Rise From the Humble

Chapter 675: The most difficult to bear beauty's grace

Chapter 675 The hardest thing to bear the grace of a beauty


  It’s just white radish dripping with jam?

  Zhu Pingan was taken aback when he heard the words. Is it really just radish jam? He shifted his eyes to the plate again in doubt, and began to observe carefully.

Sure enough, I found the clues. First of all, the "blood" in the porcelain plate has no **** smell. If you sniff it carefully, you can smell a sweet smell; If you look at it, you will find that this little hand lacks the texture of the skin, it is more transparent than the skin, and it can smell a faint smell of radish.

  The carving of the radish is lifelike, almost exactly the same as that girl\'s little hand, with exactly the same size and expression.

  Drip the specially prepared blood-like jam.

   Enough to confuse the real with the fake.


   It really is white radish dripping with jam!

   Was tricked by Li Shu, that stinky girl! Looking at Li Shu who was laughing and trembling, Zhu Pingan had a black line on his forehead.

  Looking at Zhu Pingan\'s unkind expression, as if he wanted to ask the teacher for a crime, Li Shu was the first to attack, as if changing his face in a Sichuan opera, his pretty face changed from a smiling face to a wronged one.

   "Hey, Zhu Ping\'an. Is that how you see me? You treat me as Empress Lu, cutting off people\'s hands and feet casually. Or do you mean that in your heart, I am a girl with a heart like snake and scorpion?"

When Li Shu spoke, those eyes that were as black as ink and as bright as stars also dimmed and lost their brilliance all of a sudden. She pursed her small cherry mouth and looked like she had suffered all kinds of grievances, as if there was nowhere in the storm. The little beast that hides makes people\'s hearts hurt just by looking at it.

"I do not have…"

  Zhu Ping\'an felt a little guilty, he really thought about it just now...


  Li Shu raised her head to look at Zhu Ping\'an, her dull eyes suddenly lit up.


   It seems that I was tricked by this girl.

Zhu Pingan came to his senses after a while, but looking at Li Shu\'s delicate appearance, he thought that Li Shu, such a young lady who did not touch the sun, cooked such a large table of dishes for herself. idea.

in addition

  This radish looks simple, but the taste is not ordinary...

   After dinner, the girl brought tea in a small teacup, followed by another girl who brought a rinse bowl, Li Shu took the teacup and rinsed her mouth, and then the little maidservant of Baozi washed her hands with warm water before getting up.

  Do as the Romans do

  Zhu Ping\'an also rinsed his mouth with tea. There is no toothpaste in this era, so we have to use ancient methods to protect our teeth. Tea leaves are high in fluorine content, and gargling with tea leaves can not only remove food residues, but also prevent tooth decay, and the effect is not much worse than that of toothpaste.

   Li Shu was bathed by the girl, and Zhu Pingan went to the study by himself.

  The study room has been rearranged by Li Shu. It is more elegant and comfortable than before, and the style has also improved a lot.

  In the room, decorations such as bonsai, Jianlan, and Bogu racks are added to make the study more elegant and comfortable. A inkstone washing pool and a basin pool are built near the window, and six koi fish swim leisurely in the basin pool.

   Taking advantage of the opportunity of rearranging, Li Shu also invaded the study room openly.

  The desk has changed from the original single desk to a double desk, and there is an extra set of girly pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the desk. There are more full-length mirrors in the room, and a piano stand with a Guqin on it, and a Soviet-style five-leaf embroidered flower-and-bird screen. , revealing two pillows, covered with a pillow cover embroidered with two fat ducks playing in the water, which is extremely eye-catching on the soft couch, showing a domineering side.

  Familiar fat duck.

  Zhu Pingan thought for a while, and took out a money bag from his clothes. The fat duck with two anthuriums on it was exactly the same as the one on the pillow cover.

   Then I thought of the night when the sea was in danger and fell to a deserted island, and there were two fat ducks on Li Shu\'s belly.

   Li Shu, this girl really puts her heart into it

   It was hardest to bear the beauty\'s grace, Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and put the money bag into the inner pocket of his sleeve carefully.

  Li Shu was still taking a bath, and she could vaguely hear the sound of splashing in the bathroom. It seemed that some goblin wearing crotch pants appeared in front of her eyes again.

   I just heard the sound of splashing in the water, I am really worthless.

Zhu Pingan curled his lips in self-mocking, then shook his head hard to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, but the effect was not satisfactory, the little fairy in his mind became more and more alive, and his whole body was like drinking chicken blood. Difficult to control.

   To divert attention.

  Zhu Pingan walked to the desk, spread rice paper, dripped water into the inkstone surface, and began to grind ink, preparing to write the "Tao Te Ching", calming and calming the restless heart.

  When Zhu Pingan was studying ink, he noticed the scrolls and classics on the side of the double desk that belonged to Li Shu.

   Curious about what books this girl Li Shu will read.

   Come to think of it, with Li Shu\'s character, she definitely wouldn\'t read Four Women\'s Books such as "Nv Commandments", "Internal Training", "Nv Analects", "Nv Fan Jielu", let alone "Biography of Martyrs".

   Curious, Zhu Pingan put down the ink, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, walked to Li Shu\'s side, and reached out to take a volume of books from the shelf.


   When taking down the book, a roll of ivory paper with a faint fragrance and a red ribbon fell from the bookshelf.

  A familiar scent spread into the breath, which is Li Shu\'s usual smell.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an put the book back on the bookshelf, picked up the ivory paper roll on the ground, tied the red ribbon into a bow, and framed it with satin and silk, which was delicate and elegant.

   Didn’t want to open it at first

  After all, Li Shu is not around, this kind of ivory paper scroll with a tie is a bit private, unlike the books I usually read, it is not very good to open it behind Li Shu\'s back.

  However, when putting the paper roll back to its original place, I accidentally touched the red ribbon, and the paper roll opened automatically.

   "Zhu Ping\'an"

  Then the exposed corner of the ivory scroll just showed his name, which was his signature, and it couldn\'t be faked.

  How can there be your own signature on it?

  Curiosity, Zhu Pingan unfolded the scroll, and appeared in sight with a faint fragrance in lower script with hairpin flowers in one hand:

  Conclude a good relationship hereby, make a married couple, tie the red rope early, keep the white heads together forever, the flowers are happy and the moon is full, and the swallows are happy, and the sea is dry and the stone is rotten. The couple is the first alliance. I sincerely make this covenant, and I will live up to it in this life.

  Contractors: Zhu Pingan; Li Shu

  Zhu Ping\'an was indeed signed by himself, but when did he make this contract with Li Shu?

  Zhu Ping\'an rubbed his chin, and the past scenes began to replay.

I remembered

On the wedding night in Xiahe Village, Li Shu took out a blank ivory paper, first signed her own name, then coaxed herself to sign, and then kept the ivory paper as a treasure. My head, I am not in a daze. Even though you are married, your parents’ orders must not be disobeyed, but it still depends on your performance. If you do not behave well, bully me, or play around with women outside, hmph, our Daming Law has two rules. wish to leave\'"

  I still think that Li Shu has a dark belly, and plan ahead

turn out to be

  Zhu Pingan shook his head and smiled, rerolled the ivory paper, tied it with a nondescript bow, and put it back on the bookshelf.

  (end of this chapter)