Rise From the Humble

Chapter 663: Mutual exchange

Chapter 663 You come and I go

These military officers were nothing more than shouting for Zhao Daying. From the moment they entered the door, they aimed at themselves everywhere, grabbing themselves with insulting attacks, once or twice, and every time. They really treated me like dough. Knead as you please!

  People respect me one foot, I respect others ten feet, people destroy me one millet, I win three fights!

   I\'ve seen you guys upset a long time ago, and you\'re still eager to jump outside, so don\'t blame me for being rude. Zhu Pingan stared at those military officers with burning eyes, always looked at them like ostriches, and lowered his head to finish the calculation.

   "The ignorant is innocent. Zhu Ping\'an, don\'t be too aggressive."

  An official of the strict party in the auditorium looked down on those vulgar military officers, but he couldn\'t see Zhu Pingan being so arrogant, so he got up and stopped Zhu Pingan.

"Before I told them, their military officers didn\'t know that the "Yongle Dadian" was justifiable. The ignorant is innocent. What about you, my lord? It\'s time to stop them, that is to say, I shouldn\'t maintain the majesty of "Yongle Dadian"?"

   "I don\'t know what your intentions are, my lord?"

  Zhu Pingan did not hesitate, retorted, and stared at the member of the strict party who responded with burning eyes.


   This person didn\'t expect Zhu Pingan to put this disrespectful hat on his head again, his chest heaved violently, obviously choked by Zhu Pingan\'s words.

It is understandable for the military officer not to know about "The Great Canon of Yongle", but as for himself, he is the fifth-rank official of Honglu Temple, in charge of Jingyan and other duties. "Yongle Dadian", when Zhu Pingan stopped the military officer from desecrating "Yongle Dadian", if he stood up and stopped Zhu Pingan\'s words, people would indeed interpret other meanings.

   This time I am in a dilemma.

  Of course, it must not be as serious as Zhu Ping\'an said. It is an unintentional mistake, but when it comes to the royal majesty, this problem is a bit big.

   After this matter.

  Others are afraid of the mouse, and no one dares to stop Zhu Pingan at will.

This time was the flourishing Ming Dynasty, not the modern age when copies were incomplete and the original was missing. There was also a manuscript copy of "Yongle Dadian" in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and soon the subordinate staff of the Ministry of Criminal Justice brought the volume of "Yongle Dadian" that Zhu Pingan said. Take it and submit it to the chief auditor for verification.

   At this time, everyone turned their attention to the chief judge.

   Most people are skeptical.

  They have sufficient reasons to doubt. You must know that "Yongle Dadian" has more than 10,000 volumes, and it is a magnificent masterpiece that is rare in ten thousand years. It has more than 300 million words, how can it be remembered. Moreover, "Yongle Dadian" has a stronger symbolic meaning. Except for those who were in charge of writing it at the beginning and those who transcribed it for the collection of books in recent years, not many people will read "Yongle Dadian".

  Zhao Daying and others stretched their necks, nervously and expectantly watching the presiding judges check the ceremony on the presiding bench, hoping to prove that it belonged to Zhu Pingan and Hu Meng.

   Soon the chief reviewer finished checking.

  Punishment Minister Wang Xueyi looked at the "Yongle Canon" on the table in disbelief. It was clearly written in black and white, exactly the same as what Zhu Pingan said, so he couldn\'t help but believe it.


  Wang Xueyi looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a constipated face. He didn\'t expect that the record in "Yongle Dadian" was exactly the same as what Zhu Pingan said, which made Wang Xueyi unable to accept it for a while.

"These six heads are indeed doubtful, but compared to the fifty-nine heads, the weight of these six heads is too low, and they don\'t even count as the mantissa. These six young heads are likely to be The Tatars coerced the border residents who joined the army, or they might have defected to the Tatars for money. It is not a pity for such people to die.”

Zhang Gu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, has always been quick-witted, which is why he has emerged in the strict party. Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an confirmed that the six leaders were not Tatars, Zhao Daying and others looked confused and even presided over the petition. Wang Xueyi, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, was also a little caught off guard. It was the time when he performed meritorious service, so when Wang Xueyi didn\'t know how to deal with it, he stood up.

  Zhang Gu lived up to his reputation of being quick-witted, and found a countermeasure immediately. Zhu Pingan borrowed the records of "Yongle Dadian" to confirm that these six heads were not Tatars. Zhang Gu did not deny Zhu Pingan\'s confirmation, but extended it further on the basis of Zhu Pingan\'s confirmation.

   You, Zhu Pingan, confirmed that they are not Tatars. It doesn’t matter, they are not Tatars, but they are probably border residents who were coerced by Tatars to attack our Ming Dynasty, or traitors who took the initiative to defect to Tatars and betrayed our Ming interests.

  In short, although they are not Tatars, they deserve to die.

   This explanation makes sense, and logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with it. Moreover, since the original owners of these heads are dead, no one can deny whether Zhang Gu\'s statement is correct or not.


  High, Master Zhang!

  Zhao Daying and others were devastated by Zhu Pingan\'s actions, and they didn\'t know how to deal with it. At this moment, after hearing the speech of Zhang Gu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, he was overjoyed, and couldn\'t help applauding Zhang Gu\'s defense loudly in his heart.

   Really deserves to be quick-witted. It\'s amazing that he can come up with such a set of flawless rhetoric in such a short period of time.

After this petition, Mr. Zhang has to make up a generous gift. Zhao Daying looked at Zhang Gu gratefully, thinking that after going back, he would send the original painting of Su Dongpo handed down by his ancestors to Zhang\'s house. Master Zhang will definitely be satisfied.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang is right. These heads may not be Tatars, but they must be the scum of Meihu. They are really scums who sell their ancestors for glory. They don\'t even recognize their ancestors, and they go to learn from Tatars to shave their hair and grow their beards." , In the end, I also learned four things, such a person is not a pity to die."

  Wang Xueyi also reacted at this time, and then summarized it again after Zhang Gu finished speaking.

   Not too stupid.

   Yan Shifan in the auditorium glanced at the presiding judge, and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

   "It is quite normal that there are six Meihu scum out of the fifty-nine heads. It is not unusual for fifty-three Tatars to coerce six border residents."

   "Yes, Lord Zhang and Lord Wang are still familiar with border affairs. There are quite a lot of scum who sell their ancestors for glory on the border. The original owner of these heads must be one of them."

   "I also met back then. Some border residents joined the Tatars to attack the guards in order to covet the rewards from the Tatars. They were more active than those Tatar dogs!"

  The military officers who had already died, became active again at this moment, echoing Zhang Gu and Wang Xueyi, and once again supporting Zhao Daying.

   "Hehe, what Master Zhang and Master Wang said is that out of the fifty-nine Tatars, there are six scumbags who are charming, and it makes sense."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at the crowd with a half-smile, then set his eyes on the chief judge\'s seat, paused and raised the corners of his mouth and said, "But what if none of these fifty-nine people are Tatars?"


What? These fifty-nine heads are not Tatars?

  Everyone was stunned.

  (end of this chapter)