Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1641: if you can do it all over again

Chapter 1641 If you can do it all over again

  If I could do it all over again, I would die of curiosity, and I wouldn\'t sleep with Hua\'er, at least I wouldn\'t stay overnight with Hua\'er!

  Early in the morning, before dawn, the enchantress Ruonan fled from the side room with her legs between her legs and fled back to her guest room with dark circles under her eyes that were comparable to national treasures.

  A pair of eyes were not only severely swollen, but also dull, not only was his complexion dull, but there was also a pimple on his forehead...

  The demon girl Ruonan returned to the room and closed the door. Thinking of what happened last night, her dull face flushed with embarrassment, and she wished she could slam her head on the pillow to death.

  Last night was definitely the hardest and scariest night she had ever experienced in her life.

Last night she was on duty with Hua\'er, and she only had time to hear the phrase "a filial son is born under the stick" from the back room. She didn\'t understand what was going on, but everything happened so quickly. , both physically and mentally.

   Chirping and chirping, sleepless night, every moment is as long as a year, this night is so hard, so hard.

  Early in the morning, just after dawn, Zhu Pingan hurriedly ate his breakfast, and rode back to the barracks with Liu Dadao and others refreshed.

  Li Shu\'s complexion was rosy and radiant, with a pretty face like a peach blossom after rain, she stood at the door and waved goodbye.

   "Dog Man and Woman"

  The enchantress Ruonan with dark circles and big bags under her eyes was among the send-off crowd. Looking at the two radiant faces, she couldn\'t help gnashing her teeth.

   After Zhu Pingan returned to the barracks with Liu Dadao and others, he gathered the veterans of the army and the newly recruited conscripts.

   On behalf of the Zhejiang Army, Zhu Ping\'an once again welcomed the Yiwu recruits, and then began the main event - the whole army.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s idea of ​​reorganizing the army is to "lead the new with the old", and organize the recruits from Yiwu into the old Zhejiang army, and use the veterans to lead the new recruits.

  Originally, the total number of the Zhejiang Army was more than 700 people, and there were nine battalions, and the establishment was not enough. The surveillance battalion led by Liu Mu had only one soldier, the guard battalion led by Liu Dadao had only one sentry, the barracks led by Liu Daqiang and the battalion led by Liu Dagang had only one sentry, and the other five ordinary battalions had only one sentry. There is also only one general (only two whistles under the jurisdiction).

  The establishment of the Zhejiang Army is seriously lacking, which can almost be described as empty.

   Now that there are 1,200 Yiwu recruits, it is finally possible to greatly fill up the Zhejiang Army.

  Of course, in fact, the thousand or two hundred Yiwu recruits are not enough to fill up the Zhejiang Army.

  When the Zhejiang Army became an army, Zhu Pingan set up nine battalions from a long-term perspective. According to the predetermined establishment, there are ten people and one army, and one army has 10 people; four soldiers have one sentry, and one sentry has 40 people; four whistles have one general, and one general has 160 people; four generals and one battalion have 640 people in one battalion; nine battalions of Zhejiang Army , the total number of staff should be more than 5,600 people.

  However, after adding 1,200 people, the strength of the Zhejiang Army has grown greatly.

Zhu Ping\'an arranged the distribution of the thousand and two hundred people in this way. He allocated 30 people to Liu Mu\'s monitoring battalion to make up for one post. The Zhejiang Army now has nearly 2,000 people. Liu Mu\'s monitoring battalion originally had one army behind, which was not enough. Assuming the important task of supervising the whole army; Liu Dadao\'s personal guard battalion is assigned 120 people to make up one total; It is responsible for the cooking and logistics of the entire army; the remaining five ordinary battalions are assigned 162 people each, which means that one general has been added, and the original one general has been replaced by two general generals.

   "Okay, according to the allocation of places, each battalion will start to select troops. Each time a team is selected, first-in-first-served, no competition is allowed."

   After Zhu Pingan announced the distribution, he ordered the battalions to select soldiers.

  Yiwu recruits stood in teams of ten according to the formation they trained all the way, waiting to be selected.

Liu Dadao and others who followed Zhu Pingan to recruit soldiers in Yiwu took advantage of them. They walked with the recruits in Yiwu and knew the recruits in Yiwu quite well. The recruits in that team were generally the strongest, and the recruits in that team had the most potential. , At the beginning of the selection, they had a target in mind and selected their favorite team early.

   "Battling Commander Liu, Gouyue, can you be merciful when you start, the good soldiers have been picked away by you."

   "You followed the adults to Yiwu to recruit soldiers, and you already know the basics. If you choose soldiers with us, it is tantamount to cheating for you."

   "Enough is enough, big knife, you can stop, you have to give us a mouthful of soup even if you eat meat. You still have one whistle left, after we finish picking, you can choose again."

  The other battalions saw Liu Dadao and the others pick out the best of the recruits quickly and ruthlessly, and couldn\'t help shouting with envy and hatred.

   "Haha, my lord said first choice, first served, who made you feel uneasy, who is to blame..."

Liu Dadao laughed and taunted them. His movements didn\'t affect him at all. Once again, he jumped out of a group of recruits. All of them were strong and had potential, which made the other battalion officers envious. hatred.

   "Okay, I see you are pitiful, the remaining three teams will be picked by you first, and the rest will be mine."

   After Liu Dadao picked out the teams of recruits he liked on the road, he stopped in satisfaction, and said in the tone of a landlord and an old fortune.

  Anyway, the best teams of recruits have already been selected by themselves, and the quality of the other recruits is similar, and they are all good soldiers.

   "Damn, you must have picked up everything you liked on the way." The generals of the other battalions gritted their teeth bitterly.

   "Oh, if you say so, then I will continue to choose..." Liu Dadao shook his neck and smiled.

   "Don\'t, don\'t, we appreciate it." Even he waved his hands quickly and said with an apologetic smile.

"Hehe, you guys, let me tell you that Yiwu people are born to be soldiers. These Yiwu recruits are all carefully selected by us and adults. Every one of them is a good soldier among good soldiers. You choose with your eyes closed. There will be no problem."

   Liu Dadao smiled and said to them. He and Zhu Ping\'an went to Yiwu to recruit soldiers, and he couldn\'t be more satisfied with this batch of recruits.

   Soon, each battalion selected new recruits according to their quota, and the remaining three teams of recruits returned to Liu Dadao\'s personal guard battalion.

  After the recruits are assigned, it is the selection of officers.

The expansion of the Zhejiang Army this time has increased by 1,200 people, which is equivalent to adding 120 wu, 30 sentries, and 8 generals, which means that there are 120 corps chiefs and 30 post chiefs And eight put the total vacancies.

  The veterans of the Zhejiang Army have long been looking forward to the expansion of the Zhejiang Army. It can be said that they are looking forward to the stars and the moon and looking forward to the arrival of new recruits. Because the adults said at the beginning, after the expansion of the Zhejiang Army, the candidates for the corporal commander and the post commander should be selected from among them first.

  They have been practicing hard and earnestly for the past few months, and they have long been looking forward to this day.

Don\'t think that the corporal chief and the post chief are not officers. The corporal chief and the post chief control ten or forty soldiers. It is majestic to imagine. Woolen cloth.

  (end of this chapter)