Rise From the Humble

Chapter 221: pass on the name

Chapter 221 Passing on the name

  After snowfall, the air is very good. Under the sunshine, Xiahe Village is like a fairyland.

  Under the banyan tree in the center of Xiahe Village, pouring tea and ink, Zhu Pingan and others picked up the pen, spread out the rice paper, dipped the ink and wrote the pen, and the pen went like a snake.

  Pu Songling\'s couplets are the best couplets to encourage students. I used this couplets to comfort a failed scholar during the last student examination. Because this couplet is so classic, the whole couplet is majestic and inspiring. As soon as this couplet came out, it became a famous sentence through the ages and urged countless people. I believe that engraving this couplet on this stele will surely urge the younger generations to forge ahead, and it will be a contribution to Xiahe Village and even the entire Daming City.

   "Where there is a will, there is a way, and the boat is broken, and the hundred and two Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu;

  Painful people live up to the heavens, and pay for their courage. Three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu. "

  After writing this couplet, Zhu Pingan thought for a while and wrote another couplet:

   "A man who doesn\'t show his ambition is born with an eight-foot body."

  This sentence has also had a great influence on future generations, and has inspired countless people. Its meaning is very clear and inspiring, that is, it wants to tell people to work hard in their lifetime and not to be mediocre. Theoretically speaking, this sentence will not be uttered by Feng Menglong in "Warning the World" several decades later, but writing it out by myself today should have a greater effect.

After writing these two sentences, Zhu Ping\'an put away the pen. On one side, the village chief and village elders were holding the brushes with a completely soy sauce mentality, so they didn\'t write a few words; God, I have already written a pair of couplets, and I have put away my pen. I am not going to write a second couplet. Holding the tea treasured by my hometown in the village, I blew on the tea powder slightly. Savor.

  The uncle Zhu Shouren next to him has a good posture, with a kind smile, elegant posture, sword eyebrows and flowing beard. Of course, the blue scarf on the head and the confident gaze are indispensable. I also finished writing a couplet, and I am writing the second one. I am very confident and fast. About three minutes later, my uncle Zhu Shouren\'s second couplet will be released.

   "Ashamed, ashamed..." Uncle Zhu Shouren finished writing. He said something humbly.

After seeing that the couplets were finished, the village elders, village officials and the others put away their pens. Without blushing or panting, they casually put aside the rice paper with a few words written on it, and said in a self-deprecating sentence that the book will not be used until the time is up. Hate less. They didn\'t plan to write it in the first place, but they have the consciousness to be a green leaf.

   Then there are only two couplets written by Zhu Pingan and one couplet written by Zhang Juren left in front of everyone. And the two couplets written by the uncle Zhu Shouren with confidence.

  A pair of couplets written by Zhang Juren is: "The heart is higher than the sky, and the ambition is not rewarded; if one is determined to become a talent, everyone can be Yao and Shun."

  Actually, in terms of level, the couplet written by Zhang Juren is very good, but it is slightly inferior to Zhu Pingan\'s two couplets, especially the first couplet.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren\'s two couplets with confidence were also placed on the table, together with Zhu Ping\'an and Zhang Juren\'s.

   "Pear the stars and wear the moon to study more; Yunfan directly linked to academic success."

   "Dan Dan Mo Mei Ling Han alone, this year\'s auspicious snow heralds a good year; the students with high aspirations will send joy to the golden autumn next year."

   Uh, how should I put it. The couplets written by my uncle are smooth, but that’s all there is to it, and it makes people feel a little vulgar. I didn\'t feel much after reading it, but my uncle was very confident in these two couplets, and after finishing writing, I still felt a sense of accomplishment.

  After the uncle put the couplets on the table, he first took a look at the couplets written by Zhang Juren, yes. As expected of Zhang Juren, this couplet is indeed better than his own. The uncle, who was originally very confident and confident, had a slightly restrained expression on his face. However, I am quite optimistic about the couplets I wrote, after all, I have been conceiving for several days.

Then, the uncle stroked his beard and looked at Zhu Pingan\'s two couplets again, but he saw the first couplet "Where there is a will, there is a way, and the boat is broken, and the hundred and two Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu; hard work pays off, and you will pay for your courage." ,Three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu" couplet, the uncle\'s breathing became short of breath, and with a trembling of his hand he pulled a handful of beards off his chin, his face was as red as a boiled prawn.

  After reading the two couplets written by Zhu Pingan, the uncle Zhu Shouren looked at the two couplets he wrote, and really wished he could go back in time, as long as he didn’t write them himself.

   Put together, the contrast is too great.

   After reading the two couplets written by Zhu Pingan, Zhang Juren was amazed and full of praise:

"Although Zhu Xiandi is young, he has a solid foundation. He uses allusions flexibly and innovatively. The upper and lower lines echo naturally, flowing like clouds and flowing water. The upper line uses the allusions of Xiang Yu breaking the boat and defeating the Qin soldiers. I urge the younger generation to be like Xiang Yu." The determination to fight to the end and never turn back. The second couplet uses the allusion that Gou Jian, the king of Yue, sacrificed his courage and exterminated the shame of Wu, and encourages the younger generation to learn from the perseverance of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, who is hardworking, self-motivated, and determined to become stronger. Do anything, with determination and perseverance, will not stop Was it successful? The whole couplet is majestic, inspiring, and breathtaking."

"Zhu Xiandi\'s second couplet is short and succinct, \'A man does not show his ambition, he is born with a body of eight feet\'. Life is so long, if you don\'t have a lot of fighting spirit, if you don\'t work hard, how can you experience the moment of success? Brilliant? People should work hard in their lifetime, and don\'t be mediocre people."

   "It\'s so wonderful, reading these two sentences makes my blood boil."

  Zhang Juren was full of praise and admiration for the two couplets written by Zhu Ping\'an. When he saw the couplets written by his uncle Zhu Shouren, he didn\'t express any opinions after reading them.

   This action made the uncle who was already a bit ashamed beside him feel even more embarrassed.

"Brother Zhang is too famous, \'Heart is higher than the sky, ambition is unrewarded and vows endlessly; determined to become a talent, everyone can be a Yao and Shun\', Brother Zhang\'s couplet is more inspirational, and it will definitely become the driving force for our students in Xiahe Village to study hard and make progress " Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said, "These two couplets, Uncle\'s, are also very good."

   is also excellent

  After listening to Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, uncle Zhu Shouren\'s face turned even redder...

Zhu Pingan and Zhang Juren were humbled and flattered each other, and finally the village official came to his rescue and wanted to engrave the couplets of Zhu Pingan and Zhang Juren to inspire the young people in the village. Of course, in the eyes of the village official, Zhu Ping’s first couplet It is to be engraved on the stone tablet, and other couplets can be engraved elsewhere. Well, Uncle Zhu Shouren\'s couplets, the village officials and the village elders all expressed that they should be put away properly and used when needed.

  The words of Muramasa made everyone happy, and the matter of erecting the monument has come to an end.

"Persuading the juniors is precious in spirit, and material is also indispensable. I am able to study so far, thanks to the care of the whole village. Since I am persuading the juniors, I also borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and handed over the 50 taels of congratulatory gift given to me by Zhang Juren, Brother Zhang. The village buys grains and grains as "study valleys" so that the children in the village can study with peace of mind. The village supplies several loads of "study valleys" to the students each year. Ping An is young and inexperienced. I will ask the village chief and you for this matter. The village is old."

   Zhu Ping\'an handed over the 50 taels of congratulations given to him by Zhang Juren to the village official, and asked the village official and the village elders to be in charge of the "School Valley".

   "For the sake of the village, I hope the village chief will take more care."

  Cunzheng wanted to decline, but Zhu Pingan insisted on putting the 50 taels of congratulatory ceremony in the hands of the village official, who accepted it after a few refusals.

  The village elders and the onlookers in the village were full of praise for Zhu Pingan\'s behavior, and many onlookers in the village applauded loudly.

   "Brother Zhu Xian is high-spirited and upright, he is really a role model for my generation."

   Originally, Zhu Ping\'an\'s literary talent and knowledge had already made Zhang Juren admire, but at this moment, Zhu Ping\'an\'s behavior made Zhang Juren even more admirable for Zhu Ping\'an\'s character.

  Of course not everyone thinks this way. For example, when my mother Chen saw Zhu Pingan handing over 50 taels of silver to the village to buy "Xuegu", she pinched one of Zhu\'s father\'s arms...

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s reputation spread farther and farther along with the two couplets and the act of "learning from the valley" in the village. Everyone in Shanghe Village, Kaoshan Town and the surrounding areas gave Zhu Ping\'an a thumbs up when they heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s name.

  (end of this chapter)