Rise From the Humble

Chapter 681: turn away

Chapter 681 Turn around and leave

  The summer is long, and the red sleeves add fragrance.

  In the past few days in Linhuaihou Mansion, Zhu Pingan read books, practiced calligraphy, studied Wang Xue, and occasionally teased the bear and little Lolita, living a leisurely and comfortable life. Of course, it would be even better if the weather wasn\'t so hot.

  Although there are several bowls of crushed ice in the study room to cool down the temperature, and there are also maids waving fans, but the effect is not as remarkable as that of modern air conditioners.

  Nostalgia for modern times.

  Withered vines, old trees and crows, air-conditioned WIFI watermelon, Ge You\'s sofa of the same style. When the sun goes down, I lie down there.

  The bear boy and the little Lolita often run here. As a young and ignorant man, he only knows the meaning of the word "the world is dangerous" through personal experience these days.

  Li Shu also likes to stay in the study, or lean on the rug, or sit across the desk, or look through the ledger, or hold the poetry book.

   "Sima Xiangru is also a villain."

  Li Shu was sitting opposite Zhu Pingan, holding a volume of poems in her slender hand, turning a page, she couldn\'t help frowning her crescent eyebrows, and curled her small cherry mouth contemptuously.

  There are two poems on this page, neither of which is a standard poetry style. The first one is a digital poem written by Sima Xiangru to Zhuo Wenjun in the capital: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten million.

   "Why can\'t you understand this poem?" The little maid of Baozi bit her finger with a puzzled expression on her face.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten million, ten million, but nothing (memory). The cold-hearted and proud Sima Xiangru was fascinated by the world of flowers and flowers. Zhuo Wenjun has no memories of the past, and intends to divorce her and marry another." Li Shu put down her poems and was ashamed of Sima Xiangru.

   "Ah, this Sima is really a heartless man, isn\'t Zhuo Wenjun very pitiful." Baozi\'s little maid suddenly realized that she despised Sima Xiangru together with her own lady, and at the same time felt sorry for Zhuo Wenjun.

"Zhuo Wenjun\'s talent is far superior to that of Sima Xiangru. After reading the letter, she asked the messenger to have a cup of tea. After a cup of tea, she returned a digital poem and asked the messenger to bring it back to the capital to show to the heartless man. The heartless man read the letter. Afterwards, she was so ashamed that she stopped thinking about divorcing his wife. Since then, the two of them have grown old together." Li Shu held a volume of poetry in her hand, and replied with a little emotion, her dark eyes fell on Zhuo Wenjun\'s poem:

After a farewell, the two places love each other, only said it was March and April, but who knows five or six years, the lyre was inadvertently played, the eight-line script was unintelligible, the nine-linked ring was broken from it, and the ten-mile long pavilion was eager to see through. Hundreds of thoughts, thousands of thoughts, all helpless. You complain.

  Thousands of thousands of words can’t finish it. I’m bored and rely on ten fences. I go up to see lonely geese in Chongjiu. In August, the moon is round and people are not round. In July and a half, I burn incense and hold candles to ask the sky. In June, everyone shakes their fans and I’m disappointed. In May, the pomegranates are like fire, and when cold rains water the flowers, in April, the loquats are not yet yellow, and I want to be distracted by the mirror. Suddenly, the peach blossoms in March turn with the water. Flying around, the kite line is broken in February, hey! Lang, Lang, I wish that in the next life, you will be a woman and I will be a man.

   "Isn\'t that a happy ending?" Baozi\'s little maid\'s face turned from worry to joy.

   "My heart has changed, so what can I do if I grow old together, but it will only increase my troubles. What do you say, husband?" Li Shu shook her head and glanced at Zhu Pingan.

  How does this feel like getting a vaccination in advance?

   Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded after listening to the sidelines. He is not Sima Xiangru himself, let alone do Sima Xiangru\'s things.

   "What about you, what would you do if you were Zhuo Wenjun?" Zhu Pingan put down the book in his hand and asked with a smile.

   "Yes, yes, miss, what will you do?" Baozi\'s little maid was also curious.

   "If I were Zhuo Wenjun." Li Shu smiled sweetly, and glanced at Zhu Pingan, her dark eyes were full of charm.

   She is really a witch, she smiles so touchingly, her face is full of peach blossoms, and her smile can turn the country and the city.

   "Hmm, what will Miss do?" The little maid asked, nodding her head.

"I will go to the capital in person, throw this reply letter in front of the couple, and then turn around and leave." Li Shu\'s watery eyes were smiling and charming, as clear as blue waves, and her cherry lips were slightly parted, with a curve like a crescent moon as perfect.

"Ah? It\'s that simple, and then? Isn\'t that too cheap for them?" The little maid of Baozi opened her mouth wide in surprise, and shook her head vigorously. Dogs and men.

   "Then throw their heads away, and you can\'t make soup." Li Shu spread her small hands, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth was so perfect.

   cough cough

  It turns out that this is Li Shu\'s vaccination

   Zhu Pingan, who was drinking tea on the other side of the desk, was unprepared, choked and coughed.

   Turned his head and left, it turned out that he had twisted his head.

   Well, this is very Li Shu, Li Shu\'s style.

   "Husband, what\'s the matter with you?" Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and asked softly, her skin was as white as snow, her eyes were rippling with charming blue waves, falling on Zhu Ping\'s face, her voice was full of concern.

   "No, nothing." Zhu Pingan shook his head and smiled.

The reflex arc of the little maid of Baozi is relatively long, and she only realized it at this time, and she let out a cry, her mouth was opened wide, and she covered her mouth with her little hand, looking surprised, "Ah, turn your head and leave, it turned out to be a severed head, miss "

   "Otherwise?" Li Shu rolled her eyes, with a charming and energetic look.

  This vaccination is really a clean stream in the mudslide, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but smile.

   "Hey, what are you laughing at?" Li Shu glanced at Zhu Ping\'an and asked with her mouth pouted.

   "Hehe, do you know that among the masters of Tang poetry, Song Ci, Han Fu, besides Sima Xiangru, are there any unscrupulous people?" Zhu Pingan asked with a smile.


  Among the masters of Tang poetry and Song Ci, is there a famous heartbreaker?

Li Shu was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "Yuan Zhen is. "The Story of Yingying" is his prototype. For the sake of fame, he abandoned Cui Yingying. Wu Shan is not Yun\', he is really a hypocritical villain, and he insulted the clean word loyalty."

  Well, indeed, Yuan Zhen is indeed a typical heartless poet who plays with emotions. Although he has many works that will last forever, he is also as famous as Bai Juyi, and he is also called "Yuan Bai". However, the poems are well written, but the people are scumbags. The ghost reason of "Yu Zhizhi\'s virtue is not enough to defeat evildoers, but to use patience" has started to mess with "Shuangwen" (the prototype of Cui Yingying in "The Story of Yingying") Finally abandoned. His attitude towards feelings has always made Zhu Pingan very contemptuous.

   "Also, some people hide deeply, but they are typical heartbreakers." Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded, guiding.

and also? Hidden very deep?

  Li Shu nodded her head and lowered her forehead, trying to recall, but she didn\'t have much clue.

  There are also some romantic affairs of poets in history, but men and women love each other, but they can\'t be called heartbreakers.

  (end of this chapter)