Rise From the Humble

Chapter 101: Trivia before the government test

Chapter 101 Trivia before the government test

   "I don\'t even have full hair, and I still want to tease my sister." Regarding Zhu Ping\'s teasing just now, the girl was stunned for a second before teasing with a smile.

   I don\'t know who scared the knives out.

  Zhu Pingan replied with a disdainful light smile, and sat at the table to eat breakfast with relish.

   "Don\'t you wonder why Jin Yiwei came to search, but turned a blind eye to me?" The girl sat opposite Zhu Pingan, sipping deep-fried dough sticks, and couldn\'t help raising her head to ask Zhu Pingan at the end.

  Zhu Ping\'an stopped his chopsticks, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and said flatly, "It\'s nothing more than that you covered your face during the assassination, and it was night, and no one knew your face."

   "You are so boring!"

  The girl pursed her lips when she heard the words, lowered her head to eat her fried dough sticks and tofu nao, and after a while stretched out her feet and kicked Zhu Ping\'an\'s chair.

   "What\'s the matter?" Zhu Pingan was a little speechless, stopped his chopsticks and asked.

   "How much money do you have left?" The girl randomly scratched at the tofu nao in the bowl, feeling a little disgusted.

   "What are you doing?" Zhu Ping\'an asked casually, and continued to eat his breakfast.

   "I see there are a lot of fat sheep in the inn. You can meet me in the evening, let\'s." The girl\'s eyes were shining as she spoke, and her whole body seemed to have been spayed with chicken blood, as if all the injuries had disappeared.


   Zhu Pingan, who was drinking tofu nao, spat it out in one gulp.

  The **** the opposite side of the table moved to the outside in an instant, just to avoid the tofu brain sprayed by Zhu Pingan.

Rabbits don’t eat the grass by the side of the nest yet, this little aunt is good, she directly wants to start from the inn where she lives, and the mess of the assassination hasn’t been cleaned up yet, and if there is another thief or robbery, do you want someone else’s Jin Yiwei? rest! They are not vegetarians, besides, it\'s not that Uncle and the others don\'t know you, it\'s too late to hide, you\'re still catching up.

   "If you weren\'t so poor, I wouldn\'t have to worry about it. I\'m not old man Kong, and I would die if I didn\'t know the taste of meat." The girl pushed all the faults on Zhu Ping\'an.

  Zhu Ping\'an.

  In the end, Zhu Pingan didn\'t agree to the demon girl\'s proposal, but only agreed to add a meat dish a day later. Of course, she compromised after the girl wrote an IOU of ten taels of silver.

  The time after that passed slowly like this, practicing calligraphy, morning reading, and studying stereotyped essays, as if the witch in the room who couldn\'t calm down for a moment didn\'t exist.

  After practicing calligraphy and reading in the morning, I followed the original road back, but was stopped by a group of students and scholars on the way.

"Isn\'t this brother Zhu Xian who never disappeared when he flew into the reeds? It\'s really a coincidence that it\'s better to meet by chance." The first person who greeted him was a scholar who was dressed like a gentleman and was praised by Zhou Xuezheng at the Jingxian Poetry Association. Xia Luoming in Tongcheng, at this time, had a modest smile on his face, but there was a sense of arrogance between his brows.

   "Brother Zhu Xian, I have admired you for a long time. I am in Feng Shanshui, Xiasu Song County." Following Xia Luoming was a student in his early twenties, who was also a good-looking talent.

   After that, the others also greeted the familiar ones.

   "Oh, good morning, everyone." Zhu Pingan followed the others with a black wooden board between them.

"It\'s really a coincidence. We and other top-ranking students from various counties met on the bank of Taihu Lake to exchange experiences and compose a few poems. This is the last poetry meeting before the government examination. Brother Zhu Xian must not miss it again." Feng Shanshui from Susong County exchanged a few words and invited Zhu Pingan to attend the poetry meeting with them.

   It was another poetry meeting, so Zhu Pingan naturally didn\'t plan to go.

   "Oh, I\'m sorry, I have something important to do. I\'m grateful for your kindness. I\'m afraid this poetry meeting will disappoint you all." Zhu Pingan held the black board, cupped his hands to apologize, and was about to turn around and leave.

Zhu Pingan apologized, and Xia Luoming said, "Brother Zhu, please don\'t refuse, you are already by the Taihu Lake, why not go. Besides, the county trial chiefs from several counties are all present here, so please don\'t say no to Brother Zhu." miss."

After Xia Luoming finished speaking, Feng Shanshui went on to say, "Brother Zhu\'s words fly into the reeds and never disappear, which really expresses the artistic conception of snow. We are all gathered together, and everyone admires Brother Zhu\'s literary talent, but if Brother Zhu doesn\'t show a single face, wouldn\'t it be true?" Let me wait to be disappointed."

   "I really have something important to do, and I\'m not good at it, so I won\'t bother you." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands again.

"Brother Zhu Xian is really polite. Brother Zhu Xian is full of talent and learning. Whether it is seeing off or singing snow, we are all in admiration. Today\'s poetry meeting, why don\'t Brother Zhu leave another copy of calligraphy, and it will be a good thing when we talk about it after the end. .”

   "That\'s right, Brother Zhu Xian left another calligraphy treasure, and it will definitely be a good story in the future."

   "That\'s right, go together, go together."

  People around also chimed in.

Zhu Pingan just tactfully rejected everyone with a black wooden board in his mouth, saying: "I\'m really sorry, I\'m not good at poetry, and every time I write a poem, it takes several days to complete it. I\'d better not shame on occasions like poetry gatherings. "

   "Brother Zhu Xian is humble, the words fly into the reeds and never disappear, which has made me ashamed."

   "That\'s right, Brother Zhu Xian, don\'t be too polite, come with us."

   "We are still waiting for your masterpiece."

  Several students and scholars who accompanied them spoke one after another, wanting to drag Zhu Pingan over to participate in the poetry meeting.

   "I\'m really sorry, I\'m really in a hurry, so I won\'t bother you this time. Excuse me, I\'m leaving." Zhu Pingan saluted with his hands clasped, and squeezed out from the crowd with the black board in his hands.

   Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s back, these people began to talk about it.

   "Really, why are you dragging? A poem is neither fish nor fowl, and only the last line of a song about snow is worthy of attention."

   "Too flamboyant."

   "Pursuing fame."

   "It must be because I am afraid, I am afraid that I will not be able to write poems in public"

   "Forget it, Brother Feng, Brother Li. Let\'s go to the Taihu Poetry Club."

  People were talking a lot, and their voices were not too loud, and it happened that fragmentary voices could reach Zhu Ping\'an\'s ears.

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t care about this. Shi Shiran returned to the inn, ordered two dishes and one soup in the lobby, put them in a food box and walked upstairs. What kind of poetry fairs are all useless things, why not read more books while you have time.

  The poetry meeting by the Taihu Lake was in full swing, and the students in the first list were not convinced. One poem after another, there were actually a few good poems handed down. Of course, the news of Zhu Ping\'an\'s refusal to participate in the poetry meeting was also released. It was regarded as fear of not being able to write a poem, which became the background of this poetry meeting, and it could be regarded as a contribution to this poetry meeting.

  Time passed very, very quickly after the poetry meeting, so fast that the exams began almost in the blink of an eye.

  (end of this chapter)