Rise From the Humble

Chapter 703: Yan Song thanks

Chapter 703 Yan Song thanks

After mentioning the township examination, Zhao Wenhua sighed with regret, "Zihou is very talented and learned, like the jade of Dongshan. I also read Zihou\'s answer sheet at that time, and he should be a talent to understand Yuan. However, Zhang Tao and Wang Dana An old man said that it is not a good thing for Zihou to become famous as a young man, so he insisted on ranking Zihou at the bottom of the list. It is a pity that when I got the news, I had already posted the list, and it was too late. Those two old men almost ruined my dynasty. A pillar of talent."

  cough cough...

   You are trying to make trouble.

  Zhu Ping\'an remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he slandered Zhao Wenhua endlessly. This person surnamed Zhao was deliberately creating problems for himself.

  Theoretically speaking, Zhang Tao and Wang Da are the two bosses who are the teachers of their own rural examinations. The teacher was so criticized face to face, if he didn\'t speak out, in this feudal society where teachers were respected, he would definitely be despised.


  Zhao Wenhua just became his tutor again.

  One teacher criticizes another teacher, what should students do? No matter which teacher you step on, or which teacher you support with a clear-cut stand, you are moving your own feet.

   This is to test his adaptability and ability to deal with people. Zhu Ping\'an even wondered whether Zhao Wenhua refused to arrest his son-in-law on the day he reported himself.

"What kind of virtue and ability is Ping An? I am ashamed to be so appreciated by Mr. Zhao. Ping An has limited talents, but he will work harder to repay Mr. Zhao\'s appreciation. During the local examination that day, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang also worked hard, Considering that Ping\'an was too young at the time, I was afraid that Ping\'an would be proud and complacent, and forget to learn the truth of working hard." Zhu Pingan got up, and said to Zhao Wenhua with a moved expression.

"Hehe, fortunately it\'s Zi Hou who can understand Zhang Wang\'s good intentions. If it were any other vigorous young man, I\'m afraid he would be crushed by the good intentions of Zhang Tao and Wang Da. You must know that toughness is easy to break." "Yan Song stroked his white beard and joked with a slight smile, commenting that Zhang Tao and Wang Da\'s starting point was good, but the method was too hasty.

   "What the adoptive father said is true." Zhao Wenhua echoed.


Seeing this, Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, this episode is finally over. Facing Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua, Zhu Pingan still feels very stressed, especially Yan Song, although Yan Song always smiles gently He looked like a kind old man, but Zhu Pingan knew what kind of boss was behind this kind old man\'s face.

   "Actually speaking, there is one more pity." Zhao Wenhua said again with regret.

   "What\'s the matter?" Yan Song asked.

   "The adoptive father didn\'t know something. In fact, Zihou almost became your old grandson-in-law." Zhao Wenhua said with a regretful smile and pointed at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Oh?" Yan Song sat up straight, interested in what Zhao Wenhua said, and motioned Zhao Wenhua to continue.

"During the township examination that day, I read Zihou\'s answer sheet and felt sorry for his talent in solving the Yuan Dynasty. I was also afraid that what Zhang and Wang would do would ruin my future pillars of Ming Dynasty, so I thought of arresting my son-in-law from the list, because I couldn\'t leave because of official business, so I sent the housekeeper to catch a son-in-law." Zhao Wenhua shook his head regretfully when he said this.

   "How?" Yan Song narrowed his eyes slightly.

   "It\'s a pity that Zihou replied that he already has a good wife. As the saying goes, ten temples are better to be demolished than one marriage. I have no choice but to give up." Zhao Wenhua shook his head and said regretfully.

   "Oh, Zihou already had a good wife at that time?" Yan Song turned his eyes to Zhu Ping\'an when he heard the words, and then asked suspiciously, "Zihou, I remember hearing that you went back to your hometown to get married a few days ago?"

   As soon as Yan Song finished speaking, Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Ping\'an. Under his gray eyebrows, his gaze was like that of a wolf patrolling the grassland.

  Under the gaze of these two pairs of eyes, Zhu Ping\'an suddenly got goosebumps on his back. The aura of these two people is really strong.

   "Oh, that\'s right. My wife and I were childhood sweethearts and we\'ve been engaged for a long time, but we didn\'t get married in our hometown until last month because of our lack of age and the fact that we were also studying for scientific examinations." Zhu Pingan explained.

   "Well, that\'s how it is." Yan Song stroked his beard and nodded, and Zhao Wenhua also nodded, showing that gentle look again.

   Then Yan Song chattered and asked Zhu Pingan some life problems as usual, and carefully reminded Zhu Pingan that he could bring a mat next time. Yan Song said that he would greet the guards on duty in advance, and he should accommodate those who need to be accommodated.

  The value house is low and facing southwest. In summer, the value house is like a stove, too hot. Moreover, there is only a simple bed and bedding in the duty hut, without a mat, if you are on duty at night, you will not be able to sleep at all.

Zhao Wenhua has also been in the Cabinet Secretary before, and also mentioned some precautions for Zhu Pingan, especially the cabinet is located in Xiyuan. When Zhu Ping was in the Sizhi, if there is no order, remember not to go out of Wuyi Hall at will, so as not to offend the nobleman .

  Zhu Ping\'an listened attentively, while thinking, it is estimated that this interview should be over, and it is time to take the initiative to resign.

After Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua finished raising their points, Zhu Ping stood up and bowed his hands politely to Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua and said, "Thank you for the teaching of Shoufu and Master Zhao. Listening to the words of Shoufu and Master Zhao today is better than Ping An\'s hard work for ten years. , Ping An has benefited a lot. Ping An also took up a lot of time for Shou Fu and Zhao Shi, and delayed a lot of work for Shou Fu and Zhao Shi, so I don’t bother Ping An, and I will visit Shou Fu and Zhao Shi some other day.”

   "Oh, when it comes to thanking, it should be the old man thanking Zi kindly." Yan Song got up from his seat and said.

   heard the words

  Zhu Ping\'an looked stunned, what is Yan Song going to do.

But even if he was stunned, Zhu Pingan reacted quickly. Seeing Yan Song get up from his seat, he immediately stepped forward to salute Yan Song, and said, "The first assistant is Zhesha Ping An, how dare Ping An be the first assistant?" \'thanks\'."

  Yan Song, the chief assistant who is under one person and above ten thousand people, thanked him for such a small sixth-rank. This can only show that Yan Song has no pretensions to respect the corporal, and that Yan Song\'s noble character and other words are full of praise.

  But if I accepted Yan Song’s thanks calmly, then I would be using various derogatory words such as ignorance of dignity, ignorance of heights, boldness, arrogance and rudeness.

  If he is put on this hat, his career will be hopeless, and he will not be able to get up when he is under pressure.

  That\'s why Zhu Ping\'an saluted Yan Song immediately, saying that he didn\'t dare.

   "Don\'t be too polite, Zihou. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sit down, Zihou sit down and talk." Yan Song helped Zhu Pingan up, patted Zhu Pingan\'s hand, and asked Zhu Pingan to sit down and talk.

   "If the first assistant doesn\'t sit, Zihou dare not sit." Zhu Ping\'an clapped his hands and insisted.

   "Okay, let\'s all sit down and talk." Yan Song nodded and smiled gently, and after sitting down, motioned for Zhu Pingan to sit down too.

  (end of this chapter)