Rise From the Humble

Chapter 664: go on

Chapter 664 Continue

   None of the fifty-nine heads are Tatars?

   There was an uproar in the courtroom, the news was too shocking for them. When Zhu Pingan confirmed that the six heads were not Tatars, they were already surprised enough, but now Zhu Pingan actually said that none of the fifty-nine heads were Tatars? !

  Of course, Zhao Daying and others were the most surprised.

Originally Zhu Pingan confirmed that the six heads were not Tatars, and Zhao Daying\'s heart was frightened once. Fortunately, the right servant of the Ministry of War tried his best to turn the tide, and thought of a perfect reason to get over it, so that Zhao Daying calmed down a little. mood.

However, at this moment, when he suddenly heard Zhu Pingan say that none of the fifty-nine heads were Tatars, it was like five thunderbolts. Zhao Daying couldn\'t believe his ears. His heart that had just calmed down seemed to be tied to a big rock at this moment. The same, all of a sudden sank.


  Zhao Daying subconsciously looked at Zhao Qiu.

  Zhao Qiu was much calmer than Zhao Daying, and shook his head slightly towards Zhao Daying, signaling Zhao Daying to stay calm and not be impatient, it\'s okay.

   Seeing his uncle so calm, Zhao Daying gradually calmed down, yes, there is no one who knows the inside story better than them.

Some non-Tatars were indeed mixed in among these heads, and they were found out by Zhu Pingan\'s sharp eyes; however, the rest of the heads are genuine Tatars. The heads presented by other generals of the frontier army after the battle with the Tatars were all intact. Precisely because the frontier troops donated less than fifty-nine heads last year, they asked people to mix in a few non-Tatar heads to make up the number.

  However, Zhu Ping\'an actually said that these leaders are not Tatars.

   After calming down, Zhao Daying\'s worries were swept away, and he folded his hands on his chest and watched Zhu Ping\'an coldly, watching how Zhu Ping\'an would end up with such a wild word, staring at Zhu Ping\'an like a cobra.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you said that the fifty-nine heads are not Tatars, do you have evidence?" Zhang Gu asked in a deep voice on the presiding judge\'s chair.

  Zhang Gu is also an insider. He is the right servant of the Ministry of War. Naturally, it is impossible to hide such a big matter from him.

  Therefore, Zhang Gu did not believe what Zhu Pingan said.


  Zhu Pingan nodded affirmatively.

   "I would like to hear more about it." Zhang Gu smiled. Next, if you Zhu Ping\'an can\'t prove your lie, you will have to bear adverse consequences.

   All the attention.

  Zhu Pingan calmly walked to the remaining heads, stretched out his hand and pointed to the eight heads, and ordered the two masters to show the eight heads to everyone as before.

"My lords, please take a look at these eight heads. These eight heads are about twenty-five to thirty-five years old. Of course, you should also take a look and tell my lords that these eight heads are about 25 to 35 years old. Geometry?" Zhu Pingan said when he was showing off his head.

   "It\'s exactly as your lord said." After looking at it, the two wives replied weakly.

"As I said before, the Tatars are very particular about growing their beards. They don\'t grow beards under their lower lips until they are 37 years old. The beards on the lower lips are called \'elder beards\' in the Tatars, which means 37 Tatars who are 18 years old have reached adulthood, have full strength, accomplished a career, entered the ranks of elders, and their children can marry and get married. The beard on the lower lip, together with the two tiger beards that were left before, is called "the beard" in the Tatars. "Three strands of beard and beard". There are also detailed records of this in the "Barbarian Volume Three? Tatar Chapter" in "Yongle Dadian".

  Zhu Ping\'an put his hands behind his back and slowly narrated. His voice was as loud and magnetic as ever, attracting everyone\'s attention.

"However, my lord, please look at these eight heads. They are all around twenty-five to thirty-five years old. They are not yet ready to grow beards on their lips, but they all have beards on their lower lips. The same reasoning as above , and these eight heads were not Tatars."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone, shook his head slowly, and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

   All the military officers almost stared out of their eyes at this moment, and their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock.

   Zhao Daying went even further.

  He was completely stunned, with his mouth open as if he had lost his voice, he couldn\'t say a word for a long time, like a rotten tree, staring at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "There are still these five heads, please show them to all the adults." After speaking, Zhu Pingan pointed out five more heads from the heads, and asked the two masters to show them to the officials again.

  The two authors were completely cold at the moment.

   They had never been so afraid of the head.

  Every time Zhu Pingan confirmed that a head was not a Tatar, their hearts seemed to be clenched by death.

   You know, these heads are all Tatars after their inspection. Now Zhu Ping\'an has confirmed one by one that these heads are not Tatars. That\'s why they made a mistake in the inspection.

  One or two are fine.

   Now it has been confirmed that the 14 heads are not Tatars, oh, plus the five pointed out by Zhu Pingan. Even if it is only the 19 heads, this is a very serious accident of inspection mistakes.

  The job they got so hard to win must be lost.

   Not only that, according to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, they may also face imprisonment. The status of wu workers is low, and the law supervises them even more strictly. According to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, if they miss important injuries during the inspection, they will face a punishment of 30 to 100 sticks; if they deliberately conceal and mislead for money, they will be aggravated according to the criminal law. Disposal can range from being in vain or imprisonment, to severely losing one\'s life.

   Firstly, they made mistakes in the inspection, very serious mistakes; secondly, their buttocks were not clean.

  That\'s why the two authors are so trembling at this moment.

"My lords, please look at these five heads. They are about forty years old, but they all have beards, but according to the custom of Tatars, Tatars only reach the age of forty-nine. After half a century, after going through hardships and understanding the world, you can grow a beard. Similarly, it is also recorded in detail in "Yongle Dadian."

   "So, according to the beard rules of the Tatars, it can be concluded that these five heads are not Tatars."

  Zhu Pingan quoted scriptures and ruled out these five heads.

   In this way, there are still forty heads left.

  However, these forty heads cannot be judged based on their beards, because either of these forty heads have no beards, or the beards are completely in line with the habits of the Tatars. According to the method Zhu Pingan just judged, there is no way to prove that these forty heads are not Tatars.

   "Master Zhu, where are the remaining heads?"

  Zhao Daying calmed down again, glaring at Zhu Pingan viciously, his eyes were blood red, continue, how do you prove these forty heads? !

  Among the fifty-nine heads, there were nineteen non-Tatars. According to Mr. Zhang Gu\'s previous statement, although it was reluctant, it could also explain the past.

  It is entirely feasible for forty Tatars to coerce nineteen border residents

  (end of this chapter)