Rise From the Humble

Chapter 222: to contribute

Chapter 222 Contribution

  After Zhu Pingan\'s "learning from the Valley", Zhang Juren left Shanghe Village. He was accompanying his wife to his natal home and could not stay long.

After seeing off Zhang Juren, Zhu Ping\'an was invited by the village chief and the village elders to the village chief\'s home, where he made plans for Xuegu. , Zhu Pingan was able to escape.

   Before I got home, I heard the noise of people in my yard, like going to a market.

   "Master Zhu is back!"

   Before Zhu Pingan could enter the door, he heard an excited voice from the yard.

  Master Zhu?

  The corners of Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, before he lifted his foot to enter the door, he was surrounded by excited crowds in the yard.

   "The little old man is a good farmer. I implore Mr. Zhu to take him in and be a cow or a horse." An old man dressed in patches came to Zhu Pingan very respectfully, but excitedly, his tone was a bit confusing.

"Master Zhu, our family is a family, and we can\'t do without a cook. I am the second pillar of Bianjia Village, and I have been making big spoons in the town for more than ten years. Let me be the back cook of our family. The cooking is guaranteed to be delicious. "

  A man with a big head, thick neck, greasy face, and greasy clothes patted his chest for assurance.

   "I\'m a rough man, but I have plenty of strength, let me be a servant."

   "I can also farm."

   "Master Zhu accept us." Others also gathered around, scrambling to recommend themselves.

"Master Zhu, my two daughters are big girls with yellow flowers, let them serve tea and water for Master Zhu, and work will be easier. If Master Zhu is interested, they can also warm the bed. "

   There was even an uncle who single-handedly pushed his two well-packed daughters to Zhu Pingan, who was recommended by Wang Po.

   Then Zhu Ping\'an saw two little girls with braids under the uncle, staring at him innocently with big round eyes, and one of them was biting his finger and drooling.

  The older ones are up to six years old. The younger one is no more than four or five years old!

  It’s not even as high as a table leg, so you can warm your bed at this age, right? !

  Zhu Ping\'an has black lines on his face

  Looking at the people in the yard scrambling to recommend themselves as slaves, the corners of Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth twitched. This must be the contribution of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Ping\'an also has some understanding of contributions, and most modern history book reviews are critical of this. It is almost defined as an important reason for the subjugation of the Ming Dynasty.

  Actually, in Zhu Ping’an’s eyes, donations should be considered separately. For the country, donations are definitely harmful but not beneficial, but this is not the case for the villagers. This should be viewed separately.

   Judging from the voluntary contributions in front of them, it must be good for them, so they are so proactive. If it is harmful to them, why would they come after it.

  For them, contribution is a means of avoiding taxes, and the collection of taxes and corvees was very heavy in ancient times. In order to avoid taxes and corvee, the ancient working people came up with such a way to contribute.

  How should I put it, the rulers of the Ming Dynasty collected taxes and corvees according to the targets. Officials do not need to pay taxes or serve corvee, and their whole families do not need to pay taxes or serve corvee, including masters and servants; the same is true for Juren\'s family. The taxes and corvee in ancient times were so heavy. This kind of tax and that kind of tax were exploited layer by layer, and the burden was even heavier. As for the corvee, it was the most important thing, like building roads, bridges, escorting food, and even giving away three melons and two dates. There are corvee workers traveling thousands of miles to the capital, which is time-consuming and expensive. The ancient working people were miserable.

  In order to survive, they figured out how to contribute. Officials and juren’s families don’t collect taxes and don’t accept corvee, don’t they? Then I can’t be an official and a juren, but I can be a slave of his family. In other words, if I farm land, you collect land tax, right? Then I don’t plant the country’s land, isn’t it okay? Doesn’t the land of the Juren Official’s House not collect taxes, then I will give my family’s land to the Juren Official’s House Is it okay? Of course, they still grow their own land, but the land has become the family of Juren officials, so they don’t have to pay taxes to the state for farming, but pay rent to officials and Juren’s family, which is much less than the tax .

  Someone rushed over to become their own family slaves, and wanted to give their family land to their own family. How could the family of Juren and officials refuse such a good thing.

  If you contribute, the people will benefit, and the officials will benefit from their families. In the end, it is only the country that suffers.

  Of course understanding belongs to understanding, but

   "Yaya can warm the bed"

  The drooling four or five-year-old loli waved her fleshy little paws, and repeated a sentence from the uncle in a childish voice, which made Zhu Pingan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood

   "Here comes the pig, come in quickly."

   At this moment, the mother Chen who heard the movement waved excitedly at the door of the house and called Zhu Pingan over.

  Under the rescue of his mother Chen, Zhu Ping\'an was able to pass through the yard from the crowd and into the house.

  The villagers are still very respectful to Zhu Pingan, the master of the family. Seeing that the Chen family has something to do with Zhu Pingan, they all consciously make way for Zhu Pingan.

   "Hurry up, baby, look." The mother Chen was very excited and took Zhu Pingan to the back room, pointing to the various gifts on the bed and under the bed for Zhu Pingan to look at.

   "This is it?" Zhu Pingan looked at the various gifts in the room, feeling a little confused.

"Just now when you were at the village Zheng\'s house for a while, many people came one after another and brought these things. They have to put down everything they say, and mother can\'t stop them." Looking at the gifts in the bedroom, Chen\'s eyes widened. shining.

   You didn\'t stop me, Mom.

  Looking at Chen Shi with shining eyes, Zhu Pingan silently cursed in his heart.

  However, this is nothing, I am not a pedantic person, it is the worldly way to greet and send.

   What\'s more, mother Chen is still so excited, so she won\'t spoil the scenery. But in the future, you can no longer accept gifts.

"Oh, I almost forgot. There are also these land deeds. This is 15 acres of paddy fields. This is also 15 acres of paddy fields. Well, this is a lot. This is 50 acres of irrigated land. And these fields are 50 acres away from our village. The ones are quite close, and they were all sent by the local rich man. There is also a grocery store in the town, who sent them and these bank notes, my mother hasn\'t had time to count them."

Mother Chen suddenly remembered the land deed while talking, and took out a small stack of land deeds from Zhu\'s father\'s broken shoes under the bed, and then took out several silver bills from under a certain brick in the ground, and sat on the bed and handed them out one by one. Zhu Pingan said.

  "Mother" Zhu Pingan just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by his mother Chen.

  Mother Chen held the land deed firmly in her hand, like a miser, and said in the same tone as when confiscating lucky money, "Mum will keep these things for you."

In the morning, Zhu Ping\'an gave Murakami fifty taels of silver with a big wave of his hand as a school valley, and when he came back, he made Mrs. Chen very distressed. It was a great success, so Chen didn\'t give Zhu Pingan a chance at this time.

  Seeing his mother, Mrs. Chen, clutching the title deed like a calf, Zhu Pingan was a little speechless, and then looked at the gifts piled under the bed.

"Don\'t think about those things. You don\'t know how much firewood, rice, oil and salt are if you are not in charge of the family. Mothers of those things have to be given as gifts. Mothers have put them back together. Well, the gifts from the Wang family will be returned to the Zhang family; The congratulatory gift, return the gift to the Wang family"

  Mother Chen pointed to the pile of gifts under the bed and told Zhu Pingan where they belonged one by one.

   "Forget it this time, don\'t accept your mother in the future." Zhu Ping\'an could only smile wryly.

  (end of this chapter)