Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 1

The focus of the Wang family is still in the south of country a.

The king of northern xienan is still the legend of a country.

In recent years, although few people have mentioned the Xie family and the Wang family, people familiar with the matter know that they are two big families.

After the southern families were reorganized by Wang Shao and Wang Qianjin, everything is in order now.

Today's Wang family is headed by Wang Qianjin. It's said that Wang Qianjin married a wife and had her own children.

But over the years, the Wang family has kept a low profile. No one knows what Wang Qianjin, his wife and his children are called and what they look like.

Wang Qianjin never announced them in public.

Of course, he never showed up in public again.

But legend is still legend.

Some people at the top, when they get together, will also talk about the past.

Life goes on.


"Ding Lingling..."

"Ding Lingling..."

When Wang Qiancha heard the alarm clock ring, she got confused and turned it off for another five minutes.

She was so sleepy.

My head is all in a daze.

She covered her head with the quilt, as if she could isolate the outside sound.

But at half past six, the door was opened.

Aunt Wang, the maid of the Wang family, came to the bedside and said softly, "Miss, it's time to get up, or you'll be late for school."

Aunt Wang has already cooked the meal, waiting for Wang Qiancha to wake up.

Wang's family is an ancient and powerful family which has been handed down for thousands of years.

There are also Wang's family servants, who serve the young men of the Wang's family.

It's like a housekeeper.

Aunt Wang was sent to take care of Wang Qiancha.

This is Miss Qian Jin of the Wang family. She is rich in gold, but in the education concept of the master of the family, she wants to raise young masters and young ladies.

This is not the case. Miss is so beautiful, but she has to live in the old house in the old community outside the school. She can only go home once a month.

Wang Qiancha listened to Aunt Wang's voice, lifted the quilt and sat up, "Aunt Wang!"

Looking at Wang Qiancha, Aunt Wang couldn't help laughing lovingly. "Get up, miss, and have breakfast first."

Her young lady is very soft and cute. She speaks softly and is very likable.

Wang Qiancha nodded and got up to wash.

When washing, Wang Qiancha looks at her face in the mirror. Suddenly, her face changes, as if she saw a face in ancient costume.

It suddenly occurred to her that she had a strange dream last night.

There is another person in the dream, who seems to be very important.

But she couldn't remember for a moment.

Because I have been dreaming for a long time and my head is still heavy.

Wang Qiancha didn't think much. After breakfast, he went downstairs with his schoolbag on his back.

This is an old community, the stairs are dark.

Wang Qiancha went downstairs and looked back at the house. She sighed.

"I don't know what my parents think!"

This community doesn't even have the size of a straw shed in her house.

Her parents really rest assured that she lives here, and they call it cultivating her independence and various abilities. Only when she grows up can she better exercise herself.

Anyway, Wang Qiancha can't refute a lot of reasons.

Because her two brothers and sisters also have to receive such education.

Her brother is obviously a young master. During the University, he has to work and study to earn his own tuition.

At least, her mother will still give her living expenses, and also sent Aunt Wang to take care of her daily life, so as not to starve to death.

Wang Qiancha almost entered the classroom at this point. It was originally self-study time, but the classroom was noisy, and some students didn't come to class.

Wang Qiancha naturally found a seat in the back row.

As soon as Xia Xiling saw Wang Qiancha coming, her eyes brightened and she said, "Qiancha ~"

her voice was coquettish.

Wang Qiancha handed his breakfast to him and said, "eat it!"

"Light tea, I know how are you. To tell you the truth, the breakfast made by your family is delicious."

Xia Xiling can't even buy the taste.

Xia Xiling looked at Wang Qiancha and said, "I think you are very beautiful. You are much more beautiful than the school flowers. Why do you have to cover your forehead with such thick hair, almost covering your eyes?"

"Your eyes are really beautiful. They can discharge electricity. I can't bear to look at people."

Wang Qiancha smoked from the corner of her mouth. It was because her eyes looked like her father's, like a demon, and looked like a hook. That's why she wanted to do it.To save trouble.

Otherwise, she didn't have to transfer some time ago.

She used to go to school in Ning'an city in the north.

However, because of some troubles caused by this face, she beat people black and blue. There was no way. Her parents transferred her here.

Tell her clearly, let her be a good student, can't fight.

Otherwise, all her living expenses will be deducted, and she will be replaced by a more dilapidated community, and Aunt Wang will not be able to take care of her life beside her.

That's a threat.

So she had to be obedient.

Moreover, in order to keep a low profile, Wang Qiancha kept a medium level of study and spent his days in class 9.

After a day's work, Wang Qiancha has to be on duty after school in the afternoon. He can only go back to school if he does well in the classroom.

After school, Wang Qiancha chose a nearby road in order to go back early.

But I heard the sound of chaos, some noisy.

She looked forward and found that five or six gangsters surrounded a teenager, threatening something.

Next to the ground dropped a bag, bag books are scattered on the ground.

When the wind blows, the pages roll up and turn.

The young man was pressed on the wall. He was very tall, against the light, with his head down. People couldn't see clearly.

One of the hoodlums with green hair hit the boy on the shoulder with a fist, "said, hand over the money, otherwise, you know the end!"

"I have no money for you!"

The voice of the youth is a little deep and hoarse.

Wang Qiancha listened not far away, but felt very pleasant, and somehow, there was a sense of familiarity.

The familiar makes her heart tremble.

A lot of light and shadow flashed through my mind.

"Give me a call and teach him a lesson!"


The sound of fists and kicks burst out.

Wang Qiancha involuntarily rolled up her sleeves and was ready to go up to dry.

But as if she thought of something, she picked up her cell phone and put out the sound of a siren.

The gangsters were also afraid when they heard the voice, "the police are coming, run, run first..."

"I'll take care of you next time."

After the gangsters ran away.

The boy stood up from the ground. He didn't care to clean himself up. He went to his schoolbag, picked it up carefully and began to pick up the books on the ground.


The new fanwai story begins. It's a sweet and favorite healing story.