Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1478: turned into a joke

Chapter 1478 Turned into a joke

   "You\'re still young, but it doesn\'t matter, you will grow wiser if you suffer from a fall, and you will grow up if you beat yourself twice more."

   "The ancients said: \'Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated\'. Mr. Zhu needs to pay more attention in the future. Hearsay and groundless evidence are absolutely unacceptable."

"Hehe, have you noticed that Master Zhu didn\'t say a word at the meeting. If Master Zhu wants to have something to say in the military affairs meeting, he still needs to read more books on military affairs, learn more from veteran generals, and need more precipitation. Only when you have goods in your stomach can you have something to say, Master Zhu still has a long way to go."

  After Zhu Ping\'an came out of the Ministry of War, there were still sentences of hypocrisy or ridicule in his ears.

Ha ha

  Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth, and then walked back to Taohuaji without looking back.

  During the period, Marquis Linhuai and Duke Wei wanted to stay with Zhu Pingan for dinner, but Zhu Pingan


   I\'m really not in the mood to eat.

According to historical records, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu will come to attack Yingtian City within a few days. According to the historical trajectory, this group of Japanese pirates attacked Yingtian City, and even almost succeeded at one point. Of course, even if they failed to capture Yingtian City in the end , The Japanese pirates also put on a good show of coercion under Yingtian City, and finally retreated under Yingtian City. Can you believe this, are you willing? !

  Pretending to be aggressive and still running, the Japanese pirates are so exciting! Japanese sufferers are also stimulated by the high tide!

  However, Daming is heartbroken! People in the south of the Yangtze River have been pierced by thousands of arrows!

  Zhu Ping\'an was not reconciled and could not accept this scene. I, Zhu Pingan, already know this, how can I turn a blind eye and listen to it!

   If there is no companion, then go alone! I, Zhu Ping\'an, will do my best!

  Even if you can\'t stop this gang of Japanese pirates from harassing Yingtian, then try your best to bury them under the city of Yingtian!

  Pretending to be aggressive and wanting to run, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

   To wipe out the Japanese pirates, start with this group of Japanese pirates!

  Zhu Ping\'an made up his mind! His eyes became firmer, and he hurried back to Peach Blossom Collection without looking back.

  The so-called: good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

After Zhu Ping\'an left, the urgent military situation he reported at the meeting of the Ministry of War, under the impetus of people with good intentions, became a joke after dinner, and it spread quickly. Some people knew about this joke, and it quickly spread in the yamen, and it continued to spread outside the officialdom like a virus, and even some teahouses and restaurants were already making fun of Zhu Pingan\'s emergency military situation.

  Ying Tiancheng has been in peace for a long time, except when Emperor Yongle seized his heir, Ying Tiancheng has seen swordsman half of the time, other times Yingtian has never had a war, and has never seen swordsman. Take the current intensified Japanese invasion as an example, even though the Japanese pirates are making a lot of noise, half of the sparks have never burned to Yingtian City.

   Respond to the sky, respond to the sky, and those who respond to the sky are in accordance with the will of God!

  How should I put it, Yingtian City was also the former imperial city, and now the accompanying capital of Daming, we used to be under the feet of the emperor, how can there be any ghosts and monsters without long eyes who dare to come to Yingtian to disobey God\'s will and offend Tianwei!

  It is no exaggeration to say that even if the sky falls, not a single brick will hit Yingtian City.

  As Yingtian people, we still have some pride and self-confidence.

   It is precisely because Yingtian people have this pride and self-confidence that when they hear the joke about Zhu Pingan\'s emergency military situation deliberately spread by someone with a heart, they will find it particularly funny and spread it so quickly.

   Even if the sky falls, it won’t hit Ying Tian, ​​yet you say that eighty Japanese pirates dare to attack Ying Tian? !

  Are you kidding me!

   Moreover, I heard that the person who reported this urgent military situation was Enke\'s number one scholar last year!

   Then, this is even more ridiculous!

   Can be admitted to the first prize, but report such an outrageous emergency military situation? ! Hehe, this is reading stupid, right? ! This is the first time in my life that I have doubts about the statement that "the number one scholar is a Wenqu star descending to earth".

   "What did you say, eighty Japanese pirates harassed Yingtian City, did Mr. Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan, the Zhejiang Prosecutor, really say that?! Hahaha, it\'s really ridiculous."

   "If this group of eighty Japanese pirates really came to harass Ying Tiancheng, would you believe me or not?!"

"I heard that he is the No. 1 scholar. I really doubt how he was admitted to the No. 1 scholar?! It is said that the No. 1 scholar is the Wenqu star descending to earth, cough cough, I think Wen Quxing descended to the earth accidentally, and fell to the ground, right?! "

   With the help of people with good intentions, Zhu Ping\'an became Yingtian\'s favorite material, enriching people\'s gossip and jokes after dinner.


  Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorates have received the exact news from the Ministry of War. Zhu Pingan really reported his urgent military situation at the meeting of the Ministry of War, "The Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are about to harass Yingtian."

  The news was obtained by Zhang Chufeng from his friends in the Ministry of War.

   "Pfft, Zhu Pingan actually reported his outrageous emergency situation at the meeting of the Ministry of War?!"

  After Zhang Chufeng got the exact news, he couldn\'t help laughing on the spot, and then quickly spread the news in the yamen of the procuratorial envoy, and soon everyone in the yamen knew about it.

"Hey, Zhang, since little brother Zhu has already told you about this urgent military situation before going to the Ministry of War, why don\'t you stop him and let him go to the Ministry of War to make a fool of himself? Did you mean it?! "

  After hearing the news, Chu Xiong patted Zhang Chufeng on the shoulder with his big bear-claw hands, and complained.

"Hehe, Fatty Chu, you are a typical example of judging a gentleman\'s belly with a villain\'s heart! Why didn\'t we stop it? I tried my best to persuade Zihou, tell the facts and reason, and tell him the fallacy of the emergency military situation, but I I would like to turn my heart to the bright moon, but when the bright moon shines in the ditch, Zihou won\'t listen to me at all. Zihou is young and energetic, eager to do meritorious service, he is determined by the weight of the bastard, and insists on sending emergency military information to the Ministry of War! Persuasion was ineffective, and Zihou could not be tied up, so he could only watch Zihou go to the Ministry of War to report. In addition, we also considered at the time that we were civil servants, and we were not as professional in the military. where?!"

  Zhang Chufeng retorted at Chu Xiong, shrugged his shoulders, and pushed all the responsibility on Zhu Pingan.

   "I think you did it on purpose." Chu Xiong rolled his eyes.

"Hehe, Fatty Chu is purely slandering. At that time, adults from Taiwan and Lord Bai were all present, and they could all testify for me." Zhang Chufeng shrugged, then patted Chu Xiong on the shoulder, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled He said, "Fatty Chu, if you want to spread rumors and make trouble, I advise you to save yourself."

  For the next whole day, Zhang Chufeng laughed from ear to ear, humming a few ditties subconsciously from time to time when he was in a good mood, and even ate a big bowl more than usual for dinner.

  After being released from the government office, Zhang Chufeng summoned his friends, sent letters to Feige, and began to propose impeachment of Zhu Ping\'an.

  (end of this chapter)