Rise From the Humble

Chapter 102: government test

Chapter 102 House Examination

   "You are so annoying, I have to be woken up by you every time!" The slender **** the bed stretched out her slender hands to rub her sleepy eyes, and said angrily.

After the girl opened her dark eyes, she found that Zhu Ping\'an had already put on her clothes and was about to go out. She didn\'t bring those strange cloth bags that she usually carried, nor did she bring that broken wooden board with her, and she didn\'t bring anything with her empty hands. Very curious.

   "Why are you going empty-handed?" the girl asked curiously.

   "The government exam is open. I\'m going to take the exam. I left a hundred coins on the table. You are responsible for three meals a day. Be more careful when you go in and out." Zhu Pingan turned around and gave instructions before leaving.

   "Why didn\'t you take anything for the exam?" The **** the bed asked one after another, "Didn\'t you be called a jerk, and why didn\'t you even bring a pen to the exam?"

   "The government test is different from the county test. We are only allowed to bring one test lead, and the rest are not allowed. Our own test room is responsible for providing it." Zhu Pingan replied lightly.

   "Oh, come back after taking the No. 1 exam." The **** the bed looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and said.

  I like your sister, no matter your size, this is just a government test! Zhu Pingan closed the door without a word, and went downstairs.

  The uncle waited for the students to get up early and ordered another table of good wine and food in the lobby, and stopped every student he knew from the prefecture, exhorting them, being proud and enjoying. Zhu Ping\'an also enjoyed a rare encouragement from his uncle, even though he could tell at a glance that his uncle had a different heart.

  Zhu Ping\'an followed the crowd to the examination room. The street was full of people, and there was a lot of traffic.

  The examination room of the government examination is obviously much better than that of the county examination. This is a large mansion with a plaque hanging on it, which reads "Anqing Prefecture Examination Institute". At a quarter of an hour, the gate of the courtyard opened, and the students and scholars were divided into four rows according to the examination and quotation under the command of the Yamen servants and sergeants, and were inspected one by one. The inspection was very careful, and everything except the examination and quotation would be blocked from the gate.

I didn\'t see my fellow students outside the gate, but I saw Xia Luoming and others in Tongcheng who I met a few days ago. Xia Luoming and the others seemed quite confident. After a face-to-face meeting and a salute from a distance, they entered the gate one after another with their respective teams.

  After entering the gate, under the leadership of four officials holding lanterns, four rows of students went to the four examination rooms. There is a simple cloth curtain fence at the entrance of the examination room. Every candidate who enters the examination room must first go to the curtain for inspection before entering.

Zhu Ping arranged for the team to also enter the curtain for inspection. Four sergeants in the curtain were in charge of the inspection. They had to take off their shoes and socks and open their clothes for inspection to prevent entrainment. Even the interlayer of clothes was carefully inspected. Check, otherwise it will be a little embarrassing.

   After entering the examination room, the person in charge will guide the seats. The seats are individual small rooms, which can only accommodate a table and a chair. The three walls are open in front of the room. The seat arrangement was based on the results of the county examination, and Zhu Ping\'an was allocated a good seat, which was far away from the toilet and kitchen.

  After Zhu Pingan sat down, someone sent the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and test papers needed for this exam one after another.

  There are three exams in the government exam, the first exam is the Four Books and Five Classics, which lasts for one day. The Four Books and Five Classics exam is quite simple. It is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is to write a stereotyped essay based on the topics in the Four Books, and the second part is to test the recitation of the Four Books and Five Classics. giri.

  Seeing the test questions, Zhu Ping\'an was already confident. The recitation of the second part is Zhu Pingan\'s specialty. Zhu Pingan can also recite several passages mentioned in the test questions backwards; the questions in the first part are not difficult. It can also solve the problem correctly and correctly.

During the exam, you can rest three times a day. Some people will bring you meals and water. Although the meals in the exam room are a combination of meat and vegetables, the taste is far worse. There is no soup, only a bowl of water, just barely enough to eat. .

During the exam, Zhu Ping\'an went to the toilet twice. He had to pull the small bell next to the table to ask for instructions before he was allowed to go around the field. Every time, a special person followed him. Whether you were squatting in the toilet or urinating, these people would never leave , I don\'t feel too panicked.

At dusk, people handed in the test papers one after another. Zhu Pingan checked the test papers carefully and checked again. After confirming that there were no omissions, he pulled the small bell beside him. Someone came to ask what was the matter. , one of them was responsible for pasting the personal information on the test paper with a blank piece of paper, and putting the pasted test paper in a wooden box similar to a lunch box; After all the things were received in the basket, the inspector signaled the yamen servant to come over and lead Zhu Pingan to leave. The sun had already set outside.

  Zhu Ping\'an just left the examination room, and saw that Tongcheng Xia Luoming and others had already had a good conversation outside the examination room. Seeing Zhu Ping\'an leaving the examination room at this time, Xia Luoming and others couldn\'t help but look smug.

   "How is Zhu Xiandi?" Feng Shanshui stepped forward and asked.

   "I have finished all the questions." Zhu Pingan replied with a silly smile.

   "Isn\'t it stable after finishing the questions, hehehe, then congratulate Zhu Xiandi in advance to be on the top list again." Feng Shanshui cupped his hands and said with a smile.

   "How dare, just ask Sun Shan." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

  Falling Sun Shan means failing the list, and Sun Shan is the last one on the list, showing his heart, not aiming for the first list, as long as he can be on the second list is enough. Anyway, the government exam is just a qualification exam for the college exam. It doesn\'t matter whether it is good or not, as long as there are such places, it is enough. The hospital examination is the real highlight, so why rush it for a while.

   "Hehe, but I dare to bet that Zhu Xiandi will be in the top of the high school in this government examination." Feng Shanshui smiled and waved his folding fan, quite a bit of Zhuge\'s legacy.

   "Hehehe" the others all laughed and remained silent.

"But I don\'t dare, hehe, then I would like to congratulate a few brothers and sisters for their titles in the gold list in advance. I can\'t bear the hardships in the examination room, so I will go to the inn to rest." They were obviously waiting for someone, and they didn\'t know each other well, so Zhu Pingan didn\'t know It was no longer an eyesore, so I said goodbye.

   "Hahaha, I\'m afraid Zhu Xiandi can\'t bear the food in the examination room, so go find some delicious food and wine." Feng Shanshui said with a smile.

  Everyone heard Zhu Ping\'an say that he was going to rest at the inn, and Feng Shanshui said with a smile that Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t bear the food in the examination room. They couldn\'t help but think of Zhu Ping\'an\'s rice bucket and the title of Zaiyu, so they couldn\'t help laughing.

   "Unfortunately, Brother Feng\'s words were right." Zhu Pingan turned his head and gave a free and easy smile. Amidst the laughter of everyone, Shi Shiran left the examination room, leaving everyone with a blue back.

  (end of this chapter)