Rise From the Humble

Chapter 125: The rise and fall, everyone is responsible

Chapter 125 The rise and fall of the world is everyone\'s responsibility

  Standing outside the inn, looking at the bustling city of Nanjing, the bustling traffic is bustling, even the heavy rain did not make this giant city bleak for a moment.

  Who can believe that this prosperous giant city will encounter inhuman massacres hundreds of years later.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

  Zhu Ping\'an fixed his gaze, turned around with his luggage on his back, and walked into the inn in front of him. Inside the inn, there are a lot of diners, and the shop assistants are constantly coming and going. They are very busy, and the innkeeper has already started. On rainy days, some people are too lazy to go out.

  Seeing Zhu Ping\'an coming in with his luggage on his back, the store clerk ran over and greeted him, "Do you want to be a guest officer or stay in the store?"

   "Stay in the hotel." Zhu Pingan replied while unpacking his luggage.

  Hearing this, the store clerk showed an apologetic expression, and said embarrassedly, "I\'m sorry, sir, all the rooms in the store are full recently."

  Uh, this is not the rhythm of letting me live in the firewood house again.

  Zhu Pingan stopped unpacking his luggage, thinking about it with a bit of pain, seeing the apologetic expression of the store clerk, Zhu Pingan put his luggage back on his back, smiled innocently, "It\'s okay, it\'s okay, I\'ll go to another inn to see."

  Hearing the words, the store clerk wanted to talk.

   "But what do you want to say?" Zhu Pingan asked the shop assistant looking constipated.

   "Recently, there have been students coming to stay here one after another, and it\'s raining, and most of the merchants are staying in the city. The inns around here are probably full. If you want to stay objectively, you may have to try your luck in Nancheng.

  Uh, it seems that it is really the rhythm of living in a firewood house.

  Zhu Pingan held an oil umbrella, and walked along the road paved with bluestones, walking in the direction of Nancheng pointed by the shop assistant.

  The oil umbrella in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand was bought a few days ago. It has 21 ribs and an umbrella surface made of tung oil cloth.

  Nanjing city is too big, Zhu Pingan walked for a long time and asked passers-by, and found that he was still in the west city, looking at the shoes that were completely wet and the green cloth robe that was soaked in a large area, he couldn\'t help but miss the modern bus. He also thought that if he expands his father\'s oxcart business to one of the big cities in Ming Dynasty, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

  Take a good-hearted old man\'s bullock cart to deliver wine to the south of the city, and Zhu Ping\'an finally arrived in the south city before dark.

   Farewell to the kind old man, Zhu Pingan set foot in Nancheng.

The south of the city is more prosperous than the west city, but there is a smell of wine and rouge. There is a river full of cruise ships nearby. The river water exudes the fragrance of girls’ rouge. Crossing the bridge with an oil umbrella to the other side, after walking for a while, Zhu Ping\'an suddenly realized.

  Nima, isn\'t this the famous Qinhuai!

   Among the males going to the other side of the river, there are also students and scholars, and perhaps many of them are full of knowledge.

  However, Zhu Ping\'an stood by the bridge, but he didn\'t have any intention of crossing the bridge. On the stone bridge connecting the two sides of the Qinhuai River, there is a line of doggerel that is not clear: a gentleman does not cross the bridge, and a bridge is not a gentleman.

   This sentence made Zhu Ping\'an quite emotional.

  This Qinhuai River, which is not wide, has great ambitions on the left bank and snow, moon and wind and flowers on the right bank.

  In the wind and rain, Zhu Ping\'an suddenly turned around holding an umbrella, and was looking for an inn on the other side for shelter. Pedestrians are constantly coming and going, and there are many restaurants and shops, but there are not many inns. Perhaps most of them have been robbed of their business by the romantic places on the other side. They can not only sleep but also warm the bed and beauties, what competition.

  Ask two inns, both are fully booked, and the room availability seems to be tighter than that in West City.

   On the way to find the inn, I saw a majestic Confucius Temple, which corresponds to the romantic place on the other side of the Qinhuai River, which made me feel a little ridiculous.

  Going forward, you will see a huge building complex built along the river, with the four words "Jiangnan Gongyuan" written on it.


   This is the exam room for my upcoming college exam.

  The Jiangnan Gongyuan is here, no wonder many scholars and students just crossed the river.

   Presumably, the Qinhuai River prospered because of the existence of Gong Yuan and Confucius Temple.

Zhu Pingan asked three more inns in a row, and finally found a place to stay. It was not a firewood house, but it was not much better. It was the attic at the top of the inn, not the attics like King Teng, Yellow Crane, and Yueyang Tower. It is a sandwich formed by the arched building above the inn.

However, Zhu Ping\'an is quite satisfied. The price of this loft is one penny cheaper per month than that of ordinary guest rooms. In addition, this loft has a big window. Although there are some places where you can\'t straighten your waist, the space in the middle part is not bad. , With this large window, it is also bright, and the view is also good. Through the window, you can see the lights on the other side of the Huaihe River.

   Putting the things in the attic, Zhu Pingan changed into clean clothes, shoes and socks, went downstairs, went to the counter and called the shopkeeper, and paid the rent for January.

  This inn is close to the Gongyuan, and most of the people who live here are students and scholars who came to take the college examination. Most of the people sitting and having dinner in the lobby are students and scholars, laughing and talking while eating and drinking, having a good time.

  The loft upstairs is cramped, and if you live in it, you will bump your head if you are not careful, so no one lives there.

   Now these students and scholars heard that Zhu Ping lived in this attic, and laughed at Zhu Ping. Someone kindly reminded Zhu Ping that the attic was too narrow and inconvenient.

"Although the room is cramped, it\'s expensive, so it\'s a good omen." Zhu Pingan explained indiscriminately. It was getting dark, and all the inns he had searched were full, and the curfew was about to come. Where to look, let\'s talk about the room I am quite satisfied.

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, he heard a fat man yelling at him.

   Nima, what do you want to do? Zhu Pingan followed the sound, but saw that the person standing up against the table was a fat man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing brocade clothes, with a gold lock around his neck, and two fingers, one gold and one jade, with an excited expression on his face. and remorse.

   "Why didn\'t I expect that the tall one is also in high school." The fat man looked remorseful, and then shouted at Zhu Ping\'an.

"Hey, brother, let\'s change the room. You can live in my room. My room is very spacious. I will live in your attic. I won\'t take advantage of you. I will give you a tael of silver. Why? Sample."

   And, that\'s not all.

   In order to change rooms for Zhu Pingan, the fat man ordered a table of food and wine for Zhu Pingan, which is called a sincere affection.

   Sincere hospitality is hard to come by, Zhu Ping\'an had no choice but to agree.

   The fat man was so grateful that he immediately went upstairs to pack his things and move, as if he was afraid that Zhu Pingan would regret it.

  Nima, is this all done? !

  The students and scholars who were watching were dumbfounded.

  (end of this chapter)