Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1644: Arrangement of craftsmen

Chapter 1644 Settle the craftsman

   "Brother Zhu, whether it is a master blacksmith or an apprentice blacksmith, I have prepaid their salaries in advance, and you only need to take care of the food when the time comes." Li Shu said to Zhu Pingan coquettishly.

  It was so considerate, even the salary was paid in advance for me. If there is a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at Li Shu with an expression of emotion. If it wasn\'t for the wrong time, he would have held Li Shu in his arms.

Li Shu saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes that wanted to eat people into his stomach, how could he not know what he was thinking, in broad daylight, what was he thinking, immediately glared at him with blushing cheeks and said angrily, "It\'s business." , Brother Zhu, you should pay attention to a few situations. The lame blacksmith is called Ouzhige. He is given one or two hours of free research time every day. He wants to study those dangerous firearms. During this period, you should not visit him. Recently, his own leg was crippled; there was also that one-eyed blacksmith named Zhang Hong, who once went to Nanyang to steal the Hongyi artillery. Nothing; and…”

   "Yeah, okay, thank you sister Li for reminding me, I\'ll take note." Zhu Pingan nodded with a smile and responded.

"My lord, their salaries are very expensive. Just five blacksmiths cost thousands of taels of silver a year." Qin\'er mentioned the salaries of several blacksmiths, and she couldn\'t help saying, "My lord, are you sure?" You have to squeeze their abilities well, let them work hard, and make them worth their money."

   "Hehe, the wool comes from the sheep, and most of the salaries are used by them to buy materials such as saltpeter, sulfur, and iron ingots."

   Li Shu smiled like a little fox, pointed to the endless carriages full of materials behind her, and explained in a low voice while covering her mouth.

"In any era, talents are the most expensive. Sister Li sent me these blacksmiths, especially the three firearms craftsmen, whose value is immeasurable. If used properly, one firearms craftsman is enough to hold thousands of troops. Several thousand The salary of the two is a bit too much, but it is worth the money. With these three firearms craftsmen, our Zhejiang Army is even more powerful. Sister Li really helped me a lot. In the future, our Zhejiang Army will contribute half as much as you. "

  Zhu Ping\'an believes that the salary of several thousand taels of silver is worthwhile, and now his camp is in urgent need of firearms craftsmen.

  I am not a science student after all. I only know about gunpowder and firecrackers. I can provide some ideas and directions for improvement.

Now that I have these firearms craftsmen, I have ideas and directions hundreds of years ahead, such as black powder, matchlock guns, flintlock guns, etc. I know a thing or two, and I can guide them on the right path. In terms of direction and road, I believe that one plus one can have an effect of about one hundred.

   Regarding the future of the Zhejiang Army, Zhu Ping\'an has a little more confidence, and the light in his eyes is shining like the rising sun.

  Looking at the confident Zhu Pingan, Li Shu\'s eyes are full of stars.

   "Suo Zhu, go to the camp and ask Dagang to bring his logistics battalion out to meet the master blacksmith and supplies. No matter how far they have reached in the selection of the leader of the logistics battalion, tell Dagang to put it down temporarily and bring someone over quickly."

  Zhu Ping\'an stopped a gatekeeper and said in succession.


  Suo Zhu responded and ran quickly all the way.

   "All the craftsmen have worked hard all the way. When you arrive at Zhejun, you feel like you are at home. Don\'t worry, Zhejun will not treat you badly." Zhu Pingan smiled and walked forward, clasping his hands, and said to the blacksmith and apprentices.

   Seeing Zhu Pingan, the supreme commander of the Zhejiang Army and a fourth-rank official of the Ming Dynasty, treat them with such courtesy, the five blacksmiths and a group of apprentices were all excited and moved. This is the first time they have received such attention and courtesy.

Since Guan Zhong, the prime minister of the Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period, put forward the theory of the separation of industries among the four peoples, dividing people into four social groups according to their occupations—scholar, farmer, worker, and merchant, the status of sergeant, farmer, worker, and merchant in feudal society was basically the same. established.

Blacksmiths are a kind of craftsmen. Craftsmen, as the third-ranked handicraft producers, were exploited and had no freedom in the feudal society\'s long-term environment of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce. Being despised by others in society, you can leave as soon as you invite them.

  Daming belongs to the peak of feudal society, the feudal hierarchy is strict, and there is also a craftsman\'s register, which is even more despised.

   Now, Zhu Pingan treats them so courteously, how can they not be moved.

   Soon, Liu Dagang came trotting all the way with their battalion, "Young Master, I have seen Madam."

  After Liu Dagang arrived, he met with Zhu Ping\'an, and then went forward to meet with Li Shu.

  Li Shu nodded slightly.

"Dagang, you bring these five master blacksmiths and blacksmith apprentices into the camp to settle down. Regardless of the tents or bedding and toiletries, etc., you will use the latest and best. The treatment of these five master blacksmiths is the same as that of your camp. Everyone arranges Separate tents, the treatment of blacksmith apprentices is the same as that of sentry chiefs, two apprentices per tent. In addition, ask your battalion to drive the carriages to the camp, sort the materials into categories, store them in the warehouse, and do a good job of preventing moisture and fire, and there must be no mistakes. These materials are all good things.”

  Zhu Ping\'an gave Liu Dagang careful instructions and urged him repeatedly.

   "Ah, such a high salary?" Liu Dagang couldn\'t help being surprised when he heard the treatment of the master craftsman and the apprentice.

He is a standard Daming way of thinking. In his opinion, these blacksmiths, whether they are masters or apprentices, are not just working craftsmen. high treatment.

"High? If I hadn\'t used up the handsome tent, I would have given them up. Dagang, each of them is a treasure of our Zhejiang army, and each of them can stand up to a battalion. They are used properly. In other words, a single firearms craftsman is enough to hold thousands of troops. Tell you people in the logistics battalion to be careful and take good care of them. If any of them loses a hair, those responsible will be dealt with severely by military law."

  Zhu Pingan patted Liu Dagang on the shoulder, smiled lightly and shook his head, emphasizing him again.

   "Are they so powerful?" Liu Dagang looked suspicious, how could a blacksmith who forges iron be able to stand up to thousands of troops.

   "Of course, our Zhejiang Army will rely on them a lot in the future, and you will know how powerful they are in the future." Zhu Pingan said seriously.

Although he doesn\'t believe that blacksmiths are so powerful, Liu Dagang believes in his son, and nodded vigorously, saying, "Don\'t worry, son, since you value them so much, then we must take good care of them like treasures, and never let them lose a single hair." .If they lose a single hair, you are the only one to ask, my lord."

  (end of this chapter)