Rise From the Humble

Chapter 120: See you again

Chapter 120 See Yiren again

  After leaving the old house, Zhu Pingan went home first. My father went to drive the ox cart early, and my eldest brother also went to the mountain to check the covers that were laid off yesterday. My mother sewed purses at home alone. Seeing that Zhu Pingan came back from the old house, she asked a few simple questions. When she learned that the old house was only After pouring Zhu Ping\'an a bowl of water, his mother Chen\'s expression turned a little ugly. Zhu Pingan hurriedly changed the topic again, only to calm his mother Chen\'s frown.

After chatting with his mother for a while, Zhu Ping\'an went back to his room and put a box of tea leaves he had bought from Anqing Mansion in his schoolbag. He picked up two more rabbits and told his mother that he was going to his mentor. After hearing this, he took another basket and put the dried mountain mushrooms in the yard into a basket for Zhu Pingan to take along with him.

   "The fresh vegetables haven\'t come down yet, so I\'ll take this one to your mentor and the others." Mother Chen handed the packed basket to Zhu Pingan and asked him to take it with him.

   "Yeah." Zhu Ping\'an nodded vigorously, and his mother was still thoughtful.

  Zhu Pingan has walked the road from Xiahe Village to Shanghe Village countless times, and he has also gone to his teacher, Old Master Sun, many, many times. It can be said that he is familiar with the road.

  Old Master Sun never closed the door at night, let alone during the day, Zhu Pingan walked in without knocking on the door.

  Master Sun is not in the yard, but my wife is there, and my wife is busy loosening the soil on the bamboo planted by Mr. Sun in the yard.

   "Teacher\'s wife." Zhu Ping\'an called softly from a distance.

The teacher\'s wife who was busy loosening the soil raised her head and saw Zhu Ping\'an walking in with a rabbit basket. The teacher\'s wife had a smile on her face, "Ping\'an is here, why are you carrying so many things again? Quick, find a place to sit down by yourself , I will make you a pot of tea when the teacher finishes this place."

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled faintly, stepped forward, took the **** from his wife, and said, "I can\'t wait to drink the tea made by my wife. Let me loosen the soil."

   "You child." The teacher\'s wife looked at the **** in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand and couldn\'t help but wonder.

  Zhu Ping\'an just responded with a silly smile.

  Master\'s wife washed her hands, then went indoors to make a pot of tea, brought out two cups, and placed them on the stone table outside.

   While loosening the soil, Zhu Pingan asked his mother, mother and teacher why he was not at home.

"Oh, he, it\'s not because of you. You passed the examination for the case chief in Anqing Mansion, and the old man was so happy. It just so happened that an old friend in Anqing Mansion invited him to visit him, and the old man hasn\'t returned yet. Fortunately, I forgot everything and didn\'t forget his bamboo, and asked someone to bring me a letter asking me to loosen the soil for his bamboo." The teacher\'s wife complained.

Mrs. Sun, the master, didn’t grow much bamboo. Zhu Ping’an finished loosening the soil in a short while. After washing his hands, he picked up a cup of tea made by his wife, took a sip, and praised the tea made by his wife. , and then took the opportunity to give a box of tea bought from Anqing Mansion to the teacher\'s wife.

  The teacher\'s wife refused, so she collected the tea leaves, but soon there were several washed apples in Zhu Ping\'an\'s schoolbag.

  After bidding farewell to his teacher\'s wife, Zhu Ping\'an left the yard of his teacher\'s house. After thinking for a while, he walked to another place he used to go to in Shanghe Village.

  In the high mansion compound, Zhu Ping\'an stepped up and knocked on the gate between the two big stone lions.

   dong dong dong

no response

  Zhu Ping\'an was not discouraged at all, and knocked on the door again.

   Then I heard an impatient voice coming from inside, and then the door opened, and a man with the appearance of an uncle poked his head out.

"Hey, why is it you, oh, no, it\'s you, young master." After the concierge recognized Zhu Ping\'an, he remembered the news that the youngest child in the town\'s history had been passed on recently, and his neglectful attitude became more respectful. point.

   "Hehehe, I disturbed Uncle Li\'s dreams again, I apologize to you, and I will borrow books again." Zhu Pingan smiled and cupped his hands.

   "Look at what the young master said, fast forward, fast forward." Uncle Li, the concierge, opened the door and let Zhu Pingan in.

   After entering the door, Zhu Ping\'an thanked the concierge again, and walked towards the study with ease.

   Just as Zhu Ping\'an was walking towards the study, there was a boy not too far away expressing emotion.

Under the warm sunshine, the young man stood in front of the study room which cost hundreds of taels of silver, copied his hands, and looked at the piece of silver frost charcoal under his feet, full of thoughts, what is the purpose of human life, what is it for? To make money, is it still to study and become an official in the imperial examination? After becoming an official, is there no pursuit?

  For example, my father.

  He fell into deep thought.

  At this moment, Zhu Ping\'an came from one side, and at the same time, from the other direction came a bun girl with a blue ribbon bun and a round face with baby fat.

  The steamed bun girl was very happy to see Zhu Pingan walking across, but she went to the boy standing there first.

  The steamed bun girl walked up to the boy and said, "Why are you still standing here? Your wages for moving the charcoal are twenty renminbi. Go to the front yard and find the cashier to pay the bill. This is not a place for you to stay."

   "Uh, um." The boy nodded hurriedly and walked out.

  At this time, Zhu Ping\'an also saw the boy clearly, and called out, "Brother Jun? Didn\'t you follow your aunt to your grandma\'s house?"

Hearing the voice, the boy looked up and saw Zhu Ping\'an, and shouted happily, "Little Pig, why are you here? Go away, they won\'t let us stay here. I was bored at grandma\'s house, so I came out for a walk at will. I thought I would be treated as a helper, but fortunately this family is very generous, I only gave 20 Wen for moving a basket, ha ha."

  Uh. Zhu Pingan.

"Zhu Pingan, why are you here? You are here to borrow books, come in quickly." The girl with buns shouted from a distance, and then she yelled at the boy next to Zhu Pingan, "Hey, that man, say you Well, go to the front yard to check out, you can\'t stay here."

  Zhu Pingjun’s face twitched as if he had been struck by lightning. He was also from the old Zhu’s family, so how could there be such a big gap.

  Zhu Pingan explained to Zhu Pingjun who was struck by lightning, "Brother Jun, I\'m here to borrow books."

   "Hey, that person said you, hurry up, you can\'t stay here, if you don\'t leave, the money won\'t be paid to you." The bun girl urged again.

   "Oh, cough cough, well, little pig, I\'ll go first." Zhu Pingjun, urged by the bun girl, said something to Zhu Pingan and walked to the front yard.

  As soon as Zhu Pingjun left, Zhu Pingan heard a female voice that was clear and sweet like a lark.

   "Hua\'er, your skin is itchy, why haven\'t I brought the silver frost charcoal I wanted, and the seafood that Dad sent someone has already melted into ice."

   Accompanying the voice came the owner of the voice. In fact, without looking, Zhu Pingan knew it was Li Shu, a black-bellied girl just by hearing the voice.

Surrounded by maids and mothers, Yiren\'s teeth are white and her lips are red, looking forward to her appearance. Just looking at the appearance can seduce people, but it is only the appearance. The inner, personality, etc., can only be hehe, Zhu Ping\'an can\'t help it Trace curled his lips.

  (end of this chapter)