Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1013: high arch panic

Chapter 1013 Gao Gong\'s Panic

  Things developed very quickly, and before Zhu Pingan could react, the storm had already swept over his head and face.

   "Boom boom boom"

  The smell of steamed stuffed buns in the room hadn\'t dissipated yet, when Zhu Ping\'an heard a rush of footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door.

   "Which one?"

   While shouting, Zhu Pingan quickly rolled up the rice paper used for analysis on the table and threw it into the wastebasket.

At this time, if you burn it in the stove, it will be too late, and it will be self-defeating. In such a short time, the burnt smell will not go away. People who come can smell the burnt smell in the room. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will notice it instead. . It\'s better to throw it into the wastebasket first, and then throw it into the stove and burn it after people leave.

   "Zihou, it\'s me."

  A high-arching sound came from outside the room.

"So it\'s Brother Suqing, wait a minute, I\'ll be here soon." Zhu Pingan loosened his belt, pulled his hair, rubbed his eyes, and walked towards the door unsteadily, making a look that he just took a lunch break. The appearance of waking up.

  Zhu Ping\'an opened the door, and the first thing Gao Gong said when he saw Zhu Ping\'an was, "Zi Hou, something serious happened."

  What happened?

  Zhu Pingan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Gao Gong. Gao Gong was pale, panting, and extremely serious.

  Zhu Ping\'an subconsciously thought of Yang Jisheng\'s attack.

"Zi Hou, you are taking a lunch break. Wash your face and wake up. Something big happened. Yang Zhongfang impeached Yan Song in a letter at noon. The bullet has been submitted to Xiyuan, and the transcript has been leaked to the outside world. " Sure enough, Gao Gong\'s next words verified Zhu Pingan\'s guess.

   "Yang Jisheng impeached that old man?" Zhu Pingan said with a surprised look on his face.

  Of course, Zhu Ping’an was also a little surprised. According to historical records, Senior Brother Yang should have fasted for three days before impeaching Yan Song. Today should be the third day. It is said that Senior Brother Yang will impeach Yan Song tomorrow. Could it be related to my visit this morning?

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s guess is close to ten. The reason why Yang Jisheng impeached Yan Song earlier than in history is indeed related to Zhu Ping\'s visit in the morning. Yang Jisheng thought that since Zhu Pingan could guess through clues that he was going to impeach Yan Song, it would not rule out that other people could also guess. Yang Jisheng believed that Zhu Ping\'an would not leak the news, but others could not guarantee it. If the news leaked out and Yan Bandit found out, the consequences would be serious. After thinking of this, in order to prevent the news from leaking, Yang Jisheng handed over the memorial to the Secretary of General Administration to impeach Yan Song without stopping for a moment.

   "It\'s absolutely true, it\'s been spread outside, and the transcripts have been leaked, so there can still be fakes." Gao Gong waved the transcript in his hand, and replied impatiently and seriously.

   "Yang Jisheng impeached that old man, why is Brother Suqing so nervous? He also said something big happened?"

  Zhu Ping\'an asked pretending to be puzzled.

  This is also the reaction that a normal person who doesn\'t know the inside story should have. Zhang San impeached Li Si, why are you so nervous.

   "Zi Hou, wash your face quickly, wake up, and then follow me to see your master Xu Ge."

   Gao Gong was very anxious, and urged him repeatedly.


  Zhu Ping\'an made a face full of question marks.

"Zihou! If it was just an ordinary memorial, how could I be like this? The key is that Yang Zhongfang\'s impeachment of Yan Song appeared in the memorial "May your majesty listen to the words of his ministers, check Song\'s treachery, or call and ask the two kings Yu and Jing" One word. This word is not a trivial matter. If you give someone a handle, if you are caught, His Royal Highness King Yu will be implicated. Among the two kings, King Jing has always been friendly with the strict party, only King Yu His Royal Highness has a bad relationship with the Yan Party, and it is easy to be understood as Yan Song who was ordered by King Yu to impeach Yang Zhongfang. This is not the most terrible thing. Now I am most afraid that this sentence will be further misinterpreted and used by those who want to slander His Royal Highness King Yu by attacking Yan Songzhi If this word reaches the ears of the sage, His Royal Highness King Yu will be in danger. Why I am so nervous, Zihou, you understand now."

  Gao Gong looked at Zhu Ping\'an, and said urgently, his face was very pale, and there was no blood on his face.

  Actually, Gao Gong\'s complexion now is much better than when he first heard the news. God knows how frightened and panic-stricken Gao Gong was when he saw the words "maybe ask the two kings" in the manuscript, and his guts were almost terrified by this sentence.

   "There are such words in the memorial?"

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s expression is in place, expressing his surprise and disbelief to the fullest.

   "It\'s absolutely true." Gao Gong nodded.


  Zhu Pingan took a deep breath at the right time, and also panicked, "If there are such words in the memorial, then His Highness is indeed in danger."

"Yes. The strict party is deeply rooted in the court. They have been at odds with His Royal Highness King Yu, otherwise they would not have withheld His Royal Highness\'s gifts for so many years. Zihou, have you forgotten that last time you and Xuanfu Xiang When Yan Shifan bribed and asked for the annual gift, Yan Shifan tested you and Xuanfu. He said that he heard that His Royal Highness Yu Wang was dissatisfied with their father and son. It can be seen. I think they will definitely not miss this opportunity."

   Gao Gong nodded worriedly, very worried that Yan Song and his gang would use the memorandum to attack King Yu. The power of the Yan Party and his gang is not something that the current King Yu\'s Qiandi can resist at all. Otherwise, King Yu\'s year gift would not have been withheld by Yan Shifan for so long, and he would have to rely on gifts to get it back.

   "The storm is coming, it\'s just...why are we going to visit Master Xu?" Zhu Pingan sighed, and then asked suspiciously.

"Zihou, do you really or falsely don\'t know? Yang Zhongfang and you are from the same school, and both are students of Mr. Xu Ge. I suspect that Yang Zhongfang\'s impeachment of Yan Song came from Mr. Xu Ge. Mr. Xu Ge Is it about to break with the strict party? I know that Mr. Xu Ge is a cautious person. Since he dared to have a showdown with the strict party, he must have comprehensive consideration and careful planning. Before, Mr. Xu Ge did not support us , may be out of confidentiality considerations. But no matter what, the phrase "or ask the second king" appeared in Yang Zhongfang\'s memorial, which has undeniably involved us. Come on, draw a path for us, let us prepare early, so that we can coordinate and cooperate, and also prevent us from suffering for no reason. Now that the memorial has been submitted to Xiyuan, there is no need to worry about keeping it secret. , let\'s visit Elder Xu Ge and ask him what he means." Gao Gong said urgently.

  (end of this chapter)