Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1034: Tingzhang has a secret

Chapter 1034 The imperial staff has a secret

  When Yan Shifan’s defense was revealed, the onlookers rejoiced and kowtowed to thank the gods for answering their prayers, and waited excitedly for a miracle to happen; some officials also felt that the case might be turning.

   Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help sighing in his heart when he heard the cheers of the crowd. Zhu Pingan knew that the ending would still disappoint them.

  Since the strict party can get the relevant yamen to prove it to frame Yang Jisheng, it can also use the same method to frame Zhou Mian.

   Sure enough, next, things developed as Zhu Ping\'an thought.

Zhou Mian\'s revelation really caught Yan Song and his son off guard and caused a burst of panic, but Yan Song and his son quickly took countermeasures. Several officials hurried out from the inner hall of the public office according to the order of Yan Song and his son, and rushed to the Ministry of War, Ministry of Officials and other yamen, and then The Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials and other yamen submitted several memorials to Xiyuan one after another, all saying that Zhou Mian fabricated the facts, compared himself with Yang Jisheng as an adulterer, and deliberately framed Yan Ge.

   Not long after, a decree came from Xiyuan:

   Zhou Mian fabricated the facts, and became an adulterer with Yang Jisheng. He deliberately took revenge on Yan Song, ordered him to be arrested and imprisoned, and the imperial staff was dismissed.

   Soon, Zhou Mian was dragged to the Meridian Court by Jin Yiwei, and then he was dismissed and sent to prison.

   When the news came, it was like a downpour, which immediately dampened the enthusiasm of the onlookers outside the public office.

  People were stunned and indignant, and secretly cursed the strict party for covering the sky with its hands.

  Following that, the imperial decree came from Xiyuan to deal with Yang Jisheng: Yang Jisheng committed a fraudulent transmission of the prince\'s decree, the imperial staff was one hundred, and he will be executed at the Meridian Gate ten days later.

   When the imperial decree came, the strict party members in the public hall celebrated with joy.

  The onlookers fell silent as if struck by thunder, and then the sound of grief and indignation filled the world. They were heartbroken that Yang Jisheng had suffered such injustice, and were indignant at the fact that the strict party covered the sky with one hand, and secretly cursed the strict party.

  The observer officials did not dare to express it on the face, but felt sympathy for Yang Jisheng in their hearts.

  Zhu Ping\'an.

  Zhu Pingan couldn\'t believe his ears. He stared straight at the servant who read out the imperial decree, as if he had been struck by lightning. How could this be? !

  In history, didn’t Emperor Jiajing not want to kill Yang Jisheng, and sentenced him to be the marquis of prison? ! In history, Yang Jisheng was sentenced to behead the prisoner, but he was never asked to beheaded. He was imprisoned for three years before being used by Yan Song.

Why? ! why! Now the imperial decree sentenced him to be executed at the Meridian Gate ten days later!

How could this be? !

  Why is there such a big deviation in history! What exactly went wrong? !

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s forehead was dripping with sweat.

   No way, Senior Brother Yang is devoted to the loyalty of the ruler, the sincerity of the people, the utmost filial piety of teachers, the utmost righteousness of friends, and the utmost affection of relatives. Senior Brother Yang cannot die!

  Emperor Jiajing should have been instigated by Yan Song and others. He was angry and impulsive at this time, so he sentenced Senior Brother Yang to be executed ten days later.

  If the Holy Majesty can be calmed down, things are likely to turn around, at least he can fight to kill the prisoner.

  How can the Holy One calm down? !

   There is only one way to go to Shangshu to intercede. Although there are many crises to go to Shangshu to intercede now, Yan Song will be offended, and the Holy Spirit may be angered, but this is the only way to save Yang Jisheng. Zhu Pingan\'s eyes became firm.

  After the imperial decree came down, Wang Xueyi couldn\'t wait to urge He Ao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, to implement the imperial decree, and the imperial staff Yang Jisheng was one hundred.

  Then, Wang Xueyi ran to Jin Yiwei again, and secretly told Jin Yiwei that Yang Jisheng had offended Mr. Yan Ge, and he must not show mercy when hitting Yang Jisheng\'s court staff, but "hit with heart" and beat him to death, implying that Jin Yiwei killed Yang Jisheng on the spot with the stick.

   Jin Yiwei has a high degree of flexibility in the execution of the court staff. Generally, there are two execution methods: "strike hard" and "strike hard". If the toes of the prison officer are spread out, it means "really hit". This kind of hit leaves a line, although the hit is heavy and may cause disability, but generally there is a high chance of saving life; if The prison officer\'s toes are closed inward, which means "beating with heart", and beating with heart is actually beating to death. Basically, there is no doubt about death. The maximum number of court rods at a time is 100. Under this method, In fact, there is no need for a hundred court rods at all. After sixty or seventy blows, the ministers who were tortured basically died.

  Wang Xueyi ordered Jin Yiwei to "beat with heart", in fact, he wanted to kill Yang Jisheng on the spot.

  Although the imperial decree ordered him to be executed in ten days, if he could kill Yang Jisheng on the spot, it would be a great achievement; besides, the time of ten days is not short, who knows if something unexpected will happen in the middle.

   Jumping up and down under Wang Xueyi, Yang Jisheng was soon brought out to execute the imperial staff.

   "Hit with your heart."

  Wang Xueyi once again hinted at the imprisoned Jinyiwei Baihu.

"Don\'t worry, my lord, I understand that I will beat you with my heart. I just need to trouble my lord to prepare a straw mat. Anyone who beats me with my heart will not end alive." Jin Yiwei Baihu nodded vigorously, and said softly replied.

   "There are plenty of straw mats."

  Wang Xueyi nodded in satisfaction, then straightened his back, gave Yang Jisheng a gloomy look, and shouted: "Execution!"

With a wave of Jinyiwei Baihu, ten Jinyiwei small flags came out holding chestnut court sticks, divided into two teams, walked straight behind Yang Jisheng, pulled Yang Jisheng three meters in front of Jinyiwei Baihu, and then pulled Yang Jisheng\'s face Press face down on the floor.

  Jinyiwei Baihu took a step forward, closed his toes inwards, and stood firm.

   Seeing Jin Yiwei Baihu standing with his toes turned inward, Wang Xueyi\'s smile was like a flower. The onlookers saw Jin Yiwei standing with his toes closed, and couldn\'t help sighing, ah, Yang Jisheng might not be able to withstand the imperial scepter this time.

  Zhu Ping\'an understood the mystery, and couldn\'t help but pick up his heart. Emperor Jiajing\'s imperial decree has deviated, so there will be no more accidents with the imperial staff this time, right? !

Jinyiwei Baihu tiptoed inward, glanced at the ten Jinyiwei flags, paused for an extra look at one of the five flags, opened their lips slightly, then turned their eyes away, tiptoed inward and shouted, " Undress."

   Zhu Pingan, who was on the sidelines, couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the lips of Jin Yiwei Baihu.


  Zhu Pingan read it from the lips of Jin Yiwei Baihu.

   Although Jin Yiwei Baihu closed his toes inward, which meant "fight with heart", he secretly ordered "play hard" to the small flag of one of the teams.

  Half of the small flags are "fighting with heart", and half of the small flags are "fighting with real strength", combining reality with reality, so that the vitality of Senior Brother Yang appears.

   That’s right, Xu Jie, the commander of Jinyiwei, visited Lu Bing, the commander of Jinyiwei, and asked Lu Bing to take care of Yang Jisheng.

  Well, the teacher Xu Jie asked Lu Bingzhang to take care of Yang Jisheng, and Yan Song and his son must have ordered Lu Bingzhang to kill Yang Jisheng. Lu Bing is really an old fox. With this arrangement, half of the court staff "strikes hard" and half of the court staff "beats hard", neither side can be offended.

  (end of this chapter)