdom who brought down Yan Song in the future—Xu Jie, the seat teacher, as a cabinet minister at this time, is he still submissive and obedient to Yan Song? How dare he show his power in front of Yan Song.

  So Zhu Ping\'an hurriedly got up, his words and deeds became more respectful, and he thanked Yan Song with a long bow: "Ping\'an remembers the teachings of the first assistant, and must know the law and abide by the law, be loyal and on duty, and live up to the teachings of the first assistant."

   "Father rest assured, Wenhua dare not." Zhao Wenhua also stood up and said he did not dare.

   "Well, sit down and talk, I\'m at ease for the two of you." Seeing this, Yan Song nodded in satisfaction, and gently asked the two to sit down and talk.

  Zhu Pingan and Zhao Wenhua naturally thanked each other endlessly.

After sitting down again, Yan Song encouraged Zhu Pingan a few more words, then got up and took a brush in his hand from the Four Treasures of the Study on the table, dipped in the ink, and said, "Zihou is newlywed, I don\'t have a congratulatory gift yet, I\'ll be here soon." During the years, when I first joined the cabinet, I tried to compose a poem, so let me give it to you as a wedding present."

   "What is Ping An, how can he be able to receive such a generous gift from the chief assistant." Zhu Ping\'an was very moved.

  Yan Song chuckled, and joked: "The old man is not willing to part with gifts, so he talked about giving poems."

  After finishing speaking, Yan Song picked up the pen and put down the ink, and the pen was like a snake, and a poem appeared on the paper in an instant:

  "Wuyidian Zhishe and Shaoshixiang Gongyun"

  Lights and candles are shining all night in the Forbidden House, and the cloud pavilion with foggy windows is near Chenju. Ruiyan sits in the Xiangfu Garden, and the cold shadow peeps out of the curtain and the moon is gone.

  Gouling first heard Dan Feng blowing, and Gu Cheng first visited Chisong Shu. When I returned, I didn\'t tell the world, Tianyu personally accepted Yan to Yu.

Zhu Pingan read this poem by Yan Song in modern times. There were two versions of the title at that time. "Xia Gong Yun", now it seems that it should be the first version.

This is the first time Zhu Pingan saw Yan Song writing. I have to say that when Yan Song lowered his head and focused on writing, he was very charismatic, as if a master was splashing ink in front of him, exuding a sense of righteousness, just like the words he wrote The words are the same, vigorous and powerful, full of righteousness, and breath through the back of the paper.

  The character is like a person?

  Looking at the calligraphy written by Yan Song full of awe-inspiring righteousness, and thinking about the **** debts in Yan Song\'s history, Zhu Ping\'an sighed in his heart.

   "Yifu\'s characters, like the purple air from the east, are full of momentum, and people look up to them more and more." Zhao Wenhua watched Yan Song\'s poems from the sidelines, and he was full of praise, and he highly praised Yan Song\'s calligraphy.

   Yan Song smiled without saying a word, and then looked at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Ping\'an thinks that calligraphy has entered the classroom, and today coincides with the first and auxiliary masterpiece. I know that there are mountains beyond the mountains and sky beyond the sky. I am the frog at the bottom of the well, and I am watching the sky from the well." Zhu Ping\'an also highly respects Yan Song\'s calligraphy.

   "Zi Hou is in his youth, so don\'t learn to be flattering." Yan Song smiled and glanced at Zhu Pingan, then shook his head slightly.

  Zhu Ping\'an knew it well, knowing that he had to get to the point and scratch Yan Song\'s itch.

Therefore, Zhu Pingan shook his head, and argued solemnly, "Shoufu is wrong to blame Ping An. I appreciate calligraphy and its three flavors. The first taste is beautiful in form, the second is beautiful in spirit, and the third is beautiful in emotion. Those who are beautiful in shape are stippling and layout; The beauty is the spirit and charm; the beauty is the realm. Not to mention the beauty of the calligraphy of the first assistant, and the beauty of the spirit, the realm of the righteousness that jumps out on the paper is far from being safe."

  Yan Song listened to Zhu Ping\'an\'s justification, and Zhu Ping\'an\'s three flavors of appreciating books made Yan Song\'s eyes shine, and the four words he said at the end made Yan Song scratch his head.

   As the saying goes, words are like people.

  The awe-inspiring righteousness in calligraphy has always been what Yan Song prides himself on. He has always firmly believed that he is:

  A loyal minister who is loyal to the emperor and loves the people.

  Everyone who is benevolent, righteous, courteous and wise.

   A husband who is devoted to his wife.

  A father who loves his children.

  Because of this, I, Yan Song, cultivated a righteous spirit, and I was able to write this righteous calligraphy.

  (end of this chapter)