Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1642: Selection of Soldiers and Generals (Part 1)

Chapter 1642 Selection of Soldiers and Generals (Part 1)

"Soldiers and soldiers, with the addition of new comrades-in-arms, our Zhejiang Army has grown stronger. No matter whether new comrades-in-arms or old comrades-in-arms, we are all comrades-in-arms, and we are all brothers in arms. Everyone must unite and love each other and help each other. Our Zhejiang Army is not familiar enough, and veterans should help recruits familiarize themselves with our Zhejiang Army’s military discipline, military regulations, life, drills and other aspects, and help recruits integrate into our Zhejiang Army family as soon as possible.”

   Zhu Pingan shouted to a group of Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers after the selection of soldiers in each battalion.

   "Obey, we will help the new brothers integrate into the Zhejiang army as soon as possible." A group of veterans expressed their opinions loudly.

"Let me emphasize one more point in advance, whether recruits or veterans, everyone is equal. Veterans are not allowed to bully recruits, nor force recruits to do things for you. If there is any violation, they will be investigated and dealt with together, and they will be dealt with severely!" Zhu Ping emphasized loudly, Resolutely put an end to the bad habit of veterans bullying recruits.

   "Obey!" All the Zhejiang soldiers responded.

"Very well, the number of our Zhejiang Army has increased, and the overall establishment of the five sentries has also increased, and the corresponding five chiefs, whistle chiefs, and generals have also increased. If you have soldiers, how can you not have generals. The next step is to select and appoint corporal chiefs, post chiefs, and generals.”

   Zhu Pingan said loudly.

"finally come!"

   "Haha, I lost to Lao Niu last time and missed the corporal leader. This time I will be the corporal leader!"

   "Hurry up and choose, my fist is already hungry and thirsty. This time, I must give our old Zhang family glory and become the first official of our old Zhang family. Hehehe, I am excited just thinking about it."

   All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, especially the veterans, were all excited, gearing up and waiting for selection.

   "My lord, how do we select the corporal chief, post chief and general general this time?" The veterans asked with concern.

   "My lord, can our newcomers also select the corporal chief, post chief and general?" The recruits also asked with concern.

   "Soldiers, don\'t be impatient, let\'s talk about the selection and appointment of the corps leader first." Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand and pressed down, controlling the scene.

"Everyone, including recruits and veterans, can participate in the selection and appointment of corporal leaders. However, in view of the fact that veterans have more experience, it is more conducive to the rapid growth of recruits and the rapid formation of combat effectiveness of our Zhejiang Army, so the selection of corporal leaders is a priority. Select from among the veterans, and then select from among the recruits."

  Zhu Ping\'an first announced the selection and appointment principles for corps leaders.

  The veterans were all elated, their molars were all exposed, and the adults said that the corporal chief should be selected from among the veterans first.

  My lord really keeps his word. When the corps leader was selected last time, he said that those who failed should not be discouraged. In the future when the Zhejiang Army expands its army, the vacancies of corporal commanders and post commanders will be selected from veterans first. This time it is true.

The recruits were also very excited. I didn’t expect them to have the opportunity to select the captain. Although the veterans were selected first, it’s normal. The veterans are old and have more experience than them. It’s normal to select the captain first from the veterans. But that\'s all. Their new recruits also have the opportunity to select a corps leader. This is the corps leader. He has ten soldiers under his command. In normal times, how could common people with ordinary heads have such a chance to stand out.

   "My lord, the corporal leader is selected from the veterans first, how is the selection method?" Everyone asked impatiently.

   "My lord, is it still the same as last time, the competition will determine the leader of the army, and the strongest member of the army will be the leader of the army?"

  The veterans asked eagerly.

   "Competition to determine the corps leader? Who is the most powerful and who will be the corps leader?" After hearing this, the recruits were curious and excited.

   "This time, the corporal leader will be selected from the veterans first, and the specific method does not need to be tested." Zhu Ping\'an shook his head slightly.

   "Then how to choose? Is it appointed by the whistle chief? That\'s bad. I don\'t have a good relationship with the whistle chief. Li Laoliu has all the money. He and the whistle chief are from the township party."

   "If you don\'t need to compete, how can you convince the crowd?"

   A group of soldiers heard that there was no need for a competition, and they couldn\'t help but feel a little bit disappointed, and then they argued heatedly, buzzing.

"Everyone be quiet. There is no need for a competition this time, because our Zhejiang Army has already implemented the method of disciplinary evaluation. The results of the disciplinary evaluation include upper upper, upper middle, upper lower; middle upper, middle middle, middle lower; lower upper, lower middle, and lower middle." In the selection of the corps leader this time, all those who rank as the upper and the upper in the performance assessment will be appointed as the corps leader." Zhu Pingan looked at the people who were arguing enthusiastically and smiled slightly. said loudly.

   "Huh? The corporal commander is determined based on the results of the performance assessment, um, this is possible, why didn\'t we think of it, my lord is wise."

   "That\'s good. The performance assessment is fairer than the competition. We have no objection."

  A group of veterans heard the words and expressed their support one after another. They raised their hands and feet in favor, and almost no one had any objections.

  A group of recruits were very curious, and asked in puzzlement, "What is the performance assessment? How is it fairer than the competition?"

The veterans laughed immediately when they heard the recruits\' questions, and explained in a showy manner, "You don\'t understand. The performance assessment is based on three aspects. The first aspect is our daily drill performance; the second The first aspect is our daily discipline; the third aspect is the actual combat killing situation. Because, after the implementation of the disciplinary performance assessment, we have not yet killed the enemy in battle, and the recent disciplinary performance assessment is based on the first and second aspects of assessment."

   "How do you assess daily drills, and how do you assess daily discipline?" the recruits asked curiously.

"In terms of daily drills, we conduct assessments based on our daily drill demonstrations, catching comparison tests, two-army and two-armor confrontation tests, and the maintenance of weapons and armor. Every three to five times, the entire army will hold individual, corps, and even-handling comparison tests, and the monitoring battalion will record them. The results of the competition are used as the basis for assessment; in terms of daily discipline, it is based on our daily observance of military discipline, including marching military discipline, camp military discipline, guarding sentry military discipline, etc. The monitoring battalion will patrol every day to assess and score our discipline."

  The veterans patiently explained.

   "Oh, so the competition is included in the performance assessment." The recruits suddenly realized why the veterans were so supportive, and then they all made up their minds that they must abide by military discipline and perform well in the future.

"The results of the recent disciplinary performance assessment are all in this booklet in my hand, and all of them have been publicized without objection. There are fifty-five soldiers who have been rated as superior in the recent assessment, namely Zhang Xiaomin, Song Tiedan, and Wang Dali From now on, all fifty-five people will be appointed as corps leaders."

  Zhu Pingan took out a "Zhejiang Army Disciplinary Performance Assessment Record Book" from his sleeve, and announced loudly.

   "Father, mother, I have become a corporal commander, and I am also an officer. I am no longer your disgrace."

   "Hahaha, I, Wang Dali, will be the corps leader from today on."

  Zhang Xiaomin, Song Tiedan, Wang Dali and others jumped three feet high in excitement, grinning and shouting.

  (end of this chapter)