Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1479: defeat the pirates

Chapter 1479 Great defeat of Japanese pirates

After a day of fermenting and dissemination, and Zhang Chufeng and other caring people helping the flames by hiring people to spread the news, adding oil and vinegar, etc., Zhu Pingan\'s emergency military situation that 80 Japanese pirates harassed Yingtian became Yingtian\'s top ten most popular nowadays. One of the jokes is equivalent to being on Yingtian\'s headlines.

Zhu Pingan\'s name also went out of the circle, and became one of the "fashionable" figures in the world, known by many people. Of course, Zhu Ping\'an\'s image in the hearts of the people is not a good image, it is a negative teaching material, He was even dubbed "the current Zhao Kuo" and "Zhao Kuo II" by people.

   "Three thousand coalition forces surrounded the Japanese pirates yesterday, attacking back and forth, there should be news today."

   "What news, it should be said to be a good news. Three thousand people wiped out 80 Japanese pirates, that\'s not easy to catch! This news must be a good news that the coalition forces have completely wiped out the Japanese pirates."

"As soon as the good news comes, what is Zhao Kuo\'s name in the world, oh, yes, yes, it is Zhu Ping\'an. He shoved his face into his crotch shamelessly. The Japanese pirates have been wiped out, so how can they come to harass us? Yingtian. Hahaha, is it really going to be haunted?! That\'s impossible, we Yingtian can be regarded as a half-emperor, suppressing all demons, demons and monsters."

   "If Zhao Kuo knew about it, he would be very pleased. After this incident, when he is cited by others in the future, he will not be alone. Perhaps Zhao Kuo\'s reputation in the world may be greater than that of Zhao Kuo."

   "Sigh, I really don\'t know how he got into the first prize. The quality of Enke this year is not good."

At the beginning, Zhu Pingan handled so many cases and did so many things in Jingnan, and his reputation did not spread far. Except for the local people in Jingnan and some people in Taizhou, not many people knew about it. Yingtian is even less known. Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping\'an was known to many people in Yingtian through this embellished emergency military joke with the help of caring people. This is really good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.


  A soldier with a small flag on his back shouted loudly and came towards the north gate of Yingtian at full speed.

  The guards of Yingtian inspected the soldiers and opened the city gate.

   "Reporting" soldiers with small flags on their backs rode their horses into Yingtian City, and rode fast all the way to the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

  When the people along the way saw it, they immediately became excited and started talking among themselves.

"Did you see that? That\'s Tang Bing. Nine times out of ten, it\'s the battle report about the Japanese pirates in Shangyu. Yesterday, I heard that Mr. Bao Shanbao, the imperial censor of Wuhu, and Mr. Miao Yinmiao, the commander of Jianyang Guard, and so on. The Japanese pirates dug a hole. Master Miao, commanded by Jianyangwei, spared no expense of reputation, deliberately defeated to lure the Japanese pirates into the encirclement, and flanked the Japanese pirates back and forth with Lord Censor Bao of Wuhu. Judging by the time, the battle report of the Tang Bingbao must be this Siege battle."

   "Hehe, I don\'t need to report to the soldiers, I also know the result of this encirclement and annihilation battle, all the Japanese pirates were wiped out!"

   "Hahaha, heroes see the same thing, I think so too."

  People talked excitedly, full of confidence, and soon the topic was brought to Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Hahaha, today the Tang soldiers reported victory and the Japanese pirates were encircled and wiped out. Then yesterday\'s "Zhao Kuo\'s emergency military situation" has become a complete joke."

   "I really want to see Master Zhu\'s expression when he receives this Tang newspaper. He must be blushing and very exciting."

  Amidst the chatter and laughter of the people, Tang Bing rushed to the Ministry of War and passed the news of the Tang newspaper to the Ministry of War.

   "Ah?! What?! How is this possible, how did it turn out like this?!"

  After Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, received the Tang newspaper, he glanced at the content of the Tang newspaper, and immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

   "Are you sure you didn\'t report an error?!"

  Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, read the Tang newspaper over and over twice, then looked at Tang Bing with a frown, and asked in a deep voice.

   "My lord, it is absolutely true." Tang Bing vowed, "This Tang newspaper has never left the villain halfway."

   "Go down, I will report to Master Shangshu."

  Shi Pengfei waved his hands irritably, took the pond to report out the door, and walked quickly to Zhang Jing\'s valet.

   "Master Zhang, the battle report for Fugui Town has arrived." Shi Pengfei entered the guard room and reported to Zhang Jinghui with the pond newspaper in his hand.

   "Oh, what\'s the result?" Zhang Jing was busy with official business, busy reviewing official documents, and asked without raising his head.

   "Back to my lord, a big defeat." Shi Pengfei said in a low voice.

  After Zhang Jing heard this, he continued to review the official documents without raising his head, nodded slightly, hummed, and commented, "Well, as expected, three thousand people encircled the Japanese pirates, and they should be defeated."

  Hearing the words, Shi Pengfei couldn\'t help coughing, and said with a bitter face, "Ahem, my lord, it wasn\'t that I defeated the Japanese pirates, but was defeated by the Japanese pirates."


   Zhang Jing, who was reviewing the official document, lost his skills, lost his composure, and swiped the pen in his hand, drawing a long ink mark. He looked up at Shi Pengfei in disbelief.

   "What did you say, Wuhu Du Yushi and Jianyangwei and other coalition forces were defeated by the Japanese pirates?! Three thousand people flanked more than 80 Japanese pirates. Not only could they not win, but they were also defeated by the Japanese pirates?! And they were still defeated?!"

  Zhang Jing lowered his face, frowning into a mess, staring at Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and said in a deep voice.

   "It is indeed recorded in the Tang newspaper, sir, please read it." Shi Pengfei sighed heavily, and handed the Tang newspaper to Zhang Jing with both hands.

  Zhang Jing took the pond newspaper with a frown, lowered his head and read it carefully, and when he saw half of it, he threw the pond newspaper heavily on the table, and cursed angrily, "It\'s really not enough to succeed, more than to fail!"

The general content of Tangbao is: Jianyang Wei Miaoyin and others lured the Japanese pirates into Fugui Town, and Qianhu Zengji, under the command of Wuhu Du Yushi Baoshan, led the troops to attack the Japanese pirates. , It is estimated that it was too dramatic, and was defeated by the Japanese pirates as soon as they fought, and the Japanese pirates also drove Miao Yin and other defeated troops to attack Zeng Ji\'s troops. Under the attack of the defeated army, Zeng Ji\'s troops were in chaos. The soldiers and horses of the troops scattered and fled with Miao Yin\'s defeated army, trampling on each other, causing countless casualties, and the coalition army was defeated. Among the coalition forces, only Chen Yidao, the county magistrate of Dangtu County in Taiping Prefecture, did not collapse and flee. Chen Yidao\'s troops were all brave in Wuhu. Unfortunately, under the attack of the rebel army, Chen Yidao\'s troops were unable to form a formation and were taken advantage of by Japanese pirates. Chen Yidao was exhausted and unfortunately died on the spot. Taking advantage of the victory, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu entered Wuhu County, Taiping Prefecture. After the Japanese pirates entered Wuhu County, they burned, killed and looted all the way to Wuhu, and set fire to the south bank of Wuhu Lake.

ps: The content of the battle report in the previous chapter has been revised: Wuhu Capital Censor Baoshan, Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and other joint emergency reports, the defeat of Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and others yesterday was not a crime of war, but it was actually Miao Yin Waiting deliberately defeated and lured the Japanese pirates into the encirclement. During the period, they were taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates, and Miao Yin and others suffered a little damage. However, the strategic goal has been achieved, and the Japanese pirates were successfully lured into the encirclement—Fugui Town, the bordering place between Ningguo Mansion and Taiping Mansion. The imperial censor of Wuhu City, Baoshan, dispatched 1,500 troops from Zengji’s united front soldiers, township bravery, and tiger killers from Taiping Prefecture to encircle Fugui Town, together with Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and other soldiers of more than 1,500 people. Attack Japanese pirates.

  (end of this chapter)