Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1016: enlightenment

Chapter 1016 Enlightenment

   "Zihou, Rusu is quick-witted, you have many ideas, but you already have a good strategy?"

Gao Gong\'s eyes lit up immediately, as if a lost traveler saw a glimmer of light in the dark wilderness, a glint of hope rose again on a desperate and anxious face, and he looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, and couldn\'t wait to ask first. road.

  Xu Jie saw that Gao Gong asked first, so he didn\'t speak again, but turned his eyes to Zhu Pingan.

  For a moment, four scorching eyes focused on Zhu Pingan like a spotlight, making Zhu Pingan a little embarrassed.

   "Ahem, there is no good plan for Ping An, but I just have some vague ideas. I want to discuss it with the teacher and brother Su Qing."

  Zhu Pingan scratched his head and replied with a wry smile.

   "It\'s good to have an idea, Zihou tell me quickly, let\'s analyze and analyze together."

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s conservative answer, Gao Gong\'s face was not only not disappointed, but hopeful, and urged Zhu Pingan repeatedly. Really, if Zhu Ping\'an made a big deal and bragged, he still wouldn\'t believe it.

"Hehe, Su Qing is in such a hurry, Zihou, you can speak quickly." Xu Jie smiled slightly, and said to Zhu Ping\'an, he knew Zhu Ping\'an better than Gao Gong, he knew, and generally Zhu Ping\'an said he had ideas When you do, then you really have an idea.

   "Yes." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to Xu Jie.

"Actually, I was enlightened after listening to the analysis of the teacher and brother Su Qing. I was thinking, since we look at this crisis from our perspective, if we want to break the situation, there is no solution, so why not change the angle." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

   "Another angle?"

  Gao Gong was slightly taken aback, as if he had some clues, but flew away in an instant, elusive.

  Xu Jie seemed to be inspired after hearing Zhu Pingan\'s words. He stretched out his hand and stroked his beard. After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up. He looked up at Zhu Pingan, waiting for Zhu Pingan to continue.

"Yes, from a different angle." Zhu Pingan nodded slowly, and did not make any more excuses, and then continued, "Why don\'t you look at this crisis from the perspective of Yan Song and his son? If Yan Song and his son want to catch\' or ask If the two kings attack the Prince Yu\'s mansion on this point, what will they do, and what should they do to achieve their goal?"

   "What should they do to achieve their goals? Knowing the enemy and knowing ourselves is the only way to win a hundred battles. Zihou\'s idea is good."

   Gao Gong\'s eyes lit up when he heard the words. Zhu Ping\'an was right. Since the problem is unsolvable from our point of view, why not look at it from the point of view of Yan Song and his son, knowing the enemy and yourself can win a hundred battles.

  Xu Jie listened to Zhu Ping\'an\'s thinking, couldn\'t help stroking his beard and nodded, looking at Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes, he praised him a lot. As a student, he can always bring him unexpected results.

"Ping\'an is thinking, if I were Yan Song and his son, although the Yan Party has a huge force, it would not be so easy to bring His Royal Highness Yu into the water." Zhu Ping looked up at Xu Jie and Gao Gong, and said softly .

   "Zi Hou, you continue to talk."

   Gao Gong pulled the seat a foot toward Zhu Ping\'an, leaned his body toward Zhu Ping\'an, and said repeatedly.

  Xu Jie also looked at Zhu Pingan with great interest, and encouraged Zhu Pingan with his eyes to continue talking.

   "If Yan Song and his son want to bring His Royal Highness Yu Wang into the water, then there must be a problem that cannot be avoided - that is, it must be proved that Senior Brother Zhong Fang\'s impeachment was instigated by His Royal Highness Yu Wang," Zhu Pingan said softly.

   "Zihou is right." Gao Gong nodded.

"Brother Suqing and I couldn\'t be more clear. His Royal Highness King Yu has never had any contact with Senior Brother Zhongfang, let alone sent people or letters to instigate Senior Brother Zhongfang to impeach Yan Song. How can it be proved? Can it be possible to forge King Yu’s letter as physical evidence?! Even if it is necessary to frame His Highness Yu Wang, it cannot be done by the strict party forces alone, at least it must have the cooperation of Senior Brother Zhong Fang OK." Zhu Pingan continued, "The best way for Yan Song and his son to prove it is for Senior Brother Zhong Fang to admit that he was ordered by His Highness King Yu to impeach Yan Song. However, although Senior Brother Zhong Fang\'s impeachment was somewhat impulsive, But Senior Brother Zhong Fang, an upright minister, originally regarded Yan Song and his son as treacherous ministers, and he could not get rid of them, so how could he cooperate with Yan Song and his son to frame His Royal Highness Yu Wang? Yan Shifan is extremely smart, but Senior Brother Zhong Fang is a fool, even if Yan Shifan uses his own methods There are many ways to lure Senior Brother Zhongfang, but Senior Brother Zhongfang will never be fooled."

  Xu Jie nodded vigorously when he heard the words. He knew Zhu Pingan well, and he knew Yang Jisheng, an earlier disciple, even better. Yang Jisheng worked hard, was upright, and was even more loyal to Daming. How could he cooperate with Yan Song and his son to frame Yu Wang? In addition, although Yang Jisheng has an upright personality and is somewhat paranoid, he is definitely not stupid, otherwise how could he fall into his own eyes and let Yan Shifan be cunning and wise, but if he wants to lure Yang Jisheng into confession, it is absolutely impossible.

  Gao Gong also nodded, deeply agreeing, but after thinking about it, he shook his head, "Although the formal way is not good, but the informal way"

  Gao Gong’s meaning is very clear. Yan Song and his son cannot get Yang Jisheng’s confession that he was ordered by King Yu through formal channels, but if they use informal channels, such as doing something to make a fake confession, it is not impossible.

   It is difficult to point a deer into a horse, but it is definitely not difficult for Yan Song and his son to make a false statement.

"Brother Su Qing said even, this is exactly what I want to say. If Yan Song and his son can\'t get it through formal means, then they will definitely try abnormal means. After Brother Zhong Fang\'s impeachment memorial is submitted to Xiyuan, it is estimated, not estimated. , I am almost sure that the one who waits for senior brother Zhongfang first must be in prison. The previous adults who impeached Yan Song and his son, without exception, were all thrown into prison immediately, not to mention that in the memorabilia of senior brother Zhongfang\'s impeachment of Yan Song In addition to \'or ask the second king\', there are still some words that will make the Holy Majesty unhappy, and the Yan Party will definitely not let them go, so I am afraid that Senior Brother Zhong Fang will inevitably be imprisoned." Zhu Pingan nodded, and then bitterly Open your mouth and say.

  Hey. Zhu Ping\'an still feels a little regretful in his heart, regretting that he failed to persuade Senior Brother Zhongfang in the morning.

  Gao Gong and Xu Jie nodded, agreeing with Zhu Pingan\'s prediction.

"If Senior Brother Zhongfang is thrown into prison, it will fall into the hands of Master Lu Binglu, the Commander of Jinyiwei. First, the Jinyiwei has the responsibility of supervising all officials, and Commander Lu of Jinyiwei has been in charge of Xiyuan since this year. If there is an arrest in Xiyuan, it will first fall on Mr. Lu; secondly, the Fusi Prison in Beijing is under the control of Jinyiwei; Dongchang also bowed his head for it, even if Dongchang arrests, it is Master Lu who decides. So, to a certain extent, the fate of His Royal Highness King Yu and Senior Brother Zhong Fang is in Master Lu\'s hands."

  Zhu Pingan said while looking up at Xu Jie and Gao Gong, "So, if Yan Song and his son want His Royal Highness King Layu to go into the water, they must rely on the power of Lord Lu Binglu, the commander of Jinyiwei."


  Mose suddenly opened up!

  Gao Gong opened his eyes wide suddenly, as if a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, splitting the dark night.

Although Xu Jie had vaguely guessed it when Zhu Pingan reminded him from another angle, but when he heard Zhu Pingan say it himself, he couldn\'t help nodding his head again and again, and looked at Zhu Pingan with admiration. There are too many surprises.

  (end of this chapter)