Rise From the Humble

Chapter 105: Surprised by Japanese slaves

Chapter 105 Surprised by Japanese slaves

  Strike while the iron is hot, Zhu Pingan sits by the Taihu Lake leaning on a rock after the old man left to read carefully the copybook given by the old man.

  When I opened this copybook for the first time, I felt like a lone boat in the sea riding the wind and waves, and every word came alive like a mirror image. Zhu Pingan leaned on the stone, while studying carefully, while stretching out his fingers to figure out the structure of the brush.

  Unknowingly, the sky was already bright, and the shouts of the fishermen in the lake were heard all the way.

Zhu Pingan looked up at the sun rising into the sky, and his stomach grunted at the right time, so he reluctantly accepted the copybook, got up and put the copybook in his schoolbag, packed his things again, and walked towards the inn with the black wooden board in his hands go.

When passing by the street, I was attracted by the aroma of a shop that made "Micha meat" snacks, so I went to the shop with a black wooden board, asked the boss for a portion of Micha meat and a bowl of rice porridge, and paid for it. Sit in the store and wait patiently.

It didn\'t take long before the store delivered a serving of steaming Micha meat. Zhu Pingan took a sip and moved his index finger regardless of the burning of his mouth. The powder absorbs oil and has a special fragrance, which is fragrant but not greasy.

  "Shopkeeper, please make another copy and take it away." Zhu Pingan called the storekeeper and paid again.

   "Okay, I\'ll make it for you when you eat 70% to 80% of it, and it will be hot when you take it home." The shop owner took the money and said very much for Zhu Ping\'an.

   "It\'s time to work over there." Zhu Ping\'an nodded in satisfaction.

   "My lord, you are welcome." The shopkeeper said with a smile, and went to entertain other diners.

  Zhu Ping\'an sat on the table savoring Micha meat carefully, and occasionally took a sip of hot porridge.

While Zhu Ping\'an was enjoying his breakfast, several diners dressed as businessmen entered the store with angry expressions on their faces. After each ordered a portion of Micha meat and a few seasonal side dishes, they discussed with righteous indignation up.

   "Those damned Japanese slaves have come to invade the coast again!"

"Who said it wasn\'t, the last time was a few years ago, I received a letter from Fei Ge this morning about these **** pickles, and I didn\'t know that two carts of raw silk were robbed, and even two shop assistants were almost murdered !"

   "I\'m not bad. I was ill for two days on the way, so I happened to escape. Hey, these small countries should be killed by Master Xing."

   The diners who were eating at the table next to him asked with concern after hearing the words, where did they suffer from the Japanese pirates again.

"This time it\'s Suzhou Mansion, which is also in Southern Zhili. Our Anqing Mansion is farther away from the sea, and it\'s still a good place. Let me tell you, those Japanese slaves are stepping on wooden boards with bald heads and bare feet, talking birdsong, He is vicious, eats human flesh raw, especially loves to eat human liver."

   "Although there are not many Japanese slaves, they are ruthless and ruthless. They scrape the ground three feet away, which is really miserable."

  The diners listening beside him could not help but gasp, secretly glad that they were in Anqing Mansion, if it was Suzhou Mansion, they would be in great trouble.

  Hearing this, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t take it anymore! A wave of depression surged in my heart, and it took a long time to dissipate.

  Japanese pirates, devils, almost forgot about these scum! offal!

  The Japanese pirate riots in the Ming Dynasty were second only to the Japanese invasion of China in modern times, and they were the heinous crimes committed by this small country in the land of China.

The Japanese pirates ravaged in the Ming Dynasty because of its own country. At this time, the island country of Japan was in its Warring States period, and warlords from all over the country were fighting endlessly. In this small country, even if there is a small village, they dare to call themselves lords and conquer each other. . The Japanese refugees, rogues and dilapidated samurai who lost their families, lost their land, and lost their lords set their greedy eyes on the land of China on the other side of the sea, and came here on Japanese ships for their lives! Of course, the pirates and smugglers along the southeast coast of my country also participated in the pirates. They worked hand in hand with the pirates and invaded the land of China on a large scale, burning, killing, and looting for decades.

Zhu Pingan\'s hatred for Japanese pirates far exceeds that of people in this era. They have only experienced Japanese pirates. No one knows the heinous crimes committed by that small country hundreds of years later in the land of China. insult.

   Now that Zhu Pingan heard the news that Japanese pirates were raging along the coast, it was hard for Zhu Pingan to hide his indignation, and he almost had the urge to abandon his pen and join the army. But thinking that I am just a weak scholar, with no strength to restrain a chicken, abandoning my pen and joining the army may only add a bloodstain to the Japanese sword, so I put out this thought.

  Think about it, so what about a scholar, he can also strategize, his pen is like a knife, and he has a thousand years of accumulation, and he has all the experience accumulated with the blood of Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou and the national heroes more than a hundred years later.

  Platform, I need a platform, I am just a villager now, no matter how ambitious and experience I have learned, I have nowhere to use it.

  Thus, I think about the imperial examination even more, the title of the gold list, the top of the black yarn, and the administration of the coastal side, even a county, must do my best to kill the Japanese slaves and protect the hardworking and kind people. It would be better if the platform is bigger. I don\'t mind a "black ship incident" at this time. It is said that the island country is rich in silver, and it seems that women are not bad. Well, I think too much, and it is a bit unrealistic. Let\'s lay a solid foundation with poetry and books.

   After eating in a hurry, I took away the Micha meat packed by the store, and left in a hurry. When I arrived at the inn earlier, I could read more books for a while, and the title of the gold list would give me more confidence.

  Pedestrians on the street were mostly talking about Suzhou Mansion in twos and threes. When approaching the inn, Zhu Pingan met Xia Luoming of Tongcheng, Feng Shanshui of Susong and others.

   "Good morning, gentlemen." Zhu Pingan greeted from afar.

   Xia Luoming of Tongcheng just nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Oh, so it\'s Brother Zhu Xian, uh, Brother Xian bought another food." Su Song Feng Shanshui bowed back, saw the Micha meat in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand with sharp eyes, and couldn\'t help but nodded, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth smile.

  People in the same company naturally thought of Zhu Ping\'an\'s title of rice bucket, and some people couldn\'t help laughing.

   "After the exam yesterday, it\'s rare to relax. Why don\'t you go to Jingxianlou with us to drink a few glasses of thin wine." Su Song Feng Shanshui invited.

   "I won\'t bother, I still have food in my hand." Zhu Pingan shook the Micha meat in his hand and smiled innocently.

   "In that case, let\'s say goodbye here." Su Song, Feng Shanshui and others bid farewell.

  Zhu Ping\'an also made a gesture of invitation, watching Xia Luoming, Feng Shanshui and others laughing and chatting all the way to Jingxian Tower, as if he had never heard of the Japanese pirates invading Suzhou Mansion reported on the street.

  Back to the inn, the uncle Zhu Shouren and others in the lobby were also drinking and laughing at the table. Zhu Pingan didn\'t bother them, and walked through the lobby with Micha meat to the residence.

  (end of this chapter)