Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1014: dumbfounded high arch

Chapter 1014 Dumbfounded High Arch

  Gao Gong actually thought Xu Jie ordered it? !

After listening to Gao Gong\'s analysis, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but twitch the muscles on his face. He really wanted to tell Gao Gong that you were thinking too much. It really wasn\'t Master Xu\'s instigation. At this time, Master Xu is probably worse than you Confused.

   "Time doesn\'t wait for me, Zihou, hurry up and clean up." Gao Gong couldn\'t help urging Zhu Pingan when he saw Zhu Ping\'an standing there in a daze.


  Zhu Ping\'an responded, quickly washed his hands and face, tidied his clothes, and followed Gao Gong out the door.

   "Brother Suqing, should we report to His Royal Highness King Yu first?" After walking out the door, Zhu Ping\'an asked, after all, it was working hours, and he left the work unit to visit Master Xu, so he had to tell the boss.

   "Just now I have reported to His Highness, His Highness is very anxious now, just waiting for us to bring back news from the Xu Mansion." Gao Gong replied while walking.

   Out of the need for concealment, Gao Gong and Zhu Pingan did not take the public sedan chair of Prince Yu\'s Mansion, but directly rode horses and took a small path to Xu Mansion. Gao Gong found out clearly that Xu Jie, like Yan Song, also enjoyed the holiday privileges specially approved by the Holy Majesty and rested at the mansion today.

  Gao Gong was very impatient, kicking the horse\'s belly from time to time along the way, speeding up with the whip, Zhu Pingan hurried forward before reluctantly biting Gao Gong\'s back.

   Gao Gong arrived at Xu\'s mansion, took out the door stickers and negotiated with the concierge. When Zhu Ping got off his horse, Gao Gong had already negotiated. Zhu Pingan handed over the horse to the gatekeeper, followed Gao Gong into Xu\'s mansion quickly, and went to visit Xu Jie in the study.

   "Brother Xu."

   "Meet the teacher."

  After Gao Gong and Zhu Pingan entered the study, they stepped forward at the same time to salute Xu Jie.

"Suqing, Zihou, what are you doing with me with these vain rituals, stop standing, take a seat, have a sip of tea, take a breather, look at you sweating profusely." Xu Jie shook his head with a smile , reaching out to ask Gao Gong and Zhu Pingan to take their seats, and picked up the teapot to pour tea for them.

   "Teacher, I\'ll be fine." Zhu Pingan stepped forward to pick up the teapot in Xu Jie\'s hand.

   "Why, my old man can\'t even lift the teapot." Xu Jie joked with Zhu Pingan with a smile, and handed the teapot to Zhu Pingan.

   "The man has forty-one flowers, and the teacher is in his prime, and he can\'t be related to the old man." Zhu Pingan took the teapot and replied with a smile.

   "Your boy still has forty-one flowers, and tomorrow\'s yellow flowers are almost the same."

  Xu Jie couldn\'t help but shook his head with a smile when he heard the words. He is forty-nine this year, and will be over fifty years old next year.

  Zhu Ping\'an chuckled, holding the teapot, first poured a cup of tea for Gao Gong, then filled up Xu Jie\'s teacup, and finally poured himself a cup of tea.

  Gao Gong was watching Zhu Pingan and Xu Jie laughing, and couldn\'t help but look at Zhu Pingan again. He didn\'t expect Zhu Pingan and Xu Jie to be so close. Yang Jisheng, Zhang Juzheng, Zhao Zhenji and others are well-known Xu Jie\'s favorite students. I have seen them all in Xu\'s residence, but they don\'t seem to be as close and acquainted as Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Suqing, Zihou, what brought you here today?" After exchanging pleasantries, Xu Jie asked.

  Zhu Ping\'an remained silent, turned his head to look at Gao Gong, which meant that Gao Gong was the main focus of this visit.

   "Brother Xu, we are here today for Yang Zhongfang\'s impeachment memorial." Gao Gong said bluntly.

   "Oh?" Xu Jie put down his teacup, as if listening attentively.

  You can really hold your breath. Seeing this, Gao Gong couldn\'t help admiring Xu Jie\'s energy-raising skills, and of course he complained in his heart. It\'s this time, what are you pretending to do, what on earth do you want to do, please show your way.

   Forget it, forget it, if you pretend, then I\'ll fix it.

Gao Gong looked up at Xu Jie, and said solemnly, "Brother Xu, Yang Zhongfang is your student. You ordered Yang Zhongfang to impeach Yan Song, right? Brother Xu is going to have a showdown with the Yan Party? I know that Brother Xu has always done things. It\'s a careful plan, making a decision before making a move. This year, brother Xu even did not hesitate to be strict. This time, he must have caught Yan Song\'s handle and is sure to win. It\'s just that brother Xu, apart from the weak foundation of our Prince Yu\'s mansion, Now we can’t stand the disaster. No matter what Brother Xu’s plan is, but if it involves our Prince Yu’s Mansion, please make it clear, Brother Xu, firstly, our Prince Yu’s Mansion can support and cooperate. The seedlings of the fish in the pond."

"Ahem." After hearing Gao Gong\'s words, Xu Jie couldn\'t help coughing, shook his head with a wry smile, took out a brand-new copy of the melodies from his cuff and put it on the table, and sincerely addressed Gao Gong. Gong said, "To be honest, Brother Suqing, I only heard about Zhongfang\'s impeachment of Mr. Yan Ge at noon today. I didn\'t know about it before. I saw this impeachment memorial for the first time at noon today. I ordered it, so the content of this memorial will definitely not be what it is today. I don’t know, how can I have any plans to follow up?"


   Gao Gong was completely messed up when he heard the words, dumbfounded, couldn\'t help but let out a cry of surprise, and got up from the seat. He was very familiar with Xu Jie and knew Xu Jie\'s character. It was impossible to lie at this time, and he had been observing Xu Jie\'s expression just now. What Xu Jie said was very sincere and he did not lie.

"how so."

   After Gao Gong stood up, he was dumbfounded and muttered to himself.

  Xu Jie didn\'t even know about it! what should I do now? !

Gao Gong has always believed that Xu Jie ordered Yang Jisheng to impeach Yan Song. He always thought that Xu Jie was going to fight the Yan Party. He knew Xu Jie\'s ability and character. Since Xu Jie dared to showdown with the Yan Party, he must have a careful plan. and following. Although King Yu was involved in the memorial, I believe that since Xu Jie dared to mention King Yu in the memorial, he must have a follow-up and plan to keep King Yu out of the matter.

  As for why Gao Gong believed so much that Xu Jie would keep King Yu out of the matter, it had something to do with what happened the year before last.

  At that time, Emperor Jiajing didn\'t know why, so he called Yan Song and Xu Jie to his side, and asked them, who can inherit the throne from King Yu or King Jing. Yan Song is an old politician. He knew that the water in this pool was too deep. After hearing Emperor Jiajing\'s question, he hurriedly said, "My lord, you see, I am serving you all day, busy with government affairs, and taking care of everything. I have never thought about it. , The old minister doesn\'t know anything about the two His Highnesses, and doesn\'t know who is more suitable. However, Xu Jie didn\'t know what he was thinking at the time, maybe he was distracted, maybe he didn\'t think so much, or maybe he wanted to be different from Yan Song. Anyway, after Yan Song finished speaking, Xu Jie replied: "Being Li Yu in order His Royal Highness!

  Emperor Jiajing didn\'t say anything at the time.

   After Xu Jie returned, he didn\'t take it seriously, and returned to Xu\'s mansion from Xiyuan as if nothing had happened. After returning home, some colleagues came after him in a hurry, wondering, Brother Xu, did you drink too much today? Wang Dength, do you still have a life? At this time, Xu Jie only realized it later, and broke out in a cold sweat.

  After King Yu heard the news, he sent Gao Gong to the Xu Mansion to express his gratitude to Xu Jie for his support, saying that when King Yu ascended the throne in the future, he would not forget Xu Jie.

  So, after this incident, whether Xu Jie is willing or not, Xu Jie is tied to Yu Wangfu.

  That\'s why Gao Gong believed in Xu Jie so much.

  (end of this chapter)