Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1009: Confidential

Chapter 1009 Confidential

"His Royal Highness, the so-called shooting the sky with blood refers to the allusion of Emperor Wu Yi of the Shang Dynasty, which comes from Sima Gong\'s "Historical Records of Yin Benji". At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Wu Yi was tyrannical and arrogant. In order to show off his authority, the arrogant Wu Yi made gods out of wood and clay and fought with them. In addition, he also came up with a game called "shooting the sky", in which people filled a bag of blood with leather bags and hung them on On the high place, I shot arrows into the leather bag at the bottom, causing blood to splatter everywhere, and the stench was incomparable, but Shang Emperor Wu Yi laughed wildly, showing off to the left and right, saying: Today, "God" was shot through a hole by Lao Tzu. Therefore, being Later generations call it Nangxueshe...Ah Choo...God."

When Zhou Fangzheng disclosed to Yan Song and his son that Zhu Ping\'an visited Yang Jisheng in the morning, Zhu Ping\'an was studying with King Yu in the study of King Yu. Work. When he was studying, King Yu felt unfamiliar with the word "blood shot into the sky" in the book, so he asked Zhu Pingan. When the interpretation was about to finish, for some reason, he sneezed for no apparent reason. Fortunately, Zhu Ping\'an felt something, and promptly lowered his head and covered it with his hands, which did not affect King Yu.

   "My minister lost his composure, please punish him." Zhu Pingan rubbed his nose, and bowed his hands in embarrassment to plead guilty to King Yu.

"Hehe, it\'s just a sneeze. Zi Hou said something serious, but Gu is not as violent as Wu Yi. Zi Hou didn\'t have a good rest last night, or slept too much for the cold, and his body caught a cold? Zihou, you should pay more attention Your body is inseparable from you." King Yu shook his head with a smile, he didn\'t care about it, and cared about Zhu Ping\'an\'s body.

   "Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to thank him, and said with a slight smile, "My minister is in good health. Your Highness, let\'s continue reading."


   King Yu nodded, and the two continued to read.

  In Yan Mansion.

  Although Zhou Fangzheng had spoken for a while and Yan Song had changed into another set of clothes, the shock caused by Zhou Fangzheng\'s words was still fermenting in the study room, from a violent storm to a monstrous tsunami.

   "Zhu Pingan?"

  Zhao Wenhua was stunned in place with a complicated expression on his face.

   "You said that Zhu Ping\'an had already reminded Yang Jisheng of these two fatal omissions, and suggested that Yang Jisheng delete them?!"

The fat one-eyed man approached Zhou Fangzheng like a black bear whose honey had been stolen, stretched out his paw-like paws, grabbed Zhou Fangzheng by the collar, squinted his one-eyed and asked aggressively, the saliva spattering in his mouth It sprayed into Zhou Fangzheng\'s mouth.

  Yan Shifan was too imposing, many times stronger than Zhao Wenhua. Zhou Fangzheng was grabbed by the collar by Yan Shifan, and he was frightened. His brain went blank, and he opened his mouth again and again, but he couldn\'t utter a word.


  Yan Shifan exerted force again, pulling Zhou Fangzheng closer, and opened his mouth impatiently to curse.

"Yes Yes."

  Zhou Fangzheng nodded in shock.

"Ahem... Donglou! How do you speak? Be polite to Mr. Zhou." Yan Song glared at Yan Shifan, and then said to Zhou Fangzheng in a pleasant manner, "Hehe, Mr. Zhou, don\'t worry about him, just say what you want. Today, You are already in favor of the old man by warning the old man, and the old man will not treat you badly."

"Hehe, don\'t I care about chaos? Hehe, I\'m sorry, I offended Mr. Zhou." Hearing this, Yan Shifan squeezed out a smile on his fat face, let go of Zhou Fangzheng\'s collar, and thoughtfully helped him. Zhou Fangzheng tidied up his clothes.

"Thank you Mr. Ge. Master Yan, you are serious. Filial piety is the first priority in everything. Mr. Yan cares about Mr. Ge deeply. How can the lower officials not know. Whoever says that the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three springs, Mr. Yan\'s filial piety can move the world, Be a model for lower officials to follow." Zhou Fangzheng hurriedly bowed in gratitude, and replied in a very witty manner, as if flattering Yan Shifan didn\'t cost money, he kept pouring out.

   "Hehe, as long as Mr. Zhou understands." Yan Shifan twitched his lips.

   "Master Zhou, please repeat what you just said in detail." Zhao Wenhua said slowly.

"Yes, it happened this morning. The curfew had just ended. I was at Yang Ni\'s home, having breakfast with him and studying the memorial to impeach the old man. At this time, Zhu Ping\'an came to visit. Yes, I kept an eye out for it at the time. I informed Yang Ni in advance and quickly hid in the back room. Zhu Pingan was wearing a suit at the time..."

   After calming down, Zhou Fangzheng narrated everything that happened in the morning, including the clothes Zhu Pingan wore, what he said, etc., in detail.

"At that time, when Zhu Pingan found a loophole in the memorabilia and proposed to Yang Ni to delete it, I heard it in the back room. I was worried about Mr. Ge and accidentally knocked over the cup. Fortunately, Yang Ni\'s youngest son was clever and said that he He was thirsty and poured a cup of tea, but he didn\'t expect the tea to be too hot, causing him to accidentally knock over the cup and cover up the matter..."

   Zhou Fangzheng has a good memory, and he almost copied the description of the scene at that time and told the whole story.

   "How did Zhu Ping\'an remind Yang Jisheng?" Yan Shifan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Zhu Ping\'an reminded Yang Ni to delete the two loopholes for almost the same reasons as Mr. Yan said just now. First, Zhu Pingan said that Yang Ni\'s memorandum implied that the Holy Majesty was protecting the old man, and that the Holy Majesty saw the memorandum. Afterwards, I\'m afraid I won\'t like it... The second point "or ask the two kings" is the point that Zhu Ping\'an reminded Yang Ni. Zhu Ping\'an said two reasons, which are almost exactly the same as what Lord Yan said just now. He said ..."

  Zhou Fangzheng explained all the reasons why Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Jisheng to delete the loopholes in the memorial.

   "Hiss... Interesting, Zhu Ping\'an is a smart man, hehe, he is also a big fool..."

  After listening to Zhou Fangzheng\'s report, Yan Shifan closed his only one eye, stretched out his bear-like paw and rubbed the back of his head vigorously, looking tired, and then smiled and mocked.

   "That is, that is, he, Zhu Pingan, is ignorant of current affairs, and even colluded with Yang Ni, and he doesn\'t know how to live or die. He is an idiot."

  Zhou Fangzheng echoed with a bow.

  Yan Shifan turned his head to look at him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and showed a strange smile.

  Zhou Fangzheng lowered his head and dared not speak any more.


  Yan Song sat there with a very gloomy face, his bony palms were caressing the table, and his vicissitudes of life fingers tapped lightly on the table. This was Yan Song\'s habitual action when he was seriously thinking about problems.

  The study room was eerily quiet, only the sound of Yan Song knocking on the table.

  (end of this chapter)