Rise From the Humble

Chapter 126: Bozhou fat man turned over

Chapter 126 Bozhou Fatty Turns Over

   At this time, Zhu Ping\'an\'s luggage has not been opened yet, he just changed his clothes, so it is very easy to move.

However, when Zhu Pingan put his bags on his back and pushed open the door of the attic room, the fat man was already standing outside the door cheerfully holding a big burden, and the two shop assistants who followed him were also holding things, looking puzzled. Looking at the fat man next to him.

   "Oh, brother, you really keep your promise." The fat man squeezed in with a heavy burden, as if he was afraid that Zhu Ping\'an would regret it.

  After the fat man entered, he yelled that it was good, it was really high, and he seemed very satisfied.

Zhu Ping\'an was also very satisfied with Fatty\'s room. The first-class guest room was even more spacious than Fatty\'s description, about thirty square meters, which was very good in an inn, and the furnishings in the room were also very elegant and tidy, especially Zhu Ping\'an was most satisfied with the desk.

  On the desk, one or two pieces of silver are pressing a raft of rafts, with four words on it: grateful.

  Why does it feel like Fan Wei?

  Back to the lobby of the inn, the waiter had already served all the meals that the fat man had ordered for Zhu Pingan, exuding a burst of aroma.

   At this time, the fat man also came downstairs. He couldn\'t stop thanking Zhu Pingan when he saw him, and then pulled Zhu Pingan to sit on the table with the ordered meals, very enthusiastic.

   "Don\'t thank you for your kindness, everything is in the meat." The fat man said, shaking off his cheeks and taking a bite of the chicken leg, with a crackling sound as he tore it.

   The people around him looked sideways.

No wonder no one was sitting at the same table with this fat man just now, Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and he was not polite. In the mouth, only the aroma is left in the mouth, chest and abdomen, and then I close my eyes beautifully to savor it.

   When it comes to food, we have never been afraid of anyone. How dare we call it a foodie without this confidence.

   Nima. One big meat dumpling in one bite!

   As a result, the people around who had just looked sideways at the fat man started to look sideways at Zhu Pingan again.

  It\'s like that.

   Everyone looked sideways and defined the two of them.

  If you eat a chicken leg, I will order a salted duck; if you eat a whole crab, I will order a shrimp.

   When the meal was full, the two raised their heads from between the cups and plates, and looked at each other with a smile.

"I\'m Xue Chi from Bozhou, Fengyang Prefecture. My name is turned over. That\'s right, my father relied on me to turn over to avenge my shame. Really, my father failed to pass the exam for 18 years. It was my grandfather who gave it to him. I donated a prison student, but my father was not convinced, so I was born, and the name was ignored. The name of the watch was completely turned over, which made me embarrassed to greet people in the academy. My father is also true, forced to I read a book, and you said it would be great to donate a prison student to me, but you don’t agree with anything. Oh, yes, I dare to ask you how to call it.” The fat man put down the crab in his hand, wiped his mouth and asked, this fat man He is also talkative, although his words are full of nouveau riche feeling, but it can make people feel that this person is passionate.

  Zhu Pingan swallowed a mouthful of lobster, took a sip of tea, and said with a slight smile, "Zhu Pingan of Xiahe Village, from Anqing Mansion, has no sign yet."

"Well, remember, we need to get closer in the future. Oh, by the way, have you heard of Lao Tzu? He is from Bozhou; Cao Cao Cao Mengde is also from Bozhou; the genius doctor Hua Tuo must have heard of it, then It belongs to our Bozhou; not to mention the eighteen riders that our Taizu took away from Bozhou, Xu Guogong, Feng Guogong, and Qian Guogong." Like his relatives.

   This is a man of temperament.

  Zhu Ping\'an raised his head from the dining room rarely, and echoed the sentence "Zhonglingyuxiu, a good place."

   Fatty Xue Chi heard this, grinning happily, like a bulldog.

  Thanks to the fat man Xue Chi, Zhu Ping\'an had a round belly, and when he went upstairs, he always had a belly full, and could spit out lobster or crab meat if he didn\'t have the right posture.

  Walking upstairs, it was already night, and if the oil lamps were not lit, you would be blind.

  After Zhu Ping\'an went upstairs, he laid himself on the bed and squinted for a moment. When his stomach was not so full, he got off the bed, opened his bag, took out his schoolbag wrapped in oilcloth, and turned to the desk.

  Shuzhuo is made of huanghuali, with a strong Ming Dynasty style, simple but exquisite. The desk was next to the window, and Zhu Pingan put the oil lamp in front of the right side of the desk, laid out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, then opened the scroll and randomly searched for a sentence from "University", trying to write a stereotyped essay.

  Outside, the wind and rain beat on the window casement, and the endless dripping sound came into the ears, just like the rhythm of rain in the loop of a single on a modern player.

  Zhu Ping\'an dipped his brush in ink at his desk, letting a ray of ink fragrance through the window, wandering in the sky. After writing a stereotyped article, Zhu Ping\'an studied it several times, found two places that were not smooth, and after repeated deliberations, he polished the places that were not smooth.

   At this time, the sound of the watchman calling the watch has come, and it is the third watch.

  Third watch lights and five watch chickens, it is time for the man to study. Having said that, we still need to combine work and rest, and it is roughly eleven o\'clock in the third day. It\'s time to sleep too, if you don\'t nourish your energy, how will you continue to work hard tomorrow.

  Just as Zhu Ping\'an was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard the sound of reading aloud outside the window piercing the wind and rain.

  How should I put it, it makes people have the urge to open the window and curse.

   "Learning and practicing it from time to time, isn\'t it enjoyable."

   "Learning and practicing it from time to time, isn\'t it enjoyable."

   You yelled N times in a row, all your sisters have this sentence and nine characters, and the single sentence is played in a loop, and the voice is not as good as your sister\'s. How can anyone read only one sentence!

   "Mother, sincerity, mother\'s displeasure, why don\'t you take care of yourself by drowning, the child is not a beast, how can it howl in the middle of the night!"

  A certain violent-tempered scholar who couldn\'t help it, opened the window and yelled at the room where the sound of reading came from.

   The translation is, your mother, you are so upset, why don\'t you take a pee and look in the mirror, you are not a beast, howling in the middle of the night!

   Then it was quiet outside, except for the sound of rain.

   Finally went to bed, Zhu Pingan extinguished the oil lamp, walked to the bed by the light of lightning, took off his clothes, and fell asleep beautifully.

  (end of this chapter)