Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1538: Hunger marketing

Chapter 1538 Hunger Marketing

Seeing everyone eagerly asking for the secret knife medicine, Liu Mu couldn\'t help admiring Zhu Ping\'an. My lord is worthy of being a man. The day before yesterday, I just sent out a pack of secret knife medicine. Today, I have attracted a hundred people. Many people came to ask for medicine.

  At that time, I still had doubts about what the adults did, but now it seems that I am really superficial.

   "We want to buy the secret knife medicine produced by your camp."

   "You won\'t sell it?"

The voices of everyone rushing to buy the secret knife and medicine fell behind, and Liu Mu cupped his fists in response to everyone\'s expectations under the attention of everyone, "Thank you for your trust in my camp\'s secret knife and medicine. Sell ​​the secret magic knife and create medicine, so as to benefit the general friendly army and the common people.”

  Hearing Liu Mu say that the Zhe Army did sell secret magic swords and medicines to the outside world, everyone immediately became excited, and it was not in vain.

  When everyone was excited, Liu Mu sighed slightly, and then said, "Oh, but."

  The excitement of the crowd was suddenly poured with cold water, no matter what they did, they were afraid of the word "not".

   "But what?" Everyone asked nervously.

"Ah, but due to the cumbersome process of this medicine, the rare medicinal materials, and the exquisite processing method, it takes a long time to collect the medicine and make it into a medicine. In addition, there are no more than ten fingers who know how to make this medicine, so the secret method currently stored in our camp The quantity of knife wounding medicine is really limited. The day before yesterday, my adults took us to Zhenwu Camp and other camps to deliver more than 100 packs of medicine. At present, except for the necessary follow-up medicine for wounded patients in our camp, even our camp does not leave a pack , and only one thousand packs of secret magic knife creation medicines are available for sale.”

  Liu Mu sighed, and said to everyone regretfully, with regret and helplessness on his face.

  If someone is careful, they will find that Liu Mu\'s expression is a little unnatural when he said this.

   After all, he\'s not used to lying

  Well, yes, Liu Mu did lie.

The craftsmanship of the secret knife to create medicine is indeed cumbersome, the medicinal materials are indeed rare, the processing is indeed exquisite, and the finished medicine does take a long time. It is true that there are no more than ten people who know how to make the secret knife to create medicine, but these are all relative. Is the production process of Chinese medicine not cumbersome? ! The medicinal materials are not Chinese cabbage, what medicinal materials are not difficult? ! What medicinal materials are not carefully processed? ! From collecting medicinal materials to finished medicine, what kind of medicine does not take a long time? ! There are indeed no more than ten fingers who know the entire process of making the secret knife and medicine. The key ratio of the secret knife and medicine is in the hands of Mrs. Yilan, the Miaoman of Wuxi, and a few of her descendants. As for other production processes, Wuxi Miao Almost everyone can.

  In addition, what makes Liu Mu most unnatural is that there are as many as one hundred altars of secret magic knife creation medicine powder in their camp.

   These one hundred jars are all jars that used to hold wine, and are now used to hold secret magic knife creation medicine powder, and each jar can hold as much as ten catties.

  One hundred jars is one thousand catties.

  Yes, there is a thousand catties of secret magic knife creation medicine powder in the barracks. This is just for now, the next batch of one thousand catties of secret medicine is already on the way, estimated distance and footsteps, and it will be transported to the barracks in about three days. In fact, the secret method knife creation medicine can be mass-produced in Wuxi Miaoman, and the several medicinal materials it needs are easy to find in the mountains behind the Wuximan Miaoman. If the production is released, the output is really not a problem.

   It’s just that Wuxi Manmiao had a limited population in the past, and the demand for secret magic knives and medicines was also limited, so Wuxi Manmiao did not let go of the production, as long as the production is enough for the tribe’s hunting needs.

   Now it is also because of Zhu Ping\'an\'s request that Wuxi Manmiao let go of the production a little bit.

  According to the trial packs given to the military camps the day before yesterday, each pack of secret magic knife medicine weighs five coins. Generally, if you are injured, you can take it internally and apply it twice at the same time.

  One catty can be divided into 20 packs, one jar is 200 packs, and one hundred jars is a full 20,000 packs.

  Just talking about the current stockpile, not counting the ones on the road, the stockpile of secret magic knives and creative medicines in the Zhejiang army camp is twenty times more than the thousand packs Liu Mu said.

  Therefore, there was a trace of unnaturalness in Liu Mu\'s speech, of course, even those who were not familiar with Liu Mu could not see it.

   "What? There are only 1,000 packs? Isn\'t that too little?!" After hearing the words, everyone said with desire and dissatisfaction.

There are about 160 to 70 people who have come to the scene so far, most of them are planning to purchase in large quantities, such as medicine halls, bodyguard bureaus, and rich merchants\' houses. Among the people who came this time, there are thirteen medicine halls There are nine big security bureaus, and there are twenty small and wealthy families. Medicine halls have to buy a hundred packs at the beginning, let alone security bureaus. These days, all parts of the country are in trouble. , there are too many unsafe factors, and no dart trip will be safe. They come and go in the wind and rain, and injuries from knives and arrows are almost commonplace, so their demand is even greater, and each **** agency starts at two hundred; wealthy businessmen The family is full of people who don\'t waste money and spare their lives, and the more they purchase, the better.

   Moreover, there are several people sent by other military camps to purchase, and their demand is even greater, requiring thousands.

  So, when everyone heard Liu Mu say that the Zhejun only had a thousand packs of secret magic sword medicine for sale, they would be so dissatisfied. These thousand packs are simply a drop in the bucket for their needs.

  Actually, Liu Mu still hasn\'t figured it out yet.

  He didn\'t understand why his lord had 20,000 packs in stock in the barracks, and when there were 20,000 packs on the way, he deliberately confessed to himself and let him declare to the outside world that the Zhejun currently had only 1,000 packs of secret magic swords and medicines available for sale? !

  The dialogue with the young master before leaving the camp is still echoing in his mind:

"My lord, don\'t we have 20,000 packs of Secret Art Knives in reserve, why do we claim that only 1,000 packs are available for sale?" Liu Mu asked with a puzzled face after hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s explanation. "The people outside the camp who were looking for our secret swords and medicines surrounded the gate of the camp with three floors inside and three floors outside. There were a total of 160 to 70 people. According to Liu San, who is guarding the gate, many of these people are The medicine halls and bodyguards in the city came to buy, and they bought hundreds of packages. There are also several other military camps who came to buy, and if they bought them, they would cost thousands of bags. Why don’t we take the opportunity to share the secret method in the camp? All the knives and medicines are sold. If we sell them, they will be sold out in half a day."

   "Hehe, you don\'t understand, this is called hunger marketing. It\'s for long-term planning." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and kept the brush in his hand.

  Zhu Ping\'an did receive an official document from the capital, requesting a detailed record and report on the situation of the Yingtian Defense War. Zhu Ping\'an was working overtime at his desk to write this report, otherwise, it would be Zhu Ping\'an himself who went out to make contact.

   "Hunger marketing?" Liu Mu looked confused.

   "Just do what I say first, and I\'ll explain to you later." Zhu Pingan was busy writing the report without explaining too much.

  (end of this chapter)