Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1033: another accident

Chapter 1033 Another accident

  While waiting for the emperor\'s approval, the people watching outside the public office were all praying for a miracle, and they knelt down devoutly.

  They hope that justice can defeat evil, they hope that heroes can break free from shackles and win the final victory

  So, they prayed for a miracle.

  Looking at the people kneeling and begging outside the public office, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help closing his eyes. He couldn\'t bear to see them praying to the gods and Buddhas full of hope, because the reality was destined to disappoint them.

   Miracles such as keeping people under the knife are often born in drama literature, and almost do not exist in reality.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t bear to see them full of the setting sun, but was afraid of seeing them disappointed.

However, during the process of waiting for the emperor\'s approval, an unexpected incident happened, and the crowd watching and praying outside suddenly became overwhelmed, and each of them cheered up, and rushed to tell each other, saying that a miracle was already brewing. It will come soon.

  Some officials who were observing the incident couldn\'t help whispering to each other after the incident, feeling that the case was about to take a turn.

   Here\'s the thing.

  Before, didn’t Yan Shifan write the defense letter himself, ordering the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War and other relevant yamen to copy it and present it to the court in their name.

   This matter was exposed!

  The Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Households and other yamen all copied the defense in their names according to Yan Shifan\'s intention, and submitted it to the court.

  However, this plan of Yan Shifan suffered a big setback in the most critical military election department of the Ministry of War.

  The Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War is a key office for Yan Shifan\'s defense.

Because Yang Jisheng impeached Yan Song in the memorandum, and pretended to lead the military for his two grandsons. First, he was loyal to the eldest grandson Yan and pretended to be the leader of Guangdong and Guangxi. He was promoted to the governor of Jinyi. In the Ministry, Yan Xiao warned the disease, Yan Song ordered his second grandson Yan Hu to replace him, and Yan Hu told him to join the former seven heads for allegiance and promotion to Jinyiwei Qianhu, and was promoted to Qianhu steward. Yang Jisheng said that Yan Zhongzhong and Yan Hu are two young children who have never been in the army, how can they have military merits? !

  Furthermore, Yang Jisheng said in his memorial that the above facts of impeachment are based on Wuxuan Sizhang\'s No. 19 manuscript as evidence.

Therefore, Yan Shifan devoted a lot of time to this in his defense, and he spent a lot of effort. He also specially emphasized to the officials of the Yan Party who handled the matter that they should find officials from the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War and copy it in the name of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War. In the defense, it was verified that Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment was untrue, and Wuxuan Sizhang\'s No. 19 draft had nothing to do with the impeachment.

Handling the matter, Yan Party officials went to the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, strictly in the name of Yan Shifan, and found the only leader who worked in the Military Selection Department at that time—Zhong Zhou Mian, the military selection department of the Ministry of War. In the name of Wu Xuansi, Yan Shifan\'s defense was copied and played to the court.

  However, the official in charge of this matter probably didn’t read the almanac when he went out, and he didn’t do enough homework. He didn’t know who the Zhou Mian he was looking for was. He didn\'t know that Zhou Mian, the director of the military selection department of the Ministry of War, was not some answerer who was afraid of the strict party.

  This week, Zhou Mian is not inferior to Yang Jisheng. His creed in life is "Admonition to the death of Wen, war to the death of martial arts".


  Yang Jisheng had received the court rod once before Yan Song was impeached; but this Zhou Mian had already received the court rod twice.

  The first time I received the court rod was because Emperor Jiajing built the Taimiao. At that time, not many years after the Great Etiquette Controversy, Emperor Jiajing rebuilt the Taimiao where the ancestors were worshipped. He practiced alchemy piously, but sent officials to worship the gods instead of him. This is a violation of the ancestral system, so some officials raised this point. Emperor Jiajing was furious when he heard the news, and issued an edict to warn all civil and military officials, saying that any officials who have such thoughts are trying to intimidate me in order to improve their own reputation. Tongue, I will definitely punish you severely. This was not long after the Great Etiquette Controversy, and no official dared to mention it anymore in view of the aftermath of the Jiajing Emperor\'s Great Etiquette Controversy. Only Zhou Mian was not afraid at all, and resolutely went up to oppose and condemn Emperor Jiajing\'s behavior. His words were much more violent than those of the previous officials. .

The second time I received the imperial scepter was six years ago. Zhou Mian had only been released from prison for a few years. At that time, the former prince had not yet left the cabinet to give lectures. Zhou Mian thought that this was not acceptable. The prince should not waste his studies. The great Confucianism gave lectures to the prince. People reminded him that this was the Holy Majesty\'s private matter, but Zhou Mian ignored it, feeling that it was not good for the future of Ming Dynasty, so he resolutely went up to remind Emperor Jiajing. Sure enough, after the performance, Jiajing Emperor Longyan was furious, thinking that Zhou Mian had ulterior motives, and even shut up the royal affairs. In his rage, he made Zhou Mian beat the imperial staff again, and was directly demoted to the smoky Yunnan. I went to be a **** in a small county.

  Been relegated to a small county in Yunnan, Zhou Mian is still undiminished, his life creed remains unchanged, and he still does not succumb to any power or pressure, allowing this small county to appreciate his toughness and stubborn temper.

   Great results.

  So, he was recalled to the capital again, and took up the post of military officer of the Ministry of War.

  If the strict party official in charge of the errand does his homework and checks Zhou Mian\'s resume, I believe he will never dare to hand over this matter to Zhou Mian.

  However, there is no if, he did not do his homework, and he did not read the almanac. When he arrived at the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, Zhou Mian was the only leader who worked in the Yamen, and the others were petty officials, not enough.

  When he handed over the defense written by Yan Shifan to Zhou Mian and told Zhou Mian the request, Zhou Mian laughed.

  The strict party official who was in charge of the errand saw Zhou Mian smiled, and laughed too, thinking that Zhou Mian was quite good.

  However, when Zhou Mian\'s memorial was written, the officials on business couldn\'t laugh.

"Yan Shifan ordered the minister to copy the defense book and play it. However, the minister paid great attention to honest visits. No one who was loyal to the military gate was ever listened to. He was not loyal to his brother. His name was a lie, and there was no trace of his head... the minister Responsibility is at stake, righteousness dare not be concealed, begging for special justice, let the world know, know courtiers have unlucky deeds, laws that cannot be violated, even if offended, death will not be hated!"

  Zhou Mian\'s memorial not only did not copy Yan Shifan\'s defense, but also exposed it, and further revealed the truth of Yan Song\'s masquerade. Then, without stopping for a moment, he sent the memorial to Xiyuan.

  The Yan Party official who was in charge of the errand was frightened and hurried back to the public office to sue Yan Song and his son, but the paper could not contain the fire, and the news spread quickly.

  (end of this chapter)