Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1588: forget, you're an antique

Chapter 1588 Forgot, you are an antique

Originally, Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou wanted to use the relationship between Zhu Pingan and Chen Hong to ask Zhu Pingan, a person with a special relationship, to come forward and send some pearls and other things to Chen Hong on behalf of the three of them, which would improve the relationship between Zhu Pingan and Chen Hong. To go to a higher level, secondly, they can also cling to Chen Hong better.

  However, they never expected that the truth about the relationship between Zhu Pingan and Chen Hong would be so terrifying.

  Zhu Ping\'an not only did not owe Chen Hong a favor, but instead had a grudge against Chen Hong. When he was in office in Jingnan, he beat his adopted son, and confiscated the tens of thousands of taels of silver that he had worked so hard to steal; beating a dog depends on the owner, and beating his adopted son is equivalent to beating Chen Hong Confiscation of tens of thousands of taels of silver from his adopted son is not equivalent to confiscating tens of thousands of taels of silver from Chen Hong. After all, his adopted son used Chen Hong\'s banner to plunder, and he would basically dedicate it to Chen Hong when he returned. of. This grudge is not small.

  Now, not only can\'t use Zhu Pingan and Chen Hong\'s relationship to a higher level, but also worry about being angered.

   "Nephew, can you return the money you confiscated in Jingnan to Eunuch Chen? Let\'s talk about it, so we can resolve the enmity between you." Wei Guogong hesitated and persuaded Zhu Pingan.

"Yes, my nephew. There is an old saying that is good, it is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain. If we offend anyone, don\'t offend an eunuch. These unhealthy eunuchs are villains among villains. A person who holds grudges, being held grudges by such a little Ren next to the Holy One will surely cause trouble in the future."

  Marquis Linhuai also persuaded Zhu Pingan, wanting Zhu Pingan to return the confiscated silver to Chen Hong, so as not to offend the villain.

"Uncles, the confiscated money was already given to the people who guarded the city as rewards when I took office in Jingnan. Now I have nothing and I don\'t even want to pay it back." Zhu Pingan spread his hands and made a Helpless expression.

  Of course, Zhu Pingan didn\'t even want to pay it back. In his own hands, money can be taken from the people and used by the people to wipe out Japanese pirates. If it is in Chen Hong\'s hands, it can only be used as the anointing of the people and squandered by him.

  Therefore, no matter whether you have money or not, there is absolutely no reason to return this money.

  Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai looked at each other helplessly, and sighed, if the silver was less, they could still pay for it, but it was tens of thousands of taels of silver, not a small amount, and they couldn\'t afford it.

   "Nephew, please ask for blessings."

  The two patted Zhu Pingan\'s shoulder sympathetically, and never dared to ask Zhu Pingan to give gifts on their behalf.

  Zhu Ping\'an is calm and calm, I have offended Yan Song, why are you afraid of him being a eunuch?!

  Besides, there are Huang Jin and Feng Bao in the palace, and it\'s not like I don\'t have internal support, so I don\'t need to worry too much.

  Besides, I know the history, Yan Song will fall sooner or later, Chen Hong is also destined to collapse, doomed to be swept into the garbage dump of history, such a doomed Japanese extermination generation is not worth investing in and making friends with.

  Of course, these are not enough to treat Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou two people.

  The moon was thin, and Zhu Ping\'an was slightly drunk. Under the **** of Li Er and others, he passed the curfew checkpoint smoothly all the way, and returned to the office of the procuratorate.

   "Yo, I still know that I\'m coming back. I thought that someone was spending time and drinking outside, sleeping in the flowers and sleeping in the willows, and I couldn\'t think of leaving."

  Zhu Ping\'an just walked into the yard when he heard the sneering voice of the witch Ruonan.

   "Why is there a sour smell in the yard?" Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand to sweep in front of him, and said with a smile.

  Zhu Ping\'an doesn\'t drink much, and he inevitably drank a few glasses of wine today, and he is in a state of being slightly drunk and talkative.

  Hearing the sarcasm from the demon girl Ruonan, she couldn\'t help retorting, smiling and teasing the demon girl Ruonan.

   "Hey, don\'t put gold on your face, stop daydreaming, who will be jealous of you." The witch Ruonan suddenly frowned like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and yelled at Zhu Pingan aggressively.

   "Hehe, did I mention you?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said lightly.

   Four or two pulls a thousand catties.

When the demon girl Ruonan heard the words, her aura suddenly plummeted, as if she had overreacted a bit and took her seat, but soon the demon girl Ruonan regained her aggressive aura, and said through gritted teeth, "Hmph, you scholars are used to playing word games, Is it interesting to take advantage of words?! Sure enough, men, especially scholars, don’t have a good thing”

"Why, have all the truths in the world been taken over by you? I can\'t even say a word, and I just label you a female boxer?!" Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, spread his hands and said with a smile .

   If you don\'t say anything, you will default to it. If you say something, you will be labeled. This kind of behavior is not good. Zhu Pingan, who grew up under the red flag, supports equality between men and women, but opposes female boxing under the cloak of feminism, which is another kind of gender discrimination.

"What female boxer, I\'m not a barbarian who talks with fists!" The demon girl Ruonan froze for a second, then gave Zhu Pingan a hard look. Although she didn\'t understand what female boxer meant, her instinct told her that Zhu Ping\'an The female boxer in the movie must not be a good word, anyway, it is right to stare at him.

   "Oh, I forgot, you are an antique, I don\'t understand." Zhu Pingan patted his head and suddenly realized.

"Antique?!" the witch Ruonan heard the words, as if she had been greatly stimulated, she repeated it through gnashing teeth, pointed at herself, giggled nervously, and looked at Zhu Ping\'an with murderous eyes, "Heck, antique Zhu Ping\'an! You say I\'m an antique?!!"

   "Oh, I forgot, you don\'t understand." Zhu Pingan shrugged his shoulders. Without the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, how could he understand modern languages.

   "I don\'t understand?!" The witch Ruonan gritted her teeth and stared at Zhu Pingan, "I understand better than you!"

  Zhu Pingan froze for a moment, can you understand? !

   "You say I\'m an antique, aren\'t you just mocking my age?! Are you calling me an old woman in disguise?!"

  The demon girl Ruonan assassin was almost furious, she clenched her teeth, and her voice leaked out from between her teeth.

  No matter what age, women are very concerned about age. If you say that a woman is old, it is equivalent to denying her appearance and charm, and it is nothing less than the greatest denial and provocation to a woman.

  The demon girl Ruonan was no exception. When she heard Zhu Pingan say that she was an antique, she immediately exploded on the spot.

   "You are really a talent." Zhu Ping\'an was speechless.

  Who cares about your age? When I say antiques, I mean whether the two time dimensions of modern times and Ming Dynasty are good or not.

"Zhu Ping\'an, I\'m only four or five years older than you!" The witch Ruonan gave Zhu Ping\'an a fierce look, and then said, "Also, I\'m speaking for Hua\'er, Hua\'er made some hot food. It was hot and hot, just to wait for you, but it turned out that you were fine, spending time and drinking outside, sleeping in flowers and sleeping in willows, and not thinking about it."

"Ruo Nan, what are you talking about, my uncle is not that kind of person." Hua\'er trotted out from the room with her skirt in her hand. She was just warming up the soup when she heard the noise and ran out when she heard Ruo Nan\'s words. Hastily glared at the demon girl Ruonan reproachfully, then hurriedly ran to Zhu Ping\'an\'s side, held Zhu Ping\'an\'s arm, and said with credit, "My lord, I warmed up the hangover soup, it\'s just right for you to drink."

  The demon girl Ruonan staggered on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)