Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1501: Where are King Qin's reinforcements?

Chapter 1501 Where is King Qin\'s reinforcements?

  After Hu Zongxian was humiliated, he clenched his fists, angry, angry and disappointed, but because of the miserable defeat before the Cherry Orchard, he didn\'t have the confidence to retort, and only a classic national curse came to mind: Lizi, inadequacy and conspiracy!

   Just when Hu Zongxian was disappointed, a sonorous and powerful voice sounded not far from him, which lifted his spirits.

   "My lord, please order me to lead the 300 elites under my command to go out of the city and wipe out this group of Japanese pirates who have committed a heinous crime!"

   This sound was deafening, rare and precious amidst the panic.

  Hu Zongxian turned his head and saw Yu Dayou was asking Zhang Jing, He Gonggong and Wei Guogong to fight.

  Fortunately, General Yu is such a sensible person! He understands the situation, understands military affairs, and is brave to win the three armies! Hu Zongxian couldn\'t help but praise in his heart.

   "No! Absolutely no!"

As soon as Hu Zongxian\'s words fell, some officials stood up and stopped them with pain, "Master Hu led more than a thousand well-armed elite warriors to wait for work in the cherry orchard. They were all defeated by the Japanese pirates and almost returned home." Don\'t come! General Yu, you only bring three hundred people down, what chance of winning! If you make a mistake, General Yu, it will be a fatal blow to the defenders. Mr. Hu\'s Cherry Orchard Dahuan has already greatly damaged morale, look It\'s the former general and you lose another game, how can you defend this city!"

   "That\'s right, you can\'t do it, absolutely you can\'t do it! You can\'t repeat the mistakes of Master Hu."

   Many officials echoed their voices.

   If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. Why do you keep mentioning me over and over again? ! Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted! Hu Zongxian\'s teeth were almost gnawed, and this feeling was like being pulled out and whipped corpses again and again!

  Under the remonstrance of many officials, Zhang Jing adopted the opinions of the majority and did not agree with Yu Dayou to go out to fight the Japanese pirates in the city.


   Hu Zongxian sighed, and could only watch the Japanese pirates showing off their might, approaching the city from time to time and firing cold arrows and firecrackers on the city. Although the casualties on the city were very small, less than ten people in total, the panic increased sharply.

  Finally, the panic in the city reached an unstoppable level, and there were signs of collapse. Zhang Jing discussed with He Gonggong, Wei Guogong and other high-level officials for a while, and after consulting Yu Dayou and other guards, he urgently issued several orders:

   "Requisition the people to guard the city in turn at the thirteen main city gates!"

   "Open the arsenal and distribute swords, guns and shields to the people defending the city!"

   "Anyone who goes down the city wall without authorization will be killed without mercy!"

   Soon, the people in the city were mobilized, voluntarily or forced to go up the city wall, and took up the distributed swords and spears to help defend.

  The movement on the city was quickly noticed by the Japanese pirates below the city!

"Sanbanlang, look quickly, the people in the city are conscripted to defend the city! Can you send a signal to order Matsushita to cooperate in seizing the gate?" Naoshima Naoshima excitedly came to Sanbanlang Matsuura, and asked eagerly .

   "Don\'t be impatient, the straight male general. The Ming people have just conscripted the people to defend the city. Panasonic and the others may not necessarily sneak into the city gate to help defend. Give them more time. There is only one chance, and it must be foolproof!"

  Matsuura Sanbanlang shook his head slightly, and explained softly to Nabeshima Naoo.

   "Yaoxi, makes sense." Hearing this, Naoshima Naoman nodded vigorously, feeling that Sanbanrou Matsuura made sense.

"General straight man, I just carefully observed the defenses of the gates of the Ming army, and found that the city wall of Ande Gate in Yingtian was narrower than other gates, and the space was limited. Old, there is an opportunity to take advantage of, we might as well use the Andemen as a breakthrough!" Matsuura Sanbanlang pointed to the Andemen in the distance, and suggested to Nabeshima after some analysis.

   "That\'s right, I noticed it just now. Then choose Andemen as the breakthrough." Naoshima Naoao nodded.

   "Since this is the case, why don\'t we tentatively attack Andemen, put pressure on the Ming army, and make the Ming army focus on recruiting civilians to help defend Andemen. This will also create opportunities for Panasonic and the others to assist in defending Andemen."

  Matsuura Sanbanlang suggested to Nabeshima Naoo.

  Nabeshima Naoo adopted Matsuura Sanbanlang\'s suggestion without hesitation, and summoned all the Japanese pirates.

"My lords, the capital of the Ming Dynasty is close at hand, and we will be the most promising Yamato warriors to conquer the capital of the Ming Dynasty! Success is close at hand, and I hope you will follow suit! After the success, the wealth and status will exceed your imagination! Now, we are only one step away from success! Next, we will feign an attack on Andemen to create opportunities for Panasonic and the others. Remember, this is a feint attack, not for the purpose of seizing the gate, but for deterring the Ming army! There are a large number of iron cannons and crossbows set up on the city wall, you gentlemen should be more careful, on the basis of protecting yourself, if you use longbows and iron cannons to shoot and kill a few Ming troops, it will be a success!"

  Nabeshima Naoao shouted to the Japanese pirates emotionally as if he had beaten chicken blood.

   "Hi!" All the Japanese pirates bowed their heads and took orders.

   "Okay, follow me and charge!" Naoshima Naoao swung his Japanese sword and took the lead to kill Andemen.

   "Kill it!" A group of Japanese pirates followed Naoshima Naoao, shouted ferociously, and killed Andemen!

  The number of Japanese pirates is limited, and their every move is being realized by the Ming army. Whenever the Japanese pirates move, the Ming army will notice.

The Japanese pirates had only run more than ten meters, and Yu Dayou judged the target of the Japanese pirates. He shouted, reached out and pointed at several generals, "The Japanese pirates attacked the city, and the target was Andemen. You, you, you, and You, each lead a sentinel horse, quickly follow me to reinforce Andemen!", dispatching troops to reinforce Andemen.

   "Don\'t save the feather arrows, don\'t care if they are accurate or not, shoot them all down the city!"

   "The Japanese pirates are highly skilled in archery, so be careful to avoid it when you shoot! Shield soldiers, be careful to protect the archers at all times!"

   "Collect rolling stones, pine trees, and make golden juice"

   "From the neighboring Little Ande Gate and Fengtai Gate, transfer gunners to reinforce Ande Gate!"

   "What about the artillery, fire two shots at the Japanese pirates!"

   Hu Zongxian ran towards Andemen while giving orders one after another.

  As the Japanese pirates rushed to Andemen, the panic on the city wall rose again, panic and confusion.

   "Damn it, who just said that the Japanese pirates only dare to show off their power under the city, and dare not really attack the city?!"

   "That\'s right, don\'t talk nonsense if you don\'t understand! No one beats you as dumb!"

  The officials on the city wall saw the Japanese pirates going straight to Andemen, their faces paled with fright, and they watched Hu Zongxian pointing fingers and cursing Huai.

  Yes, Hu Zongxian did say something similar just now.


Hu Zongxian gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and cursed in his heart, you idiot, I saw that you were scared to death, and I specially comforted your hearts, do you understand white lies? It\'s not that I\'m comforting you, you\'ve already fainted for the third time! Kindly treat it like a donkey\'s liver and lungs!

   "Where is King Qin\'s reinforcements? Didn\'t you ask you to send reinforcements to various places?"

   Seeing the Japanese pirates attacking Andemen, but there was no sign of reinforcements outside the city, Zhang Jing couldn\'t help questioning the officials of the Ministry of War with a dark face.

   "I\'ve sent it. As soon as my lord ordered it, I\'ll send it out! To be safe, I sent it twice every time, and sent a full hundred sentry cavalry." The official of the Ministry of War replied aggrievedly.

  Hearing this, Zhang Jing\'s face turned even darker.

  (end of this chapter)