Rise From the Humble

Chapter 119: old house

Chapter 119 Old House

After breakfast, Zhu Ping\'an went to the old house. In addition to the high-quality shredded tobacco bought in the town, Zhu\'s father asked Zhu Ping\'an to carry two pheasants, a fat rabbit, and two fish. Although the mother, Mrs. Chen, was hunting on the mountain, she didn\'t say anything, but she looked very unhappy.

   "I have been to the old house and the teacher\'s place, so I go home to study, and when the time comes, my son will earn a wife for his mother."

  Zhu Ping\'an was not very happy to see his mother Chen Shi, knowing that she had always been dissatisfied with the old house, so he deliberately made his mother Chen happy before leaving the house.

   "I know how to fool my mother with what I have and what I don\'t have. When you\'re done, go and come back early, and mother will cook something delicious for you." Mother Chen\'s complexion improved a lot, and she waved her hand to urge Zhu Pingan to go back quickly.

  After bidding farewell to his mother, Zhu Ping\'an carried his things and walked to the old house. Along the way, I met many neighbors, all of whom were called uncles and aunts. Like yesterday, the neighbors also asked this and that, all about the exam, and they all felt that Zhu Pingan had made the village look good.

  Where did we go now? It was just the first step in the imperial examination. Zhu Pingan blushed a little after being praised by his neighbors.

  It is only a few minutes away from home to the old house. Because I have to talk to the neighbors, I have to walk for more than ten minutes to get to the old house.

   Pushing open the door of the old house, he called out to his grandparents.

The first thing that catches the eye is the figure of the little fourth aunt rushing forward and the voice of screaming, "Ah, the pig is back, mother, mother, come quickly, the pig is back, ah, why are you still taking things?" , chickens, rabbits and fish.”

   While talking, the fourth aunt unceremoniously took the pheasant and rabbit from Zhu Ping\'an\'s hands, and she hadn\'t seen any meat for several days.

  Long time no see, airport security inspector.

   "Hello, Aunt Four." Zhu Pingan greeted the little Aunt with a smile.

"Okay, pig is better, but it\'s a face to our old Zhu\'s parents. You don\'t know how lively it is that day with gongs and drums." smile.

   Soon under the voice of the fourth aunt, the grandmother also came out of the room, her white hair combed neatly.

"Xi\'er is back. Your grandfather has missed you for a long time. Come into the house. The fourth family member is going to pour a bowl of water for Xi\'er." Grandma didn\'t seem to be in a good mood. Seeing the pheasant brought by Zhu Pingan The rabbit and the fish seemed to look a little better.

  Grandpa came out with grandma, and grandpa wore the 80% new green cloth straight embellishment that he was usually reluctant to wear today, and he was clean and tidy.

"Here you are, good, good, good grandson." The grandfather praised Zhu Ping\'an when he saw him. A few days ago, people from the town came to announce the good news, and his grandfather happened to be there at that time. When those people came to know that he was Zhu Ping\'an\'s grandfather , boasted for a while that my grandfather raised a good grandson, and he will definitely have a great future in the future. This is the youngest boy in the town, and he is also the number one in the entire Anqing Mansion. The grandfather was a little flattered by the praise that day. The only regret is that he was wearing a Cosmetic clothes are not decent enough, so my grandfather has been wearing this set of coarse cloth which is probably new in the days to come.

  Zhu Ping\'an timely handed the high-quality shredded tobacco bought from the town to his grandfather, which made his grandfather even more happy, and he even said a few good words.

   Entering the room, the grandfather and the others asked some questions about the exam, and Zhu Pingan also explained everything in detail.

   "Since I was a child, I have seen that Xi\'er is different, and I knew that there must be a day when someone\'s head will fall to the ground." The fourth aunt touched Zhu Ping\'an\'s head, and finally said something with emotion.

  The head fell to the ground?

   Is it to stand out!

   If you don’t know how to use idioms, don’t use them, it sounds creepy. In other words, when I was young, you didn\'t think I was outstanding, did you? I washed my hands, and you said I was bewitched.

   "It is outstanding." The grandfather corrected by knocking the cigarette pot on the table heavily.

   "Oh, just to stand out, ahem..." The fourth aunt covered her mouth and quickly changed her words.

  After a while, the grandmother couldn\'t bear it anymore, so she asked Zhu Ping\'an, "Xi\'er, how is your uncle doing now? Has he recovered from his illness?"

  Zhu Ping\'an was taken aback by the question, what is the illness? When did the uncle get sick? It would be nice for the uncle to live a more comfortable life outside. Where did he suffer from any illness?

"Don\'t hide it from me. Your uncle has written letters home, saying that you took care of him when he was sick, and asked someone at home to send him money twice. He also said that he told you not to let you Tell us, lest we worry. It’s just that he really has no money for medicine, so he wrote to his family. There is not enough money at home. Your aunt went to his in-law’s house yesterday to borrow money and asked someone to send it to him. She hasn’t come back yet. Woolen cloth."

  Grandma\'s face is worried and worried.


   It turned out that this was the reason why grandma was worried!

The uncle is really too much! Looking at the worried grandmother, thinking about the aunt who went to borrow money from her mother\'s house, and thinking about the handsome and suave uncle in the Zuijun Building of Anqing Mansion, Zhu Ping\'an is completely speechless for this dignified and superb uncle. If you want money, you need money. You are still sick and make the whole family worry about it.

  But now that I say it, I am afraid that my grandmother and the others will not accept it, and my uncle has written a letter in advance to make arrangements, and my uncle is good at saving face. If I tell it myself, my grandmother and aunt probably won\'t believe it.

   After another conversation, Zhu Ping\'an was about to leave.

The grandfather stopped him from leaving, saying that he asked the grandmother to clean up the chicken, rabbit and fish brought by Zhu Pingan, and asked Zhu Pingan to stay for dinner before going back. The grandfather did not let go until Zhu Pingan said that he would go to his teacher, Old Master Sun. Zhu Ping left.

   "Hey, work hard, your uncle is sure to be sure this time, and you have to work hard for the family Guangzong Yaozuha." The grandfather told Zhu Pingan at the door.

  Uncle is indeed stable, and he can’t get through it!

  Zhu Pingan complained silently in his heart, but seeing his grandfather\'s expectant face, he still didn\'t have the heart to tell what his uncle had done.

  Guangzong Yaozu, the uncle has no hope, and can only rely on himself.

Zhu Pingan had just finished complaining in his heart, and saw the luck on the heads of his grandfather and others again, but this time, apart from seeing the white luck on their heads, he also vaguely saw something else in the luck. It\'s just too blurry to see clearly.

   It\'s strange why something has changed.

  However, luck has always been a tasteless thing, luck is mysterious and elusive, and it can only be seen, and it doesn\'t help him in any real way, so Zhu Pingan doesn\'t take it too seriously.

  Seeking for others is like swallowing a three-foot sword, relying on others is like going up to the nine heavens, all things can only be most reliable if you work hard.

   Blinking slightly to calm down, Zhu Pingan bid farewell to his grandparents, turned and left.

  (end of this chapter)