Rise From the Humble

Chapter 674: The ingredients are very fresh, please try it, my husband.

Chapter 674 The ingredients are very fresh, my husband should try it

  Husband, there is still one dish not served.

  My husband will definitely like this dish

Li Shu cooked a table of delicious food, and made so many foreshadowings. If you are virtuous, don’t want to, let Zhu Ping’an look forward to this last dish. When Zhu Ping’an lifts the cover of this last dish, The white and chubby little hands that I praised before entering the room were lying on the plate dripping with blood.

   Very familiar.

   No wonder Li Shu is so sure that she will "like" this dish!

  The main materials are all "chosen" by yourself.

  Before entering the door, I just boasted that the girl has pretty hands.

   As a result, it\'s time to take a bath.

   This little hand was turned into a dish by Li Shu!

  A dish!

  The snow-white, pink, tender and chubby little hands were really steamed for pig\'s trotters, and the blood on them looked like sauce.

   can imagine

  When Zhu Pingan uncovered this "delicious dish", what kind of **** was in his heart, it was more frightening than watching a horror movie! Watching horror movies requires mental preparation, but for this, I have no preparation at all, and I am looking forward to it naively.

   Li Shu!

   dare you!

   a time

  The blood in Zhu Ping\'an\'s whole body seemed to explode. It boiled violently until it reached his forehead. His complexion turned from white to green. He stared straight at Li Shu, his eyes shot out like fire.

   "Husband, why are you staring at him like this? As if you want to eat me."

Li Shu looked at Zhu Ping\'an innocently, pouted her small mouth and said coquettishly, the little hands on the plate didn\'t make her blink, as if those **** little hands were like cabbages and radishes in her eyes of.

  Innocent? !

   Seeing this, the boiling blood boiled even more, rolling in Zhu Pingan\'s chest, as if the furnace was about to explode in the next second.


I remembered

  Zhu Pingan remembered the second time when he saw Li Shu when he was a child. At that time, Li Shu was just a short-legged little girl of four or five years old. Because she got a little angry from arguing with him, she asked the maid to squat on the ground and slapped the maid to relieve her anger. After the beating, Li Shu, the short-legged little lolita, shook her hands to get rid of the pain in her hands, looked at herself coldly, and demonstrated.

  Looks like a young fairy, with snakes and scorpions in its belly. This was the evaluation I gave Li Shu at the beginning.

  I thought that when I grow up

   This girl has changed

did not expect.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at the **** little hands on the plate again. I didn\'t expect this girl to get worse!

  Poison Empress Lu\'s Pheasant is nothing more than that!

   "What\'s the matter, husband, let\'s eat vegetables."

Li Shu looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a smile, and persuaded sweetly. The scallion white jade fingers pushed the plate forward, then looked at Zhu Ping\'an and blinked, her long eyelashes fluttered, and her ruddy mouth slightly Qihe, as delicate as cherry blossom petals.

   This girl is really a rare evildoer in a hundred years.

   A casual frown and smile is very seductive.


   Is now your time to flirt? !

   "Li Shu!"

  Zhu Ping\'an stood up angrily, gritted his teeth, and was almost smoking from being teased by Li Shu.

   Looks like he wants to eat people.

   "Hehe. It\'s strange. My husband doesn\'t eat vegetables, but he wants to eat me."

Li Shu didn\'t seem to be able to see that Zhu Ping\'an was angry. She giggled coquettishly, her cherry mouth raised a beautiful arc, and two cute dimples appeared on her pretty face. The hair fluttered like a butterfly.

   Still laughing!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s hair exploded when he saw Li Shu smiling like a flower.

   "Husband, try it."

  Under such circumstances, Li Shu seemed to be still offering a treasure, and smiled coquettishly, stretching out the green onion white jade and pointing to the dish.

   Try it?

   Would you dare me to taste it?

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words, took a deep breath, and looked at Li Shu with burning eyes, feeling that he could no longer restrain his emotions.

   "The ingredients are very fresh and delicious, my husband, why don\'t you try it~~" Li Shu recommended to Zhu Pingan with a charming appearance of a gourmet expert.

   Fresh ingredients? !

   Can it not be fresh! This little hand was still on that girl\'s arm before taking a bath, and it became a dish on the plate after taking a bath!

   Zhu Ping\'an looked at Li Shu with fire in his eyes.

   "It\'s really fresh and delicious. If you don\'t believe me, I\'ll show you."

  Li Shu nodded vigorously, blinked her big watery eyes, slightly parted her red lips, and her small cherry mouth was very attractive.


   Before Zhu Pingan could react.

  The next second, Li Shu stretched out her slender hands, picked up the chopsticks, and stretched them gracefully into the plate. The chopsticks precisely clamped a finger of the little hand on the plate, and with force, the sound of flesh and bones being torn was heard.

  Studently, a **** finger was pinched from a small hand.


  The small rosy mouth is slightly raised, and the cherry lips are slightly parted, revealing the cute little canine teeth.

  Chopsticks rotation

  The finger was put into the slightly opened cherry mouth.


  The sound of gnawing bones sounded.

  Small mouth chewing

  The finger disappeared into the small mouth, and a bright red blood stain flowed out from the corner of the mouth


  Following the blood, the pink tongue slid out of the cherry lips like a small snake, swimming flexibly, licking the blood from the corner of the mouth into the red lips.

   "It\'s really fresh and tender."

  Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with her big watery eyes blinking, gave a thumbs up, and let out a contented joy from her small mouth, her red lips were even more rosy with the bright red blood stains, which was extremely dazzling.

   Damn it!

   This scene gave Zhu Pingan another fatal blow. The degree of shock was no less than the scene when the plate was just opened.

  Zhu Ping\'an said shit

   I slid back a step with the chair again, my heart was beating like a small motor was installed

   cut hands

Never mind!

   still eat!

   Is this the vixen showing his true form? !

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s head hummed, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at Li Shu

   Li Shu and Zhu Pingan looked at each other.

   one second

   two seconds

In the third second, Li Shu couldn\'t bear it any longer, burst out laughing, pointed at Zhu Ping\'an with one hand, covered her mouth with her other hand, giggled non-stop, her eyes widened. Like a crescent moon, tears are about to come out, like a little fox.

   "Giggle, Zhu Ping\'an, you looked so silly just now"

  Li Shu stretched out her little finger and pointed at Zhu Ping\'an, laughing so hard that she was out of breath and could hardly speak.

   "Grandpa giggling, my face turned pale with fright, the slave girl loves the chair, and it is about to be smashed by my uncle\'s ass"

  The little maid beside Baozi couldn\'t help it anymore, and laughed along with her. The girl just laughed and squatted on the ground, clutching her stomach.

  The other little girls in the room are not as bold as Baozi\'s little girl, they dare not laugh out loud, they lower their heads, cover their little mouths with their little hands, and their shoulders keep shaking, making it hard to hold back.

and many more

what\'s the situation?

  Zhu Pingan looked bewildered, looked at Li Shu in a daze, then looked at Baozi\'s little maid and the others, his brain was a little oxygen-sufficient and couldn\'t move.

  Thereupon, Li Shu smiled even more happily, her big watery eyes were smiling and charming, the water covered the ground with mist, and tears came out: "Giggle, a carved white radish dripping with jam scares you like this."

  (end of this chapter)