Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1038: Already have a suitor

Chapter 1038 Already have a lover

Li Shu held the ink ingot in her slender hand, and while she was grinding the ink gracefully, she supervised Zhu Pingan to drink the tonic soup, which made Zhu Pingan really enjoy the taste of red sleeves adding fragrance. Yingying left.

  Zhu Ping\'an watched Li Shu leave, and the smell left by Li Shu still lingered in his nose, a faint fragrance.

   Such a night makes people intoxicated.

  However, now is not the time to be intoxicated. Brother Yang is still at the gate of **** and needs to be rescued urgently. Zhu Pingan shook his head to shake off the charm in his mind.

  After sorting out his ideas from the beginning, Zhu Ping\'an picked up a brush and dipped it in ink, and began to write a draft of a pleading memorandum:

   Zhu Pingan, a scholar minister in Yuwang\'s mansion, would like to play: there are Mingjun on the top, and admonishing ministers on the bottom. Today, with the Holy Lord and Mingjun on the top, I have a wide range of words in the court, and only then can I have today\'s crazy and foolish admonisher Yang Jisheng. Yang Jisheng, a mad and foolish man, his impeachment of the great scholar Yan Song\'s memorandum, his words were misleading, and he must die. However, his heart is sincere and sincere, and he takes the long-term benefits of the Ming Dynasty as his mission. I only hope that the sage will be loyal and loyal, and I will pity him for his madness and ignorance.

  After finishing the draft, Zhu Pingan stopped the brush, read it silently, and began to carefully consider every word.

  After deliberating for a long time, Zhu Pingan circled and changed several places on the draft, and added a few sentences at the end.

   Then continue to consider.

   In this way, it was revised several times, until the watchman\'s sound of "three watch at midnight, safe and sound" came from outside, and Zhu Ping\'anfang formed a pleading memorial that he was slightly satisfied with.

  Continuing his efforts, Zhu Ping\'an stretched his waist, pulled himself together, and transcribed the draft of the memorandum in the official memorandum. Then, he carefully put the official playbook in the inner sleeve pocket of the official uniform he will wear tomorrow.

  Zhu Ping\'an is going to have a face-to-face meeting at Prince Yu\'s Mansion tomorrow, and then submits the intercession memorial to the office of the General Secretary.

  After everything was ready, Zhu Pingan left the study and went to bed in the bedroom.

   "Brother Zhu, you\'re finally done. You can\'t stay up so late in the future. It\'s not good for your health."

  After Zhu Ping\'an walked into the bedroom, Li Shu, who was sleepy, looked at Zhu Ping\'an with resentment, and said with a small mouth.

   "Why haven\'t you slept yet, go to bed early in the future, don\'t wait for me."

  Zhu Ping\'an saw Li Shu\'s dark circles and knew that she had been waiting for him, so he couldn\'t help feeling distressed.

   "I\'m not waiting for you, I just can\'t sleep." Li Shu refused to admit it, her tsundere appearance is very cute.

   Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

  Li Shu\'s pretty face became more and more flushed.

  The night is in the middle of the night, the moon outside the window is bright and clear, the night is blue, surrounded by lovely stars, twinkling golden arcs, just like the golden threads of love weaved by the weaver girl to the world.

  In the dead of night, I had a good dream.

  Early the next morning, Zhu Pingan, accompanied by Liu Dadao, rode to Yingmao in Yuwang Mansion after having breakfast.

   What was being discussed in Prince Yu\'s Mansion was still yesterday\'s court trial, and everyone felt relieved about yesterday\'s court trial.

  Yesterday, although there were strict parties such as Minister of Criminal Affairs Wang Xueyi and others, they forced to question Yang Jisheng\'s behind-the-scenes mastermind, intending to drag Yuwang\'s mansion into trouble, but Yang Jisheng refused to admit that he was instructed, which made Wang Xueyi and others\' conspiracy fail.

  Although I can\'t completely relax, I can at least breathe a sigh of relief. The situation is much better than the day before yesterday.

Zhu Pingan was planning to enter Prince Yu\'s Mansion. After finishing the important matters at hand, he asked King Yu for a short vacation and went to the General Secretary\'s Yamen to submit a plea. It took half an hour to get away, and it was almost eleven o\'clock when I told King Yu for leave.

   Time does not wait for me, Zhu Pingan rushed out of Prince Yu\'s Mansion with a memorial, and went straight to the office of the General Secretary.

   In order to hurry, Zhu Pingan also took a shortcut in the middle, crossing the square to the Meridian Gate, and crossing the Meridian Gate to the Tongzhengsi Yamen.

Before reaching the Meridian Gate, Zhu Pingan saw a lot of people at the Meridian Gate from a distance, and heard a loud sound of screaming and screaming, and a burst of mourning. When he approached, he found that there were three officials at the Meridian Gate who were being beaten. Tingzhang.

what happened?

  How could three officials be beaten at the same time? It\'s been a long time since I\'ve seen a group suffer from the imperial staff.

  Zhu Ping\'an was amazed, stepped forward to inquire, and then learned that the three officials had all interceded with Yang Jisheng in the morning.

"The sage said: Whoever dares to intercede for Yang Jisheng in the future, seeks fame, talkative, and talkative, will be severely punished. Lords, please do it yourself. Whoever wants to intercede for Yang Ni again, these three adults are role models, no, this The three adults are considered lucky, the first offender only received a slap in the face of the court, if someone commits the crime again, it is a crime knowingly, and the consequences need not be discussed by the miscellaneous, all adults should weigh it."

  During the process of striking the imperial staff, a white-faced and beardless **** walked up to the audience and pronounced an edict expressionlessly. After reading the imperial edict of Emperor Jiajing, the **** specially said a few more words to warn everyone.

  When Emperor Jiajing’s oral order came out, all the adults present were shocked. At first, they still had the idea of ​​pleading for Yang Jisheng, but after listening to Emperor Jiajing’s oral order and the eunuch’s warning, that idea was instantly extinguished.

  Emperor Jiajing’s edict was not just for fun.

  Since Emperor Jiajing came to the throne, similar verbal instructions have been left many times, and every time he does what he says, but any minister who violates it will be severely punished regardless of his official position. If it is light, he will be relegated to the imperial staff, and if it is heavy, he may lose his life.

  Dead friends, don’t die in poverty.

   Throughout the ages, it is a universal truth.

  So, after listening to Emperor Jiajing\'s oral order and the eunuch\'s warning, the ministers all made "wise" choices. Originally, there were still a few ministers in the crowd who were about to go to the Minister of General Affairs to submit the pleading memorial. At this moment, they have quietly torn the memorial in their sleeves in half, then turned around and headed back home.

   Only Zhu Pingan was an exception.

Standing in the crowd, Zhu Ping\'an seemed to be deaf all of a sudden, as if he had not heard Emperor Jiajing\'s oral order and the eunuch\'s warning. In the next second, Zhu Ping\'an in the crowd had already lifted his foot and continued to walk towards the Tongzhengshisi.

  Based on Zhu Pingan\'s understanding of Emperor Jiajing, and according to Emperor Jiajing\'s temper, after playing the pleading memorial, it is estimated that he will inevitably be beaten by the court rod.

  However, it would be very cost-effective to exchange Senior Brother Yang’s life if he received the imperial scepter himself.

   It is self-evident that a royal staff or a life is more important.

   In addition, if you show some filial piety to yourself, you can get a little discount on this royal staff. It is estimated that it will be enough to raise it for ten days and a half month, which is very cost-effective.

  (end of this chapter)