Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1037: your son misses you again

Chapter 1037 Your son misses you again

After returning from the East Courtyard, Zhu Pingan put the words of Marquis Linhuai behind his head, returned to the Jingxiang Garden, went directly to the study room, lit the candles, spread out the rice paper, and wrote a memorabilia for Yang Jisheng at his desk Come.

   This love must be asked, if no one intercedes, and Emperor Jiajing cannot change his mind, Senior Brother Yang will be executed in ten days.

  However, pleading is a technical job.

  Now Emperor Jiajing is furious because of Senior Brother Yang’s memorial.

  After spreading the rice paper, Zhu Pingan rubbed his forehead and began to think.

  The reason why Emperor Jiajing was furious was not because Brother Yang impeached Yan Song, but because some words in Brother Yang\'s memorial to impeach Yan Song "hurt" the narrow-minded and vengeful Emperor Jiajing.

  So, if you want to intercede, you must pay attention to this point, and don\'t let Emperor Jiajing suffer a second "injury". Otherwise, Emperor Jiajing would be "injured" a second time, and the beggar and Senior Brother Yang would be hurt by Emperor Jiajing.

   Now he is pleading with Emperor Jiajing.

   Then Emperor Jiajing must be in a good mood, and Emperor Jiajing must be in a good mood in order to achieve the purpose of pleading.

So, um, Senior Brother Yang must be scolded in the memorandum of intercession. Of course, how to scold him is also a skill. You must scold Emperor Jiajing comfortably, but also scold Senior Brother Yang in such a way that you are qualified. "scold".

  After thinking for so long, he finally figured it out. Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help stretching his stiff limbs, moved his wrist twice, reached out to pick up the brush, dipped it in ink, and was ready to start writing a draft.

   "Brother Zhu, your son misses you again~~"

  The door of the study was pushed open, and a voice that was soft to the bone, charming to the blood, and soft to the heart came out.

Hearing the sound, Zhu Pingan raised his head. At the door, Li Shu\'s charming little face was blushing, and a pair of watery eyes blinked at Zhu Pingan. The eyes were rippling in spring, and the eyes were as thin as silk. The silk pajamas couldn\'t cover her lively little rabbit last week... The writing brush in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand "clicked" and fell on the rice paper.

   "Ahem, how can I have a son?"

   "Knowing that I don\'t have a son, why don\'t I rest early..."


  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help thinking of the conversation the day before yesterday, and the hormones dominated by these words. Now it\'s just a thought, and the hormones are surging again, like a tsunami, with huge waves roaring and destroying.

   A team of little guys made of protein, along Zhu Pingan\'s blood vessels, rushed up to the brain and climbed rapidly, rushed to the brain in an instant, and occupied the brain.

  Although he couldn\'t see his appearance, Zhu Ping\'an knew that the only word "eating people" could describe his expression.

   In other words, my concentration is already very good, not to mention sitting still, but I am also a good player in the field of self-control, but why is my concentration still agreed to zero in front of Li Shu, a goblin? When is this, why can\'t I still not be able to stand the temptation of Li Shu, a goblin?

   "Ahem, Sister Li, life is at stake now, I..."

  God knows how Zhu Pingan used all his strength to suppress the rampant hormones, raised his head and said to Li Shu. I am currently busy writing a memorandum to intercede for Senior Brother Yang, can I talk about it another day...

   "That\'s right, we now have human lives at stake..." Li Shu blinked her eyes cutely, "Human life is at stake?" Does creating a human count?

  Zhu Pingan...

   Which **** said ancient girls were conservative? ! Even if there is, it is the state before marriage!

  However, in the end, Zhu Pingan still did not have a life-threatening event with Li Shu. It was not that Zhu Ping\'an\'s determination had been upgraded to the point where he could sit still, but because Li Shu... Li Shu was just teasing Zhu Pingan.

  She came to deliver Zhu Ping\'an\'s supper, and she was holding a food box in her little hand. She felt sorry for Zhu Ping\'an who worked hard all night. Therefore, she specially boiled a cup of pigeon soup to reward Zhu Ping\'an, so that Zhu Ping\'an could nourish his body.

"Staying up late hurts the body the most, but human life is at stake. I\'m bringing you tonic soup. What are you thinking? Your mind is full of bad thoughts..." Li Shu took out the food box hidden behind her, and put a A cup of fragrant pigeon soup was placed on the table in front of Zhu Ping\'an, and two plates of delicious snacks were placed on the table. Then, he glanced at the small tent that Zhu Ping\'an had set up, covered his mouth and smiled. stand up.

   "It\'s not all your fault."

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s old face suddenly turned red, and he raised his legs, suppressed the restless existence with his movements, and covered up his embarrassment like a deception.

"Brother Zhu, you\'re Zhu Bajie who climbed over the wall - beat me up, you\'ve been a bad person since you were a child, obviously you have a dirty mind, but you blame me instead." Li Shu\'s small cherry-like mouth pouted slightly, watery Zhu Ping\'s eyes dug a look, and there were more than ten thousand styles at this moment.

   This little elf. After taking a look, Zhu Ping\'an felt that his legs could hardly be held down.

   "Ahem, what was wrong with me when I was young, I am a good boy, okay, there is no one in ten miles or eight villages who does not praise me for being good."

  Zhu Ping\'an coughed, and said with a cheeky face, forcibly defending himself.

"Are you a good boy? Then you taught me and Hua\'er to sing those shameful nursery rhymes when I was young." Li Shu rolled her cute eyes, recalling the past when she was a child, thinking of how she was jumping and singing pop songs, a picture The pretty face couldn\'t help being ashamed like a ripe peach.

  Shameful nursery rhymes?

  Is there any shame in nursery rhymes?

  Zhu Pingan froze for a moment, unable to react for a while, "When did I teach you and Hua\'er to sing shameful nursery rhymes?"

  Although we know each other very well, don’t blame others casually, okay? When I was young, I was the cutest, cute, and sensible child, okay?

  Your best child? !

Li Shu listened to Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, her watery eyes couldn\'t help giving Zhu Ping\'an a blank look again, and her charming, soft, soft lips rang out with a fairy-tale flavor. , "I want to have a home, there is her in the house, during the day, at night, at night"

   Singing here, Li Shu was so ashamed that she couldn\'t sing anymore, her pretty face was so blushing that she was about to bleed.

   "Ahem. Others taught me." Zhu Ping\'an was once again exposed by Li Shu, and his old face was so red.

  Li Shu didn\'t speak, but just looked at Zhu Ping\'an.

   Who are you kidding? I had someone check it when I was a child, and no one knew about that song except you.

   Zhu Pingan, who watched the last scene, bowed his head in embarrassment.

  (end of this chapter)