Rise From the Humble

Chapter 680: long summer

Chapter 680 Leisurely Summer

  The small fan draws in the coolness, and the summer is long.

Li Shu was reading the account books on the soft couch, and occasionally helped the little maid of Baozi to coax the little loli Niuniu and brother Rui; Zhu Pingan kept his hands on the desk, writing and drawing on the paper from time to time, looking immersed in it.

  Dudu~www.novelhall.com~ When he was fascinated, Zhu Pingan felt his waist was pressed twice by his little finger, and when he looked down, he saw a mysterious boy.

   "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law... I\'ll give you sweets." Seeing Zhu Ping\'an bowing his head, the bear boy mysteriously stretched out his fat paws, and looked at Zhu Ping\'an attentively with his little fat face.

  Yo, has this brat changed his temper?

  Zhu Ping\'an looked down at the bear, and saw three candies lying quietly in his chubby hand. The candy wrapper had not been opened yet, confirming that he had not been tampered with by the bear.

   "It\'s delicious, I got it from my fifth sister." The bear boy held the candy attentively.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at the soft couch. Indeed, there were several plates of snacks on the soft couch, including this kind of candy.

   It is estimated that the bear child is so courteous because he wants to say something nice in front of his new wife.

   "Thanks, it tastes good."

Zhu Ping\'an was also polite, pinched the bear\'s fat face, took a piece of candy from the bear\'s hand, peeled off the sugar coating, and put caramel the size of a chess piece into his mouth. This is an ancient candy, mixed with sugar juice It is boiled with honey, mixed with crushed peanuts, sesame seeds, etc., and tastes a bit like modern brown sugar.

   "Brother-in-law, it tastes better when you chew three of them together." The bear child stretched out his fat paws and said.

   Yo, this is familiar.

  Bear kid’s words reminded Zhu Ping’an not only of a certain chewing gum advertisement in modern times, it’s best to have two sticks together, no, it’s best to have two sticks together.

  Looking at the attentive eyes of the little bear, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t bear to refuse, and the ancient candy seemed to taste good, so he peeled off the sugar coating of the other two candies and put them in his mouth.

   After Zhu Ping\'an put three candies into his mouth, the bear stared at them intently.

   "What\'s the matter?" Seeing this, Zhu Pingan stopped chewing. Could this brat be adding candy?

"The fifth elder sister said just now that you can only eat one candy a day, and you will be poisoned if you eat too much. But Niu Niu likes to eat it, so let your brother-in-law try to eat three to see if you will die. If it\'s okay , let Niuniu sister eat two more."

  The bear raised his fat face and looked at Zhu Pingan and replied, clapped his little hands, and nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that eating three candies is fine."

   After confirmation

Without saying a word, the bear boy ran to the soft couch with his feet loose, busy going to the little Loli Niuniu to offer treasures, like a silly son of a landlord, he shouted at the top of his voice while running: "Sister Niuniu, Sister Niuniu, we can eat two more candies, my brother-in-law has eaten it just now, and there is no poisoning."

  This brat!

  Looking at the figure of a wild horse running wild, Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth in a funny way... Am I a drug tester? !

   "Ah, brother Rui, you can\'t eat too much of this candy, it will cause a toothache." The little maid of Baozi saw that the bear had grabbed a handful of candies, and hurriedly coaxed and persuaded him to stop it.

   "I don\'t believe it." The bear boy shook his fat face, holding the candy tightly with the principle of never letting go of what he got.

   Then, there was a flurry of wildfire.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at it funny, and then continued to read books. On the desk were books such as "Biography of Xilu", "Yongle Dadian (Transcription, and even a copy of "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War".

  Skills do not overwhelm you.

   You can’t go out anyway, so it’s better to read a few more books at home and learn more knowledge. More knowledge is always useful.

  Thanks to Li Shu\'s blessing, Zhu Ping\'an also passed the addiction of the landlord class.

The teacup on the desk is always 70% full, and the little maid of Baozi will come over to refill the tea from time to time. Snacks and fruits are also placed on the desk. The bamboo sticks are placed in a magnetic cup, which can be eaten with fruit at any time.

  The children were impatient, little Lolita Niuniu and the bear boy Rui had been playing on Li Shu\'s soft couch for a while, and then they couldn\'t sit still anymore, and ran around playing in the study.

   "Slow down, be quiet."

   Baozi\'s little maid followed closely behind, afraid that the two young masters would bump into each other, and afraid that the two young masters would interfere with my uncle\'s reading.

   Fortunately, the two short legs went crazy for a while, and then got tired. They survived and squeezed into another chair at the desk.

  Little Lolita Niuniu sat on a chair, with two chubby hands resting her chin, blinking her big eyes as she watched Zhu Pingan read a book, looking like a little girl.

  Bear kid Rui brother babbled and ate snacks and fruits. Since he sat down, his little mouth hasn\'t stopped.

  Looking at Niu Niu’s younger sister holding her chin and concentrating on Zhu Ping’an, the bear child looks depressed. What’s so interesting about the bumpkin brother-in-law, he’s not as cute as me~ www.novelhall.com~ I can too, I’m almost finished learning the Three Character Classic.

   "I want to eat pomegranate, you open it for me."

  Bear boy stuffed a piece of orange into his mouth, chewed hard twice, and said to Zhu Pingan, the little fat leg was shaking, like a second-generation ancestor.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at Xiongzi, and slightly hooked the corners of his lips, "Brother Rui, do you know how many seeds this pomegranate has?"

   "This pomegranate is wrapped in skin, and the size is different. Who knows how many seeds there are?" The bear boy shook his fat face, and gave Zhu Pingan a contemptuous look with his small eyes, thinking that the question Zhu Pingan asked was idiotic.

   "I know." Zhu Pingan looked at the bear boy and said with a deep expression.

  The bear boy shook his head vigorously, expressing his disbelief, and wanted to lie to the young master. You are not a fairy, and the pomegranate has not been opened. How do you know how many seeds are in it.

   "I said this pomegranate has 100 seeds." Zhu Pingan took the pomegranate in his hand, observed it carefully, and then said to the bear child confidently.

   "How is it possible, there must be more than a hundred pomegranates this big." The bear boy shook his fat face, expressing his disbelief.

   "I said there are a hundred." Zhu Pingan said, throwing pomegranates.

   "I said there are more than a hundred." The bear boy\'s chubby face was full of confidence, "If you don\'t believe me, let\'s make a bet."

   "Okay." Zhu Pingan nodded.

The bear child glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, then at the little Lolita Niu Niu, with a confident expression on his face, hum, there must be more than a hundred seeds for such a big pomegranate, the bumpkin brother-in-law is doomed, so we must let Niu Niu Know that I am better than the bumpkin brother-in-law.

  Under the expectant eyes of the bear boy, Zhu Pingan split the pomegranate in half.

  The bear kid couldn’t wait to grab the pomegranate, then took a plate, carefully peeled off the pomegranates one by one, and counted while peeling, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 650, 51, 52

Ha ha

  When the count reached 90, the smile on Xiaopang\'s face, the bear kid, squeezed his eyes out.

   Then he continued to count down to 91, 92, and 93 with a proud face. When he counted to 98, suddenly a hand reached out and took the plate away.

  Bear boy looked up and saw Zhu Pingan holding a plate, smiled and said "thank you" to himself, then grabbed a handful of seeds and put them in his mouth, chewed them, and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

   "Well, it\'s really sweet. Come on, Niuniu, try it."

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded in satisfaction, then grabbed another handful of pomegranate seeds and put them in the hands of little Lolita Niuniu.

   "Thank you brother-in-law, brother-in-law is so kind."

  Little Lolita thanked Zhu Pingan sweetly, a pair of dimples appeared on her red cheeks.

  The brat suddenly felt that it was getting dark.

  (end of this chapter)