Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1589: it's here, it's finally here

Chapter 1589 is here, it\'s finally here

  The next day, Chen Hong and other eunuchs, accompanied by Wei Guogong and others, spent a day eating, drinking and having fun around Yingtian. In the evening, I went to the Confucius Temple. When it was getting dark, Chen Hong became interested, went boating on the Qinhuai River, and toured the Qinhuai River for ten miles.

"The favorite line of the poem is \'A business woman does not know the hatred of subjugation, but she still sings flowers in the backyard across the river\'. I also hope that all adults will remember this poem. As for us, we must always think of serving the court and serving the Holy One. "

  Chen Hong sat on the cruise ship, watched the Qinhuai River for ten miles, looked at the brightly lit brothels and restaurants on both sides of the river, pointed at the orchids, and said to Wei Guogong and other accompanying officials.

"Listening to my father-in-law\'s words is better than reading ten years of books. When I go back, I will frame this sentence \'A business woman does not know the hatred of subjugation, she still sings flowers in the backyard across the river\', hang it in the study room, and recite it silently every time I enter the study room as a reminder For myself, bear in mind the lessons of my father-in-law, and must always think of serving the court and the Holy Majesty."

  An official clapped his hands in admiration immediately after Chen Hong\'s words fell behind, with a look of emotion on his face that he had benefited a lot.

"Angel is worthy of being an angel. This realm is different. No wonder you have received such an important mission. When we visited the Qinhuai River, we could only see the bustling brothels and restaurants on both sides of the river. The Qinhuai River was fragrant with rouge, but my father-in-law could see Loyalty to the country, loyalty to the king, infinite care and love for the country, this kind of realm is beyond my reach, and I still have a lot to learn, thank you for your father-in-law\'s teaching."

  Another official, not to be outdone, stepped forward and gave a deep salute to the students, thanking Chen Hong for his teaching.

   "Thank you, father-in-law, for your teaching." A group of officials stepped forward to thank them.

  Duke Wei opened his mouth for a long time, but he didn\'t say a word in a daze. Everything he wanted to say was said by these officials.

   "Where is it, the miscellaneous family is just feeling casually." Chen Hongxiu covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

   "The more casual you are, the more sincere you can see. From this sentence, it shows how fair and fair he is, worrying about the country and the people, and serving the court and the majesty with all his heart."

  A group of officials stepped forward to compliment her.

Chen Hong was surrounded by everyone and complimented him, so he couldn\'t help squinting his eyes. He was just the seal of the imperial eunuch, and he passed on the decree. These officials complimented him like this. You don\'t have to crawl under your own feet, hehe, it must be more enjoyable at that time.

  After a day and a night of sightseeing, Chen Hong asked about the nearby scenery, but he seemed to have no intention of returning to Beijing.

  Zhu Pingan and other officials who listened to the decree had no choice but to stay in Yingtian. According to etiquette and convention, they had to see off Chen Hong and other angels. People have come all the way from thousands of miles to give you an edict, if you don\'t see them off, it will be unreasonable.

   "I heard that Qixia Mountain is the most beautiful mountain in Jinling. I want to see it. I don\'t know if there is such a chance."

   On the second day, Chen Hong expressed his interest in Qixia Mountain, and Wei Guogong and others naturally patted their chests to express their arrangement.

  So, Chen Hong and others, accompanied by Wei Guogong and others, played in Yingtian for a day, day after day.

  Chen Hong and others have been eating, drinking and having fun in Yingtian for three days, but they still have no intention of returning to Beijing to return to their orders.

  In the past three days, as long as Chen Hong returned to the mansion, officials, wealthy businessmen, and gentry came to visit him in an endless stream.

   None of these people came to see Chen Hong empty-handed. Chen Hong also cherished their bodies and felt that they were too tired to carry so many things. He enthusiastically helped them lighten the burden, so that they would not have to be burdened by ordinary things, and they could go out and go to battle lightly.

  It can be as short as a few words of effort, as long as it takes a cup of tea, and the longest is about a stick of incense. These visitors all returned with a happy face and satisfied, which shows that they all got what they wanted.

   "Tsk tsk, Chen Hong accepted the gift beautifully this time, at least tens of thousands of taels of silver, I\'m really jealous"

   "No wonder I stayed for so many days. It turned out to be to collect money. Let alone, I am going to exchange silver for pearls. It\'s not that I flatter the eunuchs. The main reason is that everyone has gone. If I don\'t go, I will be a bit out of place."

   All the officials are people with sharp eyes and ears, and everyone knows what\'s going on in Chen Hong\'s mansion.

   On the fourth day, everyone thought that Chen Hong might have to go shopping, and they had already considered taking Chen Hong to visit Bird Clothes Lane.

  However, Chen Hong told Wei Guogong and others that they were leaving for Beijing today.

   This is the satisfaction of receiving the presents, and they are finally willing to leave, everyone can\'t help but think secretly.

  At about ten o\'clock in the morning, the Qinhuai River outside Chaotian Palace was overcrowded, and they all sent Chen Hong and others off to return to Beijing.

The officials who came to receive the order last time, no matter whether they received rewards or punishments or no rewards and no punishments, they all came to see them off without shirking their responsibilities. Officials from Yingtiandi and the surrounding areas who have not received the order but are qualified have all come to send Chen Hong off respectfully. Some gentry and wealthy businessmen who had interests in Chen Hong also came to see them off, and some onlookers, although they were driven away by the guards a hundred meters away, still watched the excitement from a distance.

  At the wharf of the Qinhuai River outside Chaotian Palace, there are already more than ten building boats packed up and ready to set sail at any time.

   "Thank you, my lords, gentry, and folks, for sending me off. The miscellaneous family is very moved."

  Chen Hong stood on the shore, cupping his fists to thank everyone.

   "Thank you for your hard work, father-in-law, and the journey is smooth." A group of officials handed each other off.

   "It\'s not hard work, it\'s not hard work, but before leaving, the miscellaneous family has one more errand to do." Chen Hong smiled slightly, scanned the crowd with his eyes, paused in one direction, and said surprisingly.

   "Is there any errands?"

   "What errand?"

  All the officials were stunned, why there is still an errand, since there is an errand, why didn\'t it be done earlier, and it must be done today? !

   "An errand?! Could it be an errand to buy pearls? These days, haven\'t many people sent you pearls?!"

"Isn\'t it in the name of an errand to collect more money? It\'s too greedy. Is there not enough gold, silver and jewelry for you these days?! I just loaded the ship and pulled a lot of carts. The surname is Li. , You know you got off the ship empty-handed when you got off the ship four days ago?!"

   A group of people waited to slander in their hearts.

   Regarding the errands, everyone was at a loss, wondering if Chen Hong wanted to take the opportunity to make money, otherwise why did he do it now, if it wasn\'t for making money, what kind of errand would it be, and he dared to delay doing it before he left? !

  Among the crowd, there was only one exception, and that was Zhu Ping\'an.

When Zhu Pingan heard that Chen Hong said that there was another errand, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but feel excited, especially after Zhu Ping noticed that Chen Hong had glanced at Zhang Jing\'s location when he said that there was another errand, Zhu Ping\'an was even more certain. .

coming! !

   It\'s finally here! !

  (end of this chapter)