Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1645: Your baby is still a little naughty today

Chapter 1645 Your baby is still a little misbehaved today

"Brother Zhu, in addition to the blacksmith and supplies, we also bought a carload of mutton, a carload of chicken, duck and geese in the town, and rewarded the soldiers of your camp. In addition, all the horses and carriages are also left for you. You will pull the luggage in the future. We will not go in, so as not to break the rules of your camp, a bunch of rough guys, I don’t bother to look at it. You have just recruited new soldiers and have to install craftsmen. You must be very busy, so we will not occupy you It\'s time, let\'s go back."

   Li Shu knew that Zhu Ping\'an had a lot of affairs in the camp, so she reluctantly bid farewell to Zhu Ping\'an after explaining it.

Except for the three carriages that Li Shu and the others rode, Li Shu left all the remaining horses and carriages to Zhu Pingan. There were a total of thirty-eight tall horses and thirty-eight large carts for pulling goods. carriage.

  Zhu Ping\'an is also extremely reluctant, but it is true that as Li Shu said, there are too many affairs in the barracks.

   Cotton armor, placement of recruits, selection of officers, and craftsmen and apprentices sent by Li Shuxue should also be resettled.

   "Sister Li, slow down on the road, Qin\'er, Hua\'er, take care of your young lady on the way."

  Zhu Ping\'an repeatedly explained.

   "Young master, don\'t worry." Hua\'er and Qin\'er nodded with a smile, "We will take good care of Miss and Young Master."

   "Ahem, are you coming back at night? It\'s nothing important, that is, your baby is still a little bit misbehaving today. If you have time, come back tonight and educate them."

Before leaving, Li Shu, who was boarding the car with the support of Qin\'er and Hua\'er, turned to face Zhu Ping\'an, her pink face was full of spring, her pretty face was blushing, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and she pretended to ask casually. road.

   Turning around this time, she was very shy and charming.

   "Go back, go back, of course you have to go back, education is important, children can\'t get used to it, filial sons can only be born under the stick."

  Zhu Pingan swallowed suddenly, and said without hesitation.

   "Then we\'ll go back and wait for you, and we\'ll have dinner together at home."

  Li Shu\'s pretty face turned even redder, she leaned on her pregnant belly with her slender hands, and got into the carriage like a quail.

   "Okay, slow down on the road."

  Zhu Pingan waved goodbye, stopped and watched the carriage drift away, and finally disappeared at the end of the path at the corner of the mountain...

   "Young Master, Young Master..." Liu Dagang\'s voice rang in his ears.

   "Oh." Zhu Pingan came back from the love of his children, turned his head and asked, "Have all the craftsmen been settled?"

   "My son, the artisans have all been arranged according to your instructions, and they are all satisfied."

   Liu Dagang reported.

"Very good, let\'s go, come with me to see the craftsmen and see what else they lack." Zhu Ping\'an nodded with satisfaction, and then told the gatekeeper, "The mutton, chicken, duck and goose are all handed over to you." Let them cook a delicious meal at noon to reward the whole army."

   "No." The gatekeeper happily accepted the order.

  As the gatekeepers pulled two large carts of mutton, chicken, duck and goose into the barracks, and sent them to the Huotou barracks after passing through a group of competing soldiers, the news of the arrival of the general\'s wife, Li Shu, quickly spread throughout the barracks.

"Our general\'s wife is really like a fairy, our general is really blessed." Let me tell you, our general\'s wife is really like a fairy, our general is really blessed. Twenty heads of mutton in a cart, and two hundred chickens, ducks, and geese in a large cart, thanks to our adults, we also have oral intake today. "

   "Our general\'s wife is still pregnant and has twins. Our general is really capable, killing two birds with one stone..."

   "Our general and his wife are really good-looking, a match made in heaven. I dare to say this: If you want to say that you are good-looking, except for the emperor and the empress, it belongs to our lord and wife."

  The immersive description of the gatekeepers is so vivid that it makes people feel as if they have witnessed it with their own eyes.

  Especially the large cart full of mutton and the large cart full of chicken, duck and goose meat, but it is real, everyone has witnessed it with their own eyes, so everyone believes in the words of the gatekeepers.

   "Brothers, thanks to the general\'s wife, we can have a feast of mutton, chicken, duck and geese at noon after the competition."

   Hearing that after the competition, you can have a big meal, all the soldiers are full of strength, and the whole camp is full of thanks to Li Shu\'s voice.

On the way to take Zhu Pingan to set up the craftsman\'s tent, Liu Dagang scratched his head and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile, "Master, the thirty-eight horses and thirty-eight carriages left by Madam can be given to our logistics camp. Our logistics battalion has to manage the logistics of the entire battalion, and we can’t do without horses and carriages.”

"Leave all the carriages to you, and forget about the horses. Although I don\'t know horses, I can tell that the thirty-eight horses left by Sister Li are good horses. They are more than enough for war horses. It is useless to leave them to your logistics battalion. "

  Zhu Ping\'an shook his head with a smile, and only agreed to assign the carriage to Liu Dagang, and keep the fine horse as the battle horse.

   "My lord, it doesn\'t matter if you only have a carriage without a horse." Liu Dagang didn\'t give up, and was very envious of the thirty-eight horses.

   "Then assign the mules, donkeys and pack horses in the camp to your logistics camp for your driving." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly.

   "Well, well, it\'s better than nothing."

Liu Dagang nodded helplessly. He is someone who understands horses. He knows that these thirty-eight horses are the best horses in the Northland, which are more than enough to be war horses. I was just happy to see Lie Xin, seeing so many high-quality horses, I was so greedy that I couldn\'t bear it, how could I not be reconciled if I didn\'t fight for one, now I heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, I knew there was no chance, so I didn\'t insist anymore.

   "Young master, this is Ou Zhige\'s tent." Liu Dagang led Zhu Pingan to a tent and introduced it to Zhu Pingan.

The tent where Ouzhige lived was a battalion commander\'s tent, which was much more spacious and tidy. Seeing this scene, Zhu Ping\'an nodded in satisfaction, said, "Very well, let\'s go in and have a look", and took the lead to enter Ou Zhige. Zhige\'s tent.

   "Grassman Ou Zhige has met Master Zhu." Ou Zhige had only met Zhu Ping\'an at the gate, and now seeing Zhu Ping\'an coming, he rushed forward to salute.

   "Master Ou is free of courtesy, don\'t be restrained, just treat it as your own home." Before Ou Zhige could bend down, Zhu Pingan stepped forward to support Ou Zhige.

   "Master Ou, let\'s see what you lack in your daily life and forging. Just ask, and I\'ll send someone to send it."

  Zhu Ping\'an asked with concern.

   "Thank you for your concern, such a spacious tent, with all the living utensils, it has treated us well and preferentially, and there is no lack of anything for the time being."

   Ou Zhige said moved. It was the first time for him to be valued so much.

  (end of this chapter)