Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1017: scheduled

Chapter 1017 Schedule

   "Zi Hou\'s words are justified."

Hearing the words, Gao Gong was enlightened and enlightened, and left the table excitedly, walking back and forth in the study, "Looking at the current situation, Zhong Fang will inevitably be imprisoned, then Yan Song and his son want to do something To lead the disaster to His Royal Highness King Yu, Lord Lu Binglu must not be bypassed."

   Speaking of this, Gao Gong couldn\'t help but thumping his head, he suddenly raised his head and turned his burning eyes to Xu Jie, and said earnestly and anxiously: "Brother Xu, we have to win Master Lu before Yan Song and his son."

   Before Xu Jie could speak, Gao Gong shook his head and denied it again, "Not right, not right"

   "Brother Suqing, what\'s wrong?" Zhu Ping\'an asked.

"Zi Hou, Brother Xu, Lu Bing and Yan Song are inseparable. They are bound together. How can we compete with Yan Song and his son? Yan Song and Lu Bing are in-laws. Yan Song replaced Yan Shifan\'s second son last year. His The grandson, Yan Shaoting, asked Lu Bing\'s daughter to marry him. Besides, to put it bluntly, the two were firmly tied together because of Xia Yan and Xia Ge\'s old case," Gao Gong sighed.

   Zhu Pingan shook his head with a slight smile when he heard the words.

   "Oh? What did Zihou say?" Seeing this, Gao Gong\'s eyes lit up again.

   "Dare to ask Brother Suqing, is Lu Bing on good terms with Yan Song and his son, or with His Majesty?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and asked softly.

   "Of course it\'s the Holy One. In terms of loyalty to the Holy One, no one can match Mr. Lu." Gao Gong blurted out, and then an inspiration flashed across his mind, causing a wave of waves in his mind.

   Indeed, Lu Bing had been playmates with Emperor Jiajing since he was a child. Lu Bing\'s mother was Emperor Jiajing\'s wet nurse, and they both grew up eating the same type of milk. This relationship is much closer than that of Yan Song. In addition, in the eighteenth year of Jiajing\'s Jiajing Emperor\'s southern tour, the palace caught fire, and all the ministers, guards, and eunuchs ran away. Only Lu Bing risked his life and rushed into the flames to recite Emperor Jiajing. So, in terms of relationship, how can Yan Song compare with Emperor Jiajing.

"That\'s right. That\'s why I think we have great hope of winning over Mr. Lu. At that time, we just need to tell Mr. Lu the benefits and let Mr. Lu know that if this impeachment involves King Yu and King Jing, what will happen?" It will be too big, it will endanger the country, and if Mr. Lu intervenes, it will be involved in the dispute between the Holy Majesty and the prince. I think Mr. Lu will think twice with his loyalty to the Holy Majesty and his intelligence. All right." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

   "It makes sense." Hearing this, Gao Gong couldn\'t help but punched his palm excitedly, and nodded repeatedly. Zhu Ping\'an is right, in terms of relationship with Lu Bing, we can\'t compare with Yan Song, but Yan Song can\'t compare with the Holy One. As long as you approach Lu Bingxiao from the perspective of the Holy Majesty, there is still hope this time.

   Then, Gao Gong looked up at Xu Jie.

  Xu Jie nodded, understood Gao Gong\'s eyes, got up and said, "It\'s not too late, then I\'ll visit Lu Bing right now and tell him what\'s good and bad. I guess Yan Shifan is about to leave soon."

   "Thank you, Brother Xu."

  Gao Gong looked grateful, and bowed to the end.

   "Thanks for your hard work, teacher." Zhu Pingan maintained the formation, and along with Gao Gong, he also bowed to his master Xu Jie to the end.

"Suqing, Zihou, please hurry up. Hey, I\'m going to visit Lu Bing. I hope Lu Bing can look after me and take care of Zhongfang. Zhongfang, I\'m ashamed to be a teacher. what."

  Xu Jie helped Gao Gong and Zhu Pingan up, thinking of Yang Jisheng, he couldn\'t help but sighed. Although he knew in his heart that even if he said hello this time, Lu Bing might not be able to cover Yang Jisheng, but he still wanted to try.

  After speaking, Xu Jie got up and went out to visit Lu Bing. Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Gong went out with Xu Jie. Xu Jie had gone out, so it was not easy for the two of them to stay in Xu\'s mansion anymore. Moreover, they had to return to King Yu\'s mansion to report to King Yu about their visit to Xu Jie.

  Walking on the way out, Zhu Pingan thought for a while, and asked Xu Jie again, "Teacher, after visiting Mr. Lu, wouldn\'t it be better to visit Mr. Yan Ge again?"

   "Visiting Yan Song?" Gao Gong looked puzzled.

  Gao Gong thought to himself that they had analyzed it in the study just now, and it was useless to persuade Yan Song. Emperor Jiajing didn\'t trust his son, but Yan Song believed in his son Yan Shifan very much. Yan Shifan wants to go to King Layu to go into the water, we outsiders go to persuade Yan Song not to go to the water with King Layu, who do you think Yan Song listens to? ! He must have listened to his son Yan Shifan. Since it\'s useless to persuade Yan Song, why do you need to visit Yan Song again? Isn\'t it useless work?

   "Oh, Zihou, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked as he walked.

"Teacher, Brother Suqing, I think so. Yan Ge is over seventy years old, and he is getting old. The older a person is, the more conservative his thinking will be, and he will be more willing to seek stability and unwilling to take risks, especially when he is an adult. Dangerous; Yan Ge is not like Yan Shifan, young and vigorous, ambitious, daring to take risks, seeking wealth and wealth." Zhu Pingan explained softly.

  Xu Jie\'s heart skipped a beat, "Zi Hou, you mean?"

"I\'m wondering if we can use Yan Song\'s conservative and unwillingness to take risks as an opportunity to dispel the idea of ​​Yan Ge\'s old Layu King going into the water." Zhu Pingan replied softly, "Only King Yu and King Jing Two princes, if the father and son of Yan Ge really dragged His Royal Highness into the water, is it possible for the Holy One to think about the family relationship and the country, and in the end, he only blamed the left and right courtiers instead of His Highness Yu Wang?"

Focusing on Yan Song\'s conservative psychology of seeking stability and daring to take risks, Zhu Ping\'an put forward this idea, which is actually a way of persuading Yan Song, that is: the emperor only has two sons, would he really blame the prince for Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment? ? In the end of this matter, it is very likely that it is only the left and right courtiers who are questioned by the Holy Majesty, not King Yu. So, Yan Song, is it necessary for you to openly enmity with King Yu because of this matter? It also offended a large group of courtiers in vain. Do you have to take this risk?

Then, Zhu Pingan gave two more examples to prove his idea, "During the Spring and Autumn Period, Shang Yang\'s reforms, the crown prince Ying Si once violated the prohibition, according to the decree of the Shang monarch, the crown prince Ying Si should be punished by ink punishment. The final result Although Qin Xiaogong said that the implementation of the rule of law must start with the prince, he still used the excuse that the prince could not be punished by Mo Xing. In the end, Mo Xing punished his master. Also, Cao Cao\'s haircut. These are typical examples."

"So, even if the father and son of Yan Ge hold on to \'or ask the second king\' and pursue it blindly, they will not get any benefits, because in the end, it is likely to be the result of questioning the courtiers. Making enemies of the two kings head-on for no reason, and offending a future emperor. In this way, the gain outweighs the loss." Zhu Pingan concluded.

  Gao Gong couldn\'t help but nodded after hearing this, "Well, it\'s interesting to persuade the old man from this angle."

Xu Jie also nodded, glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, and said approvingly, "It\'s still young people who can turn their heads quickly. Zihou is a good point. However, it can\'t be done today, and now Yan Ge is angry. If you mention it now, The effect is not ideal, and it may add fuel to the flames. Wait until after tonight, when Yan Ge gets a good night\'s sleep, and then he is overwhelmed, before persuading him."

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but nodded when he heard the words. This is indeed the truth, so he cupped his hands and said to Xu Jie, "What the teacher said is true. Ping\'an didn\'t expect this."

  Xu Jie smiled slightly, "Zi Hou, you are already fine."

  (end of this chapter)