Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1539: sky-high price

Chapter 1539 Expensive Secret Medicine

  What is hunger marketing? !

Liu Mu is completely confused at the moment. He understands the word "hunger" and has experienced it deeply. He doesn\'t understand the word "marketing" and has never heard of this word before. As for the combination of these two words The term "hunger marketing" formed together is even more unheard of, and I don\'t know why.

  However, although he doesn\'t understand what hunger marketing is, it doesn\'t prevent him from implementing Zhu Pingan\'s intention.

   "Everyone, I\'m really sorry. It\'s really hard to find good medicine. We really tried our best. My lord even allocated all his own reserves to get enough for this thousand packs of secret magic knife creation medicine."

  After the crowd complained and shouted for less, Liu Mu clasped his fists and explained to the crowd, his expression still a little unnatural.

   "How many shops can buy this thousand packs?"

   "Yeah, too few, how do we divide it among so many people?"

  People couldn\'t help crying, a total of 1,000 packs of secret magic knife creation medicine, which is enough for several families to share.

"Ahem, I\'m really sorry, we really only have this thousand packs of secret magic knife medicines. However, you don\'t have to be disappointed. From next month, every month\'s first day of the new month, our Zhejiang army will have a new batch It is estimated that there will be about 2,000 packs per batch. Of course, we will try our best to expand production and release as many secret medicines as possible for sale every month. The first day of each month , you can come to our Zhejiang army camp to buy, the quantity is limited, first come, first served, until sold out." Liu Mu coughed, and said to everyone in accordance with Zhu Ping\'an\'s instructions.

I heard that on the first day of each month, there will be 2,000 packs of secret medicines and medicines on the market. Although the quantity is limited, after all, there will be 2,000 packs every month, isn’t it? The output, as far as possible to release more packs of secret magic knife and medicine that can be sold on the first day of each month, the future is promising, isn\'t it, people\'s groans have finally calmed down.

  So, people began to pay attention to how to divide the thousand packs of secret magic knife and medicine, as well as the price.

   "There are so many of us, how do we divide up the thousand packs of secret magic sabers and medicines? Who will we sell them to first and then to whom?"

   "If the person who buys first buys a thousand packs in one go, won\'t the people behind can\'t buy it?"

   "How much is a pack of secret magic knife creation medicine? Is there a discount if you buy more?"

  People have a lot of problems

   In response to everyone\'s concerns, Liu Mu couldn\'t help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the young master had already made preparations, otherwise he really didn\'t know how to deal with it.

"You don\'t need to worry too much about the question of \'who to sell to first, and who to sell to later\'. When you came, you all registered at the gate of our camp. The order in which you registered on the register is the order of purchase qualifications. In order, the first to register has the right of first refusal, and so on." Liu Mu took the registration book from the gatekeeper, opened today\'s registration page, and explained to everyone.

   First come, first served, with such an arrangement, everyone naturally has no objection.

   "How much is a pack of secret magic knife creation medicine? Is there a discount if you buy more?" People are concerned about the price again.

   "Reliable, everyone, let\'s see."

   Liu Mu blushed slightly, coughed, and clapped his hands. The soldier behind him took out a board and showed it to everyone.

  He was really embarrassed to say the price of the secret knife creation medicine, blushing and guilty, so he had no choice but to do so

  Everyone looked up, and saw a large handwriting in the middle of a board: Secret Method Knife Creates Medicine, Eternal God Medicine, each pack of medicine powder weighs five cents, and sells for five cents in silver. Because of the auspicious opening today, everyone has come from afar again, and the big bargain is 40% off for sale, that is, 300 cash per pack. From next month, the original price will be restored to 5 cents, please let us know.

   "Five coins a bag? Is this a money grab?!"

   "Even if I got a 40% discount today, I will pay back three hundred coins a pack! From now on, I will restore five coins a pack every month."

  When everyone heard the price of the secret magic knife and medicine, they couldn\'t help opening their mouths, took a breath, and exclaimed.

  Hearing everyone\'s exclamation, Liu Mu couldn\'t help but blushed a little more. He also felt that it was expensive, so he couldn\'t say it.

He knows the actual cost price of the secret knife creation medicine. The Zhe army buys from Wuxi Miaoman. The cost of creating medicine is cheaper, less than ten cents. My young master set the price of a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine at five renminbi, which is really expensive. Even if it is now a big bargain at the opening, it is sold at a 40% discount, and a pack of 300 cash is a full twenty-fold increase.

Liu Mu still remembers when he asked his young master a question, his young master answered, "It\'s not my heart, but the secret knife wound medicine is worth the price. It is a holy medicine for healing, and it has the effect of bringing the dead back to life for wounds such as knife wounds. With it, it’s like having an extra half life. Life is priceless, isn’t half life worth five cents? In addition, nowadays Japanese pirates are rampant and the people are in dire straits. If our Zhejiang army wants to grow and make a difference, we must There must be food and salaries for military supplies. Now that the imperial court’s finances are tight and it’s not enough to make ends meet, it’s still difficult to distribute food and salaries on time, let alone increasing. Therefore, we still have to rely more on ourselves and be self-reliant, so the secret magic knife and medicine must also be worth the price. The development and growth of our Zhejiang army is for the purpose of eradicating Japanese pirates, for the sake of reducing the victims of Japanese pirates for the people of the world, and also for the purpose of taking from the people and using them for the people."

  He understands the truth, but he is still embarrassed.

  So Liu Mu clapped his hands again, and the soldier behind him brought out two more boards.

  Written together: The secret knife and medicine, the ancient prescription, the holy product of traumatology, trustworthy; if pain is unavoidable, the secret medicine is by your side; holding the secret knife and medicine, the king of Hades will also make a detour.

  One piece of writing: According to legend, in the rivers and lakes of swords and swords, it is a must-have item for knights to fight against violence; on the battlefield where swords are raining, it is a life-saving elixir for soldiers to return to life.

  That\'s right, all of these were written by Zhu Pingan, who wrote them casually while writing official documents.

  Extremely rendered, extremely top-notch, people read it once, and left a deep impression in their minds.

"Ahem, everyone, I believe you have all seen the miraculous curative effect of the secret knife medicine. Carrying the secret knife medicine with you is equivalent to half a life. Taking it internally and externally can save a life from an ordinary fatal injury. Life. Everyone, think about how much a life is worth. A pack of secret magic knife medicine is worth half a life, but it only sells for five coins. Don’t you think it’s very affordable?! Think about it, if it’s an ordinary fatal injury, just ask a doctor The consultation fee is more than five renminbi, not to mention precious herbs such as ginseng. Therefore, a pack of secret magic knife medicine is only priced at five renminbi, which is really affordable and cannot be more affordable, not to mention that it is only sold today. A package of three hundred coins is already a loss of money." Liu Mu waited for the crowd to look at the promotional board for a while, then coughed and said to the crowd.

   "Well, that\'s right. The secret magic knife creation medicine is a life-saving medicine. The life-saving medicine only sells for five renminbi. You can\'t even buy a hundred-year-old ginseng. It\'s really very affordable."

   "It\'s still acceptable."

   “Buy more today.”

  After reading the exhibition board and listening to Liu Mu\'s speech, everyone present nodded slightly and accepted the price.

ha? !

   Is this accepted? ! Still think it\'s cheap? !

  Seeing the slight nods of the people present, Liu Mu opened his mouth wide in surprise. He was planning to spend more time talking, but he didn\'t expect everyone to accept the sky-high price so easily, and admired Zhu Ping\'an even more.

  (end of this chapter)