Rise From the Humble

Chapter 104: Encounter in Taihu Lake

Chapter 104 Encounter in Taihu Lake

  In the early morning of the second day, just after dawn, Zhu Pingan packed up quietly as usual, and went out with a cloth bag across his shoulders and a black wooden board.

The **** the bed also habitually opened her misty sleepy eyes. She was woken up by a boy who went to bed late and woke up early at this point. How sensitive.

Usually there are no people around Taihu Lake, but when Zhu Pingan arrived at Taihu Lake this day, he saw someone who had been sitting and fishing by Taihu Lake early. .

  The old man must have encountered some troubles, so he came fishing early in the morning to relax. Zhu Pingan thought so, so he didn\'t want to disturb the old man. Taihu Lake is so big, He Chou couldn\'t find a boulder for practicing calligraphy, so Zhu Pingan gently walked around the old man fishing and walked along the Taihu Lake. Not far away, he found a scattered stone by the lake. A slightly larger stone, sitting on a relatively low stone next to it, took out the black board, writing brush, and bamboo tube one by one, and started a day of morning exercises.

  When Zhu Pingan dipped in clear water and was writing seriously on the black wooden board, he suddenly felt the sound of breathing around him, and when he looked up, he saw the old fishing man standing in front of him, looking seriously.

   This old man seems to be really disturbed by troubles, otherwise why not go fishing instead to join in the fun.

"How many years has Young Lang been practicing calligraphy like this?" The old fisherman stood in front of Zhu Ping\'an with a fishing rod in his hand. He was very curious about this young man practicing calligraphy on a black wooden board dipped in clear water early in the morning. At this moment, Zhu Pingan saw himself , he asked with a smile on his beard.

   "It\'s been more than eight years since I started learning." Zhu Pingan paused and thought for a while before replying.

   "Why does the young man practice calligraphy so much?" the old fisherman asked curiously.

"When I was young, my family was poor, so practicing calligraphy like this can save a lot of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and my parents can sweat less. After a long time, I like this kind of calligraphy practice." Zhu Pingan did not hide it, and explained casually road.

   "Oh." The old fisherman nodded, and there was even more approval between his brows.

  After a brief exchange, Zhu Pingan continued to practice calligraphy. The old fishing man also found a stone and sat on the side watching Zhu Pingan practice calligraphy with great interest. It seemed that watching Zhu Pingan practice calligraphy was more interesting than fishing.

  Zhu Pingan practiced calligraphy calmly, as if the old fishing man who was sitting and watching did not exist.

  When the red sun was born and the sky and the earth were a little brighter, Zhu Pingan put away the black board and writing brush, took out a handwritten book from the schoolbag that he carried across his shoulders, and sat on the rock to read it carefully.

   "Young man, I think your handwriting has already started, and you are only a step away from entering the classroom, but if you continue to practice like this, this step will not be easy."

  The old fisherman saw that Zhu Ping\'an had put away the black board and writing brush, and hadn\'t read the book yet, and that speaking at this time would not disturb Zhu Ping\'an, so he said with regret.

  For such a hard-working and honest boy, the fishing old man intends to help him.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes lit up slightly. This old man also knows calligraphy, and he also feels that he has encountered a bottleneck in his calligraphy practice recently. Although he has made a little progress every day, it seems that there is a hurdle in front of him, like a towering cliff of hundreds of feet, which is insurmountable. . At this moment, seeing the old fisherman had regrets on his face, but he was full of confidence, as if he wanted to give him a helping hand. Therefore, Zhu Pingan no longer hesitated.

   "I also ask the old man to give me some advice." Zhu Pingan got up and bowed.

  The old fisherman waved his hand, motioning for Zhu Pingan to sit down and chat, twisting his beard and laughing, "It\'s not really a lesson, it\'s just a talk from experience."

"Practicing calligraphy pays attention to imitating posts, copying posts, facing each other, facing each other, and facing back. If you want to practice calligraphy well, you must not only write posts, but also be able to post posts." The old fishing man said in a mild tone and experienced, "I Seeing that the young boy has already posted a post, but the above is just an introduction, if you want to enter the room, it is not enough to do the above."

  Zhu Ping\'an sat on the side, holding a scroll in his hand and listening carefully. Knowing that the old fisherman was about to talk about the key points, he even leaned forward slightly and listened carefully.

"Practicing and copying is superficial. The most important thing is to read the posts and understand the posts. This is the flesh and blood. Everyone likes to read the posts for real calligraphy. Cao Mengde of the Three Kingdoms and Ouyang Xun of the Tang Dynasty are among the best. Read the posts We should start from drawing one point at a time, and carefully study and ponder the wonderfulness of the ancients\' brushwork, knotting, composition, momentum, and charm. We must read the three flavors, shape, flavor, spirit, and emotion in the book. Read it in your eyes, Only when it falls into the heart can it flow out of the hand and land on paper."

  Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an listened carefully, the old fisherman became more attentive when he spoke, just like teaching his juniors.

  Zhu Ping\'an was like enlightened after listening to it, and there was an additional stone step on that insurmountable cliff, which seemed to be surmountable as long as he picked up his feet.

   "Thank you for the old man\'s teaching." Zhu Pingan got up again and bowed deeply.

With a gentle smile on his face, the old man accepted Zhu Ping\'an\'s gift, and took out a yellowed book from his arms and handed it to Zhu Pingan, "This is a copy of Zhang Jizhi\'s "Du Fu Scroll in Big Characters", although it is a copy. But there is also a nine-point similarity, you and I are also destined, so I will give you this book."

  Zhu Pingan took a step back, shook his head slightly, and said, "The old man keeps this book close to him. It should be a very favorite thing. I have received great kindness from the old man\'s teaching just now, but I dare not take away my love for this book."

  Seeing that Zhu Pingan refused the temptation without batting an eyelid, the old man admired him even more, and insisted on giving the copybook to Zhu Pingan.

  "A good knife is given to a hero, and a good stick is of course given to a person who knows the goods."

   "Give it to the elders, don\'t refuse."

  The old fisherman insisted on giving the gift, Zhu Pingan refused many times, but the old man still insisted, his face was almost sullen, so Zhu Pingan had no choice but to accept it, and thanked the old man deeply.

   "Thank you for the gift from the old man. Ping An will definitely not humiliate it. Oh, I haven\'t asked the old man\'s name and taboo. The old man is very kind, and Zhu Pingan will never forget it when he goes down the river."

  The old fisherman waved his hand and said with a smile, "Why do we need to know each other when we meet again, young man, let\'s study carefully."

   After speaking, the old fisherman smiled and left gracefully with his fishing rod in hand.

  (end of this chapter)