Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1502: Beggars and ruffians, volunteer

Chapter 1502 Beggars and hooligans, take the initiative to ask for a job

  The Japanese pirates went straight to Andemen, and the pressure on Andemen increased greatly.

   Arrows are released under the city.

However, the Japanese pirates have been on the battlefield for a long time and have rich experience in fighting. They did not gather together, but approached the city gate in a scattered and serpentine manner, which made it difficult for the Ming army to aim. It looks spectacular, but the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the score is 250. It did not cause any real damage to the Japanese pirates, but it made the Japanese pirates have to be careful to guard against the arrows on the city, and it was a bit embarrassing to move.

  While avoiding the feather arrows, the Japanese pirates can also shoot cold arrows and iron cannons from time to time, and they can almost always succeed.

   Not long after, eight Ming soldiers were shot to death by Japanese pirates, and more than a dozen Ming soldiers were shot and wounded by Japanese pirates.

  The Japanese pirates and Fa are arrogant, the Ming army is becoming more and more panicked, and the panic on the Ande Gate is suffocating.

  After Yu Daxian led the reinforcements to arrive, especially after the firecrackers reinforced, the arrogance of the Japanese pirates subsided somewhat.

   "The general cannon, quickly aim at the Japanese pirates outside and shoot a few shots to kill their arrogance!" A general shouted.

  Pang Shi hurriedly moved the general\'s gun mount on the city, put wooden sleepers on it, moved the gun barrel, aimed at the Japanese pirates below the city, loaded gunpowder, put in lead shells, held a torch close to the matchwire fuse, and lit it.

   "Okay, let\'s show Wa Ji some color now!".

  When the Ming army saw the dispatch of the General Cannon, they gathered around the cannon and looked down the city, expecting to see the scene where the cannon would blow up the Japanese pirates.

  The artillery has a large killing area, unlike the point-to-point point-to-point of the firecrackers and feather arrows, it is difficult for Japanese pirates to avoid them by moving.

  So the Ming army is looking forward to it.


   There was a loud bang! It was like a thunderbolt exploding in my ears.

   There was a lot of screams!

  The Japanese pirates under the city were taken aback, but there was no damage. On the contrary, the Ming army on the city did suffer heavy casualties.

  The screams came from the city.

   It turned out that the general gun that fired the gun was not used all year round. It was not well maintained, and the first gun exploded. Due to the dense concentration of Ming troops nearby, five Ming soldiers were killed on the spot when the artillery exploded, eight were seriously injured, and more than ten people were slightly injured.

   "The first shot exploded, which is not a good sign.".

   "Isn\'t this a warning from the heavens, implying that we can\'t guard against the sky and ask us to escape early?".

   "Even the big general guns help the Japanese crown, how can this city be defended?".

  There was a lot of screams on the city. The impact of the artillery explosion was far more than simple physical damage. It also caused tons of mental damage.

   "Fart, what is the warning from the sky, and the sky can\'t guard it! Whoever dares to talk nonsense and disturb the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!" The military academy brandished a whip and lashed out at those who spoke bad words.

   Once the whip is passed down, the bad-mouthing is absolutely gone.

  However, the suppression of the military academy only made people shut up, but the fear in people\'s hearts couldn\'t be overcome.

   "Release the carrier pigeon, urging the earth to slow down and respond to the sky!"

   "Turn up the requisition of the people to defend the city."

  One order has been uploaded from the city wall.

  People are panicking on the city walls, and panic inside the city is even more so. Especially when the officers and soldiers forcibly conscript the people to defend the city, the panic in the city is even more extreme. Many people resolutely resist going to the city walls to help defend.

  At the beginning of human beings, nature is selfish, and people\'s hearts are selfish, and there are very few people who are selfless. Dead friends, dead poor, this is the true inner thoughts of most ordinary people at this time, go to the city wall to help defend, face the Japanese pirates who kill without batting an eye, how dangerous it is, how safe it is under the city, there are people on the city blocking it , if the Japanese crown breaks through Yingtian City, at least they can live half a day longer than the people in the city.

   Therefore, many people resisted going up the city wall. When they were conscripted by officers and soldiers, they cried, made noises and hanged themselves.

  Of course, there are still many people with high ideological awareness who are very cooperative and even take the initiative to go to the city wall to help defend.

  For example, these beggars and hooligans in front of them.

"Military lord, official lord, we are beggars in the city. We don\'t do production. It is the fathers and villagers in the city who donate rice, noodles, money and food to support us. We have received the favors of the whole city. We want money but no money, we want things but nothing, and we have no ability to repay. Now that the Japanese pirates are attacking the city, we have the opportunity to repay the whole family. Grace of life!"

  A short, well-dressed beggar, wearing a ragged hat but tall and strong, led a group of about 80 beggars, and took the initiative to find the general in charge of enlisting the people in the city, and sincerely asked to join the defense.

   "We want to repay our thoughts, and they want to participate in the defense, even if we risk our lives, we can\'t let the pirates step into the sky!"

   "We want to fight Japanese pirates! We are not afraid of death, and we are not money. We just need to give leftovers."

"Back then I came here as a refugee. Fortunately, Father Yingtian took me in. The leftovers supported me. Today is the time for me to repay my kindness. We are willing to defend the city for Father Yingtian. Step over."

  The leader of the beggar fell behind, and all the beggars behind him also stepped forward one after another, asking for help.

The general who enlisted the common people glanced at the crowd of beggars. These beggars were all male, all in ragged clothes, unkempt, tall, short, strong and thin, but they were all between 20 and 40 years old. Moved. The beggar still knows how to be grateful, and volunteered to help defend the city, which is really rare and precious.

   "We, and us."

  After this group of beggars, another group of ruffians came running, about seventy or eighty in number, shouting and running.

"What are you going to do? The Japanese pirates are at present, if you make trouble, don\'t blame me for being rude." The general frowned. He knew many of these scoundrels. Bad guys, naturally don\'t have a good impression of them.

   "Hey, don\'t look down on people, we can tell the difference between right and wrong, my lord, we also want to participate in the defense of the city. On weekdays, we have caused troubles for our fathers and villagers. Now that the Japanese pirates have come, our chance to redeem our sins has come."

  A ruffian stood up, spit out thick phlegm, patted his chest vigorously, and said loudly.

   "We didn\'t do anything good on weekdays, and our folks look down on us. Now let you see, we are also responsible! We know we are wrong, we want to atone for our sins, and we are doing a good job!"

   "There are Japanese pirates outside, we want to kill the Japanese pirates, wash away the shame on us, and let the folks look at us with admiration."

   "I want to defend the city and kill Japanese pirates. Today I will let you see if I, Ah San of Shangshifang, is a good guy!"

   A group of ruffians and hooligans also talked one after another, insisting on participating in the defense of the city to kill the Japanese pirates.

  The general looked at the hooligans who volunteered for the job in front of him, and raised his eyebrows involuntarily, looking at them with admiration.

  Knowing mistakes can be corrected, there is nothing good about being good, and the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns.

   Besides, these hooligans are all young and middle-aged, and they are usually bold people.

  The general could not help being moved.

  (end of this chapter)